'They're my close friends!' Colin Hanks on why he hopes Eagles Of Death Metal documentary will help band move on from Paris terrorist attack

Colin Hanks made the documentary 'Eagles of Death Metal: Nos Amis (Our Friends)' to help the band cope.

The new HBO film follows the group's journey back to Paris to perform for the first time since their 2015 concert that became the site of a terror attack that killed nearly 90 people.

Director Colin Hanks said he wanted to make the documentary so that his friends could finally move on from the tragedy. 

Friend indeed: Colin Hanks said he wanted to make the documentary 'Eagles Of Death Metal: Nos Ami (Our Friends) to help the band move on from the tragedy of the 2015 Parisian terror attacks that happened at one of the band's converts

Friend indeed: Colin Hanks said he wanted to make the documentary 'Eagles Of Death Metal: Nos Ami (Our Friends) to help the band move on from the tragedy of the 2015 Parisian terror attacks that happened at one of the band's converts

He told Entertainment Tonight: 'I've known these guys in the band for a long time. They're my close friends.'

'When they were going back to Paris to finish their concert and resume their tour, I thought it would be an interesting opportunity to show something positive and to show people collectively coming together and moving on with their lives. 

He continued: 'From that initial idea sprung this movie that really sort of transcends the subject matter and is really a story about friendship and people who care about each other and the lengths that people will go to, to help their friends.

'And, selfishly, it's also an excuse for me to be able to help my friends move on with their lives so they don't have to speak about this publicly again.' 

Helping out: The actor and filmmaker says Eagles Of Death Metal are 'close friends' and he wanted the film to reflect all the triumphs and hardships of the band's time since the 2015 tragedy

Helping out: The actor and filmmaker says Eagles Of Death Metal are 'close friends' and he wanted the film to reflect all the triumphs and hardships of the band's time since the 2015 tragedy

Eagles Of Death Metal frontman Josh Homme tried to talk Colin out of making the movie at first but is happy his friend went ahead with it.

He said: 'Because I like him. I told him, you don't have to be part of this. Stay away. And he chose not to, which I think is an extremely kind and noble and giving thing to do for your friends.

'I trust Colin and I love Colin, and I hope that you like it. ... [The terrorists] may have started the sentence, but the punctuation needs to be something more and something beautiful, and that's what's important.'

Eagles Of Death Metal: Nos Ami (Our Friends) is set to premiere on HBO in the US on February 13. 


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