British bride BURIED under debris when roof collapses

Sarah and John Wenham (together top right) had saved for years for 'the wedding of their dreams' in Cuba, costing more than £25,000 for themselves and 24 guests. But they were left fearing for their lives when the lobby roof at Sol Rio De Luna y Mares Hotel in Cuba suddenly buckled and collapsed (main), trapping them underneath and injuring many members of the wedding party including Ruth Ricketts, who required 19 stitches to her head (bottom right). The bride also needed to be stitched up when she suffered a nasty cut above her right eye (left). Sarah said: 'I saw the blood start to gush from my head and I genuinely thought in that moment that I was going to die.' In the aftermath, John desperately scrambled around the lobby to find his wife, and had to get two people to lift the rubble off her body so that he could drag her to safety.

The Islamic State put curfews in place in three residential areas in Tal Afar after the man was found dead, and ten people were arrested as they searched for the alleged assassin

Judging by the pictures, it is quite clear the bird of prey is not too pleased with its unwanted guest crashing down onto it over and over again in Tamilnadu, which is in Southern India.

Vladimir Kara-Murza Jr., a journalist and a close associate of the murdered opposition leader Boris Nemtsov, was taken to a Moscow hospital last week with a sudden illness.

The woman, who has not been publicly named, grabbed the shark pup from the sea as she walked along the beach in the Fernando de Noronha archipelago, off the coast of Brazil.

The two men, aged 23 and 34, are said to have molested the group of girls by touching them sexually under the water at a pool in the northern German state of Schleswig-Holstein.

Jan-Hendrick Hanekom was driving a group of students through Namibia's Erindi Private Game Reserve during an Eco Training course when he came across the giant frog.

Brazilian teen with shrunken head signs with model agency

A Brazilian teen born with microcephaly has become the first person in the world with the condition to be signed-up by a modelling agency. Ana Victoria Lago, 17, (pictured left and centre during a photoshoot, top right as a toddler and bottom right with her mother Viviane as a child) from Manaus, Brazil, has a smaller than normal head and an under-developed brain because of a genetic abnormality. She was snapped up by BM Model's Agency based in the city on Saturday and hopes to make history by debuting on the runway at the Rio de Janeiro Fashion Week in June. Although Ana's condition has not been caused by the Zika virus, her family hope she will be an inspiration to those affected by the disease which has ravaged Brazil.

Inside Joseph Stalin's lakeside summer home on Abkhazia

Built in 1947, the holiday home or 'dacha' as it's known in Russian was home to former Soviet Union leader Joseph Stalin and his family during the warm summer months. Hidden deep in a forest off of Lake Ritsa in Abkhazia an autonomous region of Georgia - the modest property is almost invisible. Photographer Ioanna Sakellaraki, 26, took the images during her travels around the little known region of Abkhazia. A living testament to Stalin and his renowned paranoia the dacha is surrounded by thick trees and is painted green to make it pretty much invisible from the air. Known for his simple taste Stalin's holiday home is designed in a modest fashion despite it boasting a library and games room equipped with a billiards table.

The bizarre footage shows Russian Rinat Iskakov, 32, filming himself as he smashes the window of the specially adapted 4.4 D model, bought eight months ago, in the snow outside his home.

Bare-breasted demonstrators have taken to the streets of Argentina in protest over a recent incident in which police expelled topless women sunbathers from a beach under threat of arrest.

Even though Le Pen looks certain to reach the head-to-head second round, all opinion polls show she will be soundly beaten by whoever she faces, with Emmanuel Macron currently in pole position.

Malawi's High Court has given the go ahead for Madonna to adopt twin girls, bringing the total of children from the impoverished African country she has taken in to four.

Yanis, aged five, was allegedly made to run 'several kilometres' in his underwear in the middle of the night as punishment. He was discovered by a canal near his home in northern France.

Emerging nations will outstrip the world's most powerful economies over the next 30 years according to PricewaterhouseCooper, in a major new study released today.

Photographer captures one image a day in Antarctica

An intrepid photographer has created an incredible picture project documenting his year in Antarctica. Michal Krzysztofowicz, Data Manager for the British Antarctic Survey based at the Halley Research Station was posted to the continent in December 2015 and is due to stay until March 2017, and challenged himself to take a picture a day for the whole year. The result is Antarctica366 (it was a leap year), an amazing picture collection showcasing jaw-dropping photographs of life at the southernmost continent where temperatures can drop to -56øC.

Zebra swallowed whole by a crocodile in Kenya

The huge predator devours its prey and its monstrous body swells as it digests its sizeable lunch in the Maasai Mara National Reserve in Kenya. The crocodile has to fight away another beast who tries to get in on its food, but it shares nothing and is pictured floating in the water with the Zebra's head coming from its powerful jaws. Photographer Subramanian Sridharan captured the snaps and said he had to accept nature taking its course.

A survey carried out by a London-based think-tank found that 55 per cent of Europeans across 10 countries favour a ban on migration from Muslim countries.

Ayatollah Ali Khamenei dismissed Donald Trump's warning to Iran to stop its missile tests, saying the new US President had shown the 'real face' of American corruption and promised a reaction.

Mayor of Ankara Melih Gokcek accused the exiled Muslim cleric Fethullah Gulen of using a 'seismic machine' after two minor earthquakes struck off the Turkish coast causing minor damage.