Baewatch! Is Pamela Anderson DATING Julian Assange? TV star raises eyebrows by visiting  the Wikileaks founder five times in four months in his London embassy bolthole

  • Pamela Anderson is allegedly dating hacker Julian Assange
  • The two met in 2014 when Anderson tried to get Assange to back her foundation
  • She has visited him at the Ecuadorean Embassy five times in four months
  • She has reportedly dressed 'sexier' the past few times she has seen him 

Pamela Anderson visits the Ecuadorian Embassy to visit Julian Assange on January 21

Pamela Anderson has visited Julian Assange at the Ecuadorean Embassy in London five times in the past four months - sparking rumors they are in a relationship.

The Baywatch actress and model is said to be dating the Wikileaks founder while he is stuck inside.

A political activist told Page Six: 'She seems to be wearing sexier outfits every time she visits.'

Assange, 44, is wanted for questioning in Sweden over a rape allegation from 2010, and has avoided extradition by living in the embassy since June 2012. 

He has been camping out at the Ecuadorean Embassy for five years. 

Anderson was first spotted at Assange's residence in September of 2014. The meeting was set up for Anderson to try to persuade Assange to back her new foundation, which supports women who are victims of sexual abuse.

Most recently she was seen at Assange's residence on January 21, a little over a month from the last time she saw him. 

Anderson was seen bringing her rumored beau dinner in December a few weeks before the holidays. She walked into the Ecuadorean Embassy with a bag full of Whole Foods groceries. 

Anderson was seen visiting Assange on December 7 and December 12.  

On November 13, Anderson was spotted bringing a tray of goodies into the Embassy as well.

Anderson visited Assange at the Ecuadorean Embassy in October (left), November (left of center), and twice in December (right two photos)

Assange, 44, is wanted for questioning in Sweden over a rape allegation from 2010

Less than a month before that on October 15, she saw him again. This time, she brought him food from Pret A Manger. For a while, bizarre rumors swirled that Anderson had poisoned Assange.

Though it might seem like the actress and the hacker may not have much in common, they share a mutual appreciation for Russia.

In December, 49-year-old Anderson said she would love to become a Russian citizen.

Russia Beyond the Headlines reports Anderson said: 'I have a Canadian passport and an American passport. I would gladly have a Russian passport. It would be easier to get here.'

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