'They were drinking wine and she kissed him back': Man says his wife cheated with his 19-year-old BROTHER and asks the internet if he should forgive her

  • A man revealed on Reddit that his wife cheated on him with his younger brother
  • His wife, 31, confessed to kissing his 19-year-old brother after drinking wine
  • The man said she was genuinely apologetic when she told him the truth
  • But he wasn't sure if he should forgive her, asking stranger for advice
  • Some people said to forgive her but others were convinced he shouldn't

A man has turned to the Internet for advice after his wife confessed that she cheated on him with his younger brother. 

The 31-year-old, who is a pilot, revealed on Reddit that his wife, also 31, had confessed to kissing his brother—who is only 19.  

The man had his brother staying with him for a family event when the kiss occurred, he explained. 

Uh oh: A man has revealed that his wife cheated on him with his young brother (stock image)

The 31-year-old posted to Reddit (pictured) asking for advice on what to do

'A week ago, my brother came home from university to visit us for the weekend,' the 31-year-old wrote.

'Since then, I noticed my wife being a bit distant, but I didn't think much of it because I thought it was just due to stress.'

After a week of wondering, the man's wife sat him down and confessed that something happened one night when he was at work. 

'Last night, however, my wife... asked if we could talk,' he said. 'She went straight to it and confessed that last week, while my brother was home, they watched a movie together when I was at work (on a night shift). 

'They were drinking wine and at some point they kissed.'

The man said that his wife, also 31, confessed to kissing his 19-year-old brother and seemed apologetic (stock image)

While his wife said that it was her husband's brother who initiated it, she admitted that she kissed him back for approximately a minute.

'I know this sounds cliche, but I am so shocked that my wife would do that to me. I just sat there, not knowing what to say, half wishing that she was joking,' he said. 

'She started to cry and say that she was sorry, that it was a spur of the moment mistake, that they didn't do anything else. 

'I asked her if she had feelings for my brother and she said that she really didn't, that she just found him physically attractive and stupidly decided to act on it.'

The woman said that she didn't have feelings for her husband's brother but did find him attractive (stock image)

Some users said that the man should forgive his wife, because she seemed genuinely sorry

The man asked users on the Relationships forum on Reddit for advice, saying that he was inclined to forgive her because she was genuinely apologetic.

The couple, who have been together for 10 years and married for two, also have a three-month-old daughter together. 

Strangers on the forum gave advice, however many had very different views on what the 31-year-old should do.

Many said that he should consider forgiving his wife, who came clean, but not his brother, who said nothing. 

The man and his wife have been together for 10 years and have a three-month-old daughter (stock image)

But others said that you can never trust cheaters

'I'd tell [your brother] he is no longer welcome in my home and then relegate all contact to unavoidable family gatherings,' a user called BlargAttack said.

But the man said this wasn't an option, as he was sure that his stepmother and the rest of his family would take his brother's side and blame his wife. 

Others were convinced that there was no way back to a healthy relationship from cheating. 

'What percentage of cheaters claim "It was just a kiss?". What percentage of those are lying?' one person asked. 

'The vast, vast majority in both cases. She's already admitted it was making out (kissing for about a minute), not just a kiss, so we know she is trickle-truthing him. I don't understand why he (or we) should believe that they didn't go further.'

It's not clear if the man forgave his wife or not.

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