Elite California school forced to cancel speech by right-wing firebrand Milo Yiannopoulos as students set off fireworks at cops, tear down barricades and set the campus ablaze in protest 

  • Violent protest broke out at UC Berkeley campus over plans for Milo Yiannopoulos to give a speech
  • Event was cancelled and the polarizing Beitbart News editor and his team were swiftly evacuated
  • He later posted a video complaining that UC Berkley was 'no friend to free speech any more' 
  • Reports of protesters setting off fireworks, tearing down barricades and setting fires at the university
  • One motorist drove off with a protester still on his hood after demonstrators began attacking cars 
  • Police reportedly responded to the chaos on campus by opening fire with non-lethal bullets
  • Campus was placed on lockdown and students have been ordered to take shelter on Wednesday evening
  • The speech would have been the last stop on Yiannopoulos' anti-political correctness Dangerous F****t Tour
  • Berkeley's Chancellor said Yiannopoulous 'uses odious behavior in part to 'entertain' but also to deflect any serious engagement with ideas'

Protesters tore down barricades, let off fireworks and set the campus ablaze during furious protests against a speech by conservative Breitbart editor Milo Yiannopoulos at UC Berkeley. 

Hundreds rallied against Yiannopoulos in a demonstration which turned violent and destructive on Wednesday night, with protesters vandalizing dozens of businesses and smashing storefront windows. 

University police locked down all buildings and responded with tear gas and rubber bullets, according to witness reports. 

Yiannopoulos's speech was cancelled amid the chaos and he was swiftly evacuated, according to a post on his social media.

He later posted a video complaining that UC Berkley was 'no friend to free speech any more.'

The journalist said he had been planning to speak about cultural appropriation but claims his speech was over taken by the 'hard left.'

'It turns out the progressive left... which has become so antithetical to free speech has taken a turn post Trump's election. Where they simply will not allow any speaker on campus even someone as silly and harmless and gay as me, to have their voice heard.

'They are absolutely petrified by alternative visions of how the world could look.'

He added that it was both 'ironic and sad' that the campus was the home of the free speech movement, but it was 'no friend to freer speech any more.' 

'I am of course not the racist or sexist or anything else that the posters that they put up claim that I am.'  

Protestors watch a fire on Sproul Plaza during a rally against the scheduled speaking appearance by Breitbart News editor Milo Yiannopoulos

Protesters have tore down barricades, let off fireworks and set the campus ablaze during furious protests against speech by conservative Breitbart editor Milo Yiannopoulos at UC Berkeley

Eddy Brock, who says he is a free speech advocate, was supposedly attacked by demonstrators protesting against Breitbart News editor Milo Yiannopoulos

University of California at Berkeley police guard the building where Breitbart News editor Milo Yiannopoulos was to speak Wednesday

Graffiti which reads 'Kill Trump' was scrawled on a pillar by protesters who were against a scheduled speaking appearance by Yiannopoulos 

Hundreds flooded the streets while a small group of people with their faces covered broke windows, hurled fireworks at police officers and threw smoke bombs 

A protesters holds up a sign which reads 'Make racists afraid again' during the demonstration 

The protest turned violent around 6pm when a group of demonstrators dressed all in black and wearing masks soaked in milk - to protect against tear gas - emerged from the crowd

Demonstrators held up banners which read 'Become ungovernable' at the UC Berkeley protest

Police reportedly opened fire on demonstrators using non-lethal bullets during the uproar on campus in California

Yiannopoulos's speech been cancelled amid the chaos and he has been evacuated, according to a post on his social media. UC Police, Berkeley confirmed that the campus was on lockdown

Milo Yiannopoulos was due to speak at the University of California at Berkeley before the violent protests broke out

University police confirmed that the campus was on lockdown as they reported they were bringing in extra resources to tackle the 'violent demonstration.' 

'Milo event cancelled. Shelter in place if on campus. All campus buildings on lockdown. #miloatcal,' they tweeted. 

The 32-year-old right-wing provocateur is a vocal supporter of President Donald Trump and a self-proclaimed internet troll whose comments have been criticized as racist, misogynist, anti-Muslim and white supremacist. He was banned from Twitter after leading a harassment campaign against 'Ghostbusters' actress Leslie Jones.

Several of Yiannopoulos' talks at other campuses have been canceled due to protests or security reasons.

The Breitbart editor wrote on Facebook that he and his team were safe after being evacuated from campus.

'I have been evacuated from the UC Berkeley campus after violent left-wing protestors tore down barricades, lit fires, threw rocks and Roman candles at the windows and breached the ground floor of the building,' he wrote.

'My team and I are safe. But the event has been cancelled. I'll let you know more when the facts become clear. One thing we do know for sure: the Left is absolutely terrified of free speech and will do literally anything to shut it down.'

He also claims that a Trump supporter wearing a Make American Great Again hat was assaulted and kicked while on the ground. 

'This is what tolerance looks like at UC Berkeley,' said Mike Wright, a Berkeley College Republican member told SF Gate before someone threw paint on him. 'It's sad.'

The protest turned violent around 6pm when a group of demonstrators dressed all in black and wearing masks soaked in milk - to protect against tear gas - emerged from the crowd and began dismantling the security defenses - knocking down barriers and cutting through zip ties.

Rioters loot and vandalize a Starbucks store during a protest against Breitbart News editor Milo Yiannopoulos in Berkeley 

Windows were smashed in and scores of rioters, with their faces covered, looted and vandalize the Starbucks store 

Shadi Banoo (center) protests against Yiannopoulos, holding up a sign which read 'Out of Berkeley Nazi scum' 

Rioters smash windows at a T-Mobile store with hammers during the protest where demonstrators began vandalizing dozens of businesses and smashing dozens of storefront windows

A rioter smashes a window at a Mechanics Bank branch  as hundreds of protesters rallied against Yiannopoulos, forcing the cancellation of his speech at UC Berkeley, eventually vandalizing dozens of businesses and smashing dozens of storefront windows 

A rioter paints an anarchy symbol on a Wells Fargo bank during a protest against Breitbart News editor Milo Yiannopoulos 

A demonstrator protesting  Yiannopoulos sets fire to trash as university police locked down all buildings after the protests turned violent 

Protesters tore down barricades and began throwing fencing at the student union where Yiannopoulos was waiting ahead of his speech, shattering the glass.

At one point a driver sped off with a protester still on his hood after rioters began attacking cars near UC Berkeley. Kelsey Walden, a local high schooler, was on top of the car when she was pulled off by other protesters. 

A motorist who was surrounded by demonstrators drove at them running them over and sped off, according to a San Francisco Chronicle reporter at the scene.

Protesters ran after it but mistook another car and began attacking another car and its driver, spraying him with pepper spray.

Police report at least three were injured in fights as the protest grew increasingly violent.

Others toppled a generator and light pole, scrawling Milo across it with spray paint before setting it alight.

'We're anarchists,' said one unnamed protester. 'This is war.' 

Eddy Brock - who claims to be a free speech advocate - was seen with blood pouring down the side of his face after he says he was attacked by the demonstrators.

Meanwhile the campus protest spilled out onto the streets with reports of buildings being vandalized in the southern part of town.

The mayor issued a plea saying 'violence and destruction are not the answer'.

A Trump supporter clashes with a protester during a rally against a scheduled speaking appearance by the Breitbart News editor

Yiannopoulos' event was canceled out of safety concerns after protesters hurled smoke bombs, broke windows and started a bonfire

Hundreds filled Sproul Plaza on the University of California at Berkeley campus in the march against Yiannopoulos and against fascism 

Protesters have torn down barricades and set fires during furious protests against speech by conservative Breitbart editor Milo Yiannopoulos at UC Berkeley

The University of California at Berkeley condemned the violence in a new statement.

'The violence was instigated by a group of about 150 masked agitators who came onto campus and interrupted an otherwise non-violent protest,' UC Berkeley said in a statement. Some people were attacked and police treated six people for injuries. 

'We condemn in the strongest possible terms the violence and unlawful behavior that was on display and deeply regret that those tactics will now overshadow the efforts to engage in legitimate and lawful protest against the performer's presence and perspectives.' 

The school  had been bracing for major protests Wednesday ahead of Yiannopoulos' arrival - the last stop of his Dangerous F****t Tour tonight aimed at defying what he calls an 'epidemic of political correctness on college campuses.' 

His visit to Berkeley was sponsored by the campus Republican club. 

'The free-speech movement is dead', the group said after his talk was shut down, according to KTVU.   

The university stressed it did not invite Yiannopoulos, a right-wing provocateur who is gay, and does not endorse his ideas but was committed to free speech as it rejected calls to cancel ahead of the event.

Earlier on Wednesday, the university sent a notice to all students that warned of crowds near the student union, where the 500-seat, sold-out event was scheduled.

'We anticipate there will be major protest/ demonstration activity leading up to and surrounding this event,' the letter from school officials said. It did not discourage protests but advised those who didn't wish to participate to avoid the area.

Pieter Sittler, a spokesman for the Berkeley College Republicans, said the club doesn't support everything Yiannopoulos says but 'he gives a voice to repressed conservative thought on American college campuses.' He uses 'levity and humor' that should not be taken literally, Sittler said.

UC Police, Berkeley confirmed that the campus was on lockdown. 'Milo event cancelled. Shelter in place if on campus. All campus buildings on lockdown. #miloatcal,' they tweeted

The Breitbart editor wrote on Facebook that he and his team were safe after being evacuated from campus

Yiannopoulos later posted a video saying he was stunned at the reaction to his speech

Yiannopoulos' talks have sparked protests, shouting matches and occasional violence at stops around the country. A man was shot and wounded at protests outside his January 21 talk at the University of Washington.

Rowdy protests at UC Davis January 13 prompted campus Republicans to cancel his appearance last minute. 

On Tuesday night at California Polytechnic State University in San Luis Obispo, his speech was met with dozens of angry protesters outside a campus theater, but they were outnumbered by police who kept them far from the nearly 500 attendees and the event went on as planned.

His last stop was supposed to be UCLA on February 2, but that invitation was rescinded, making Berkeley the grand finale of his cross-country campus tour.

Professors had joined the hundreds of students calling for the event's cancellation.

But university officials refused to cancel ahead of time in the name of free speech.

Yiannopoulos said he witnessed protester breach the ground floor of the building 

Riot police were called out to subdue hundreds of students at the Wednesday night protest

Police say they have called in extra resources to deal with the 'violent demonstration'

Protests began earlier on Wednesday as students took to the campus with flags and placards 

People carry a banner which reads 'Queers bash back' at the protest over the appearance of Breitbart News editor Milo Yiannopoulos on Wednesday 

People protest the appearance of Breitbart News editor Milo Yiannopoulos Wednesday at the University of California

The university had said it was ready for the demonstration, with tight security 

But Berkeley Chancellor Nicholas Dirks was expecting protests to be 'substantial' amid tight security.

'In our view, Mr. Yiannopoulos is a troll and provocateur who uses odious behavior in part to 'entertain,' but also to deflect any serious engagement with ideas,' Dirks wrote last week to Berkeley's staff and 37,500 students. 

'He has been widely and rightly condemned for engaging in hate speech.'

Berkeley Chancellor Nicholas Dirks said: 'In our view, Mr. Yiannopoulos is a troll and provocateur who uses odious behavior in part to 'entertain,' but also to deflect any serious engagement with ideas'

But as a public university, Berkeley's administrators are legally bound by the First Amendment to protect free speech, meaning even offensive and hate speech cannot be banned or censored, Dirks said.

'We are defending the right to free expression at an historic moment for our nation, when this right is once again of paramount importance,' Dirks said. 

The Berkeley Republican Club said earlier on Wednesday that it had no plans to cancel the event because that would send a message that intimidation and violence can win. 

Administrators say the demands to stifle Yiannopoulos show that modern sensitivities are changing the debate about free speech on campus.  

The number of attempts to keep speakers off college campuses because of their politics doubled last year, according to a report issued late last year by the Foundation for Individual Rights in Education. 

It logged a record 42 incidents of 'disinvitations,' with 25 percent aimed at Yiannopoulos. 

Administrators have received hundreds of letters and emails calling for the event's cancellation.

There was also a 'No Milo' at Berkeley Facebook page with more than 3,500 people signed on, calling for a 'mass counter protest'. 

Nearly 100 professors signed a letter to the chancellor urging him to cancel the event. It cited some of Yiannopoulos' earlier comments.

The polarizing editor from Breitbart News is a self-proclaimed internet troll who has been criticized as racist, misogynist and white supremacist (pictured speaking at California Polytechnic State University)

Berkeley officials say it was allowed in the name of free speech before protests caused it to be cancelled

His speech at Cal Poly San Luis Obispo was met with dozens of angry protesters outside a campus theater, but they were outnumbered by police who kept them back

At the University of Delaware, Yiannopoulos referred to transgender people as 'mentally ill' and encouraged his audience to mock them.

He has called Black Lives Matter a form of 'black supremacism.' 

Twitter banned him in July, as it cracked down on racist abuse targeting 'Ghostbusters' actress Leslie Jones.

At Western Carolina University he called feminism, 'a mean, vindictive, spiteful, nasty, man-hating philosophy.'

'The university should not provide a platform for such harassment,' the letter from professors said. 'We support robust debate, but we cannot abide by harassment, slander, defamation and hate speech.'

Yiannopoulos rejects accusations he is racist or white supremacist, saying his boyfriend is black and his humor is taken too literally in today's politically correct culture.

A group of veterans from Berkeley's 1960s Free Speech Movement praised administrators for allowing the event.

'Even the worst kind of bigot, including Yiannopoulos, must be allowed to speak on campus,' they wrote in In an op-ed published by Berkeley's The Daily Californian.


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