Brave girl, 5, leads her three siblings to safety through a broken window after horror car crash killed their young mother, 28, as she drove them to catch the school bus

  • A little girl has been hailed as a hero for saving the lives of her siblings
  • The five-year-old witnessed her mother die in a car accident in Queensland
  • She unclipped her younger siblings and got them out of the rolled car
  • Her 28-year-old mother, Lacey Bradford, is being mourned by family and friends

A little girl saved her three younger siblings following a horrific car crash in rural Queensland.

The five-year-old was in the front seat travelling with her mother, Lacey Bradford, and three sisters when the car rolled, killing the 28-year-old woman instantly.

Despite having witnessed the death of her mother, the brave five-year-old immediately set to work helping her younger sisters, a four-year-old and two-year-old twins.

A young girl (far right) has been hailed as a hero after saving her siblings following a car accident where her mother Lacey Bradford (second from the left) was killed

The five-year-old (centre right) unclipped her siblings after the car rolled and helped them out of the broken window

The young girl not only got all the children out of the car, but set off on a long walk home to call for help. 

'Lace's courage and strength as an individual could not have shown through anymore strongly in her eldest daughter then on this fatal morning,' Lacey's brother-in-law, Lance Bradford, wrote on a GoFundMe page set up for the family.

'Unclipping her younger siblings, from their car seats, helping them through a broken window and began the walk for home.'

The crash, which happened on the morning on Friday 3 February, occurred when Lacey was making the 35 minute journey down a gravel road to get her older children to the bus stop.  

The mum-of-four had been driving down a gravel road to drop her eldest two children off at the school bus

Her husband, Brenton, had already headed off to work for the day, and Lacey had spent the morning getting her daughters ready.

In the wake of the tragic incident, family and friends have left heartfelt tributes to the young woman.

'Lace [sic] was so much more then just a mother,' her brother-in-law Lance said. 'She was a loving wife, sister and daughter. 

'Lace touched so many lives and her bubbly caring spirit was something to admire. Her death has left so many stones unturned and questions unanswered.'

Now Lacey's brother-in-law has started a fundraising page to support her husband Brenton (right) and their children

Lance has also set up a fundraising page to help his brother's family, who live very remotely, to help with financial costs while they deal with their grief.

'The Bradford family have a long road ahead of them,' Lance wrote. 

'Brenton is left with little idea on life ahead financially as his current living and working arrangements is an impossible task for a single father of four children given his remote location and job requirements.'

You can donate to help the Bradford family on GoFundMe 

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