How the stars show February’s TWIN eclipse will change YOUR life by moonologist Yasmin Boland

  • This month we have two eclipses — giving us the chance to make big changes
  • Importantly, change born out of an eclipse nearly always works out for the best
  • These astrological events will set you back on track if you've wandered off track

Astrologers believe eclipses are harbingers of change — the most supercharged moments of the year. They usher in excitement and evolution, sometimes forcing our hand on situations we have been trying our best to ignore. During an eclipse, we are compelled to look forward, whether we are ready to or not.

This month we have two eclipses — a full moon (lunar) eclipse this Saturday and a new moon (solar) eclipse on Sunday, February 26 — giving us the chance to make big changes.

Embracing the February eclipses is particularly important because there are only four in total in 2017 (some years have as many as seven) and the other two aren’t until August.

This month we have two eclipses — a full moon (lunar) eclipse this Saturday and a new moon (solar) eclipse on Sunday, February 26 — giving us the chance to make big changes

It’s important to remember that change born out of an eclipse nearly always works out for the best.

If you’ve wandered off the right path, these astrological events will set you back on track.

For example, if you’ve been unhappy in your relationship for a long time, the eclipse could see you suddenly break loose. This might be painful at the time, but actually it’s freeing you up to find deeper love.

This is why it’s best to be honest with yourself about what’s not working in your life and to take action before the eclipse, rather than leaving it for the eclipse to force your hand!

So, with the first eclipse of the year taking place this weekend, now’s the time to act. Read on to see how you can harness the moon’s energy to change your life this month . . .


Most months will bring one new moon and one full moon — with occasional exceptions.

Eclipses are essentially supercharged new and full moons. Lunar eclipses occur during full moons, while solar eclipses occur during new moons.

ARIES: Find a balance between what people (especially friends) need from you, versus what you need

Eclipses are rare because they can only take place when the Sun, the Earth and the Moon are all aligned. They always happen in groups of two or three.

A lunar eclipse happens when the Moon and the Sun are on exact opposite sides of Earth.

These are important times for thinking about your life, whom you need to forgive or what you need to let go of and move on from.

A solar eclipse happens when the Moon is between the Earth and the Sun. These are extremely powerful times for starting again and setting your intentions for the coming six months. Don’t waste them!


Every single full moon brings a chance to forgive, let go and move on. You can forgive yourself and others, no matter how long ago they hurt you.

The full moon is the time to release resentment, make amends, find peace and say sorry.

The eclipse this Saturday is like the full moon on steroids, so it’s vital you don’t miss this opportunity.

TAURUS: Chances are your family life needs extra emotional investment

I find an effective approach for releasing resentment is to write down a person’s name along with what they did and then burn the paper.

Doing this work at the time of the full moon sets you up perfectly for the next stage — the new moon eclipse when you can start to create your future.


At the time of a new moon eclipse, no matter what your sign, it’s time to begin something new, be it a romance, a job, or even a dietary regime.

What you start at the time of the new moon eclipse on February 26 is likely to succeed.

Note that this new moon eclipse heralds even more chances than usual for change, as the planet of sudden turnarounds, Uranus, will be highlighted.

Happily, as lucky Jupiter is too, nearly all changes will be positive.

The new moon eclipse is also the ideal time to make wishes and commitments, and to set your intentions for the following six months until the next new moon eclipse.

Making new moon wishes could hardly be simpler. As close to just after the new moon as you can, compile a list of your top ten wishes, intentions and commitments. Ten is a manageable number.

Once it’s done, read it out. Do keep the list to refer back to later.

GEMINI: Rewards will start to come now. But don’t neglect your personal life


The four signs that will feel the February eclipses most strongly are Leo, Aquarius, Virgo and Pisces — as will the people who have those signs ‘rising’. Your rising sign is the most personal point on your chart, and is based on your time, date and place of birth.

But whatever your sign, you will be affected. Here’s how . . .


March 21 - April 20

Full Moon eclipse: This eclipse is likely to bring up intense feelings connected to a child (your own or someone else’s), a romance or a creative project.

Also, find a balance between what people (especially friends) need from you, versus what you need.

New Moon eclipse: If you’re feeling stressed, the eclipse in your cosmic zone can help you relax.

Don’t let anxiety beat you. Connect with your spiritual side. Yoga, meditation or chanting could change your life in amazing ways. Also, it’s time to deal with a long-standing fear.

CANCER: Work with the eclipse by believing in yourself and what you have to offer. Self-belief at this important time boosts your cash flow


April 21 - May 21

Full Moon eclipse: Expect a tug-of-war between your need for personal space and family time versus what you need to get done in your career. The eclipse is going to force you to confront this.

Chances are your family life needs extra emotional investment.

New Moon eclipse: Because the new moon eclipse is in your wishing zone, this is the prime time to make wishes and set your intentions.

Make a list to read out on February 26, after 3pm (when the eclipse takes place in the UK). Visualise your desires. Dreams can come true.


May 22 - June 22

Full Moon eclipse: You may feel torn between where you are versus where you want to be. Don’t neglect your home life and local environment by thinking the grass is greener elsewhere. A chance to resolve issues with siblings or neighbours arises.

New Moon eclipse: The eclipse is in your career zone and heralds new developments for you professionally. You deserve it. With Saturn in your sign, you have hopefully been working very hard indeed.

Rewards will start to come now. But don’t neglect your personal life.

LEO: Move on from the past, even if it’s painful to do so


June 23 - July 23

Full Moon eclipse: A massive change to do with money is coming in the next six months. If you have been working hard to progress financially, you could be about to turn a corner.

Work with the eclipse by believing in yourself and what you have to offer. Self-belief at this important time boosts your cash flow.

New Moon eclipse: Anything to do with travel, study, adventure, teaching and publishing is well-starred now. If you have plans in any of those areas, take this forecast as the sign you’ve been waiting for.

Success awaits, even if it eluded you in the past. Being optimistic is the key, so expect good things.


July 24 - Aug 23

Full Moon eclipse: This eclipse in Leo is an important message to you from the heavens that you need to change your life in some major way. The first idea that springs to mind is most likely where you need to start.

Move on from the past, even if it’s painful to do so.

VIRGO: Working hard comes naturally to you. Switch off a bit, for the sake of your mental health

New Moon eclipse: There are big developments in the relationship and/or money arenas coming up in the next six months.

If you want change in either (or both) of these parts of life, this is the time to a) get clear on what you want, b) believe it’s possible and c) start to work towards it.


Aug 24 - Sep 23

Full Moon eclipse: As usual, you have been helping everyone to the point that you start to feel run ragged. Strike a balance between all the things you have to do versus your need for some zen.

Working hard comes naturally to you. Switch off a bit, for the sake of your mental health.

New Moon eclipse: This is taking place in a super-sensitive part of your chart — your relationship zone. How it plays out depends on the state of your closest relationships. If you’re unhappily attached, it can herald a change which is for the best.

Single? A new romance is forecast. Get out and mingle.


LIBRA: Potentially, a very social six months lies ahead. For some, a dream comes true. For others, it’s only now becoming clear what you really want

Sep 24 - Oct 23

Full Moon eclipse: This eclipse could bring up tricky issues with a friend. Deal with them! If a friendship is ending, chances are it’s no longer right for you.

Potentially, a very social six months lies ahead. For some, a dream comes true. For others, it’s only now becoming clear what you really want.

New Moon eclipse: Your daily routines are about to change. Tweak them for the good of your mental and physical health.

What’s not working for you? If you’re not getting enough sleep, or you’re eating badly, do something about it. For some, a new job or responsibilities beckon.


SCORPIO: You can expect some glory for all your hard work and efforts. Caution: Don’t let your work negatively impact your home life

Oct 24 - Nov 22

Full Moon eclipse: Expect intense feelings connected to your professional life, your desire to change your job or indeed to find a new job. A professional project may pay off now.

You can expect some glory for all your hard work and efforts. Caution: Don’t let your work negatively impact your home life.

New Moon eclipse: The flipside of the eclipse for you is that it’s also time to relax. Working too hard isn’t good for the soul.

Enjoy yourself, get back in touch with your inner child or your actual child. Allow time for creative pursuits.


SAGITTARIUS: Top tip: count your blessings. No, really. Count them now.

Nov 23 - Dec 21

Full Moon eclipse: With Saturn in Sagittarius, you’re under pressure. The best possible outcome is that you realise your life is on track after all.

Top tip: count your blessings. No, really. Count them now.

New Moon eclipse: Changes at home or to do with family are forecast. You do need to work hard now, but that certainly doesn’t mean you should neglect your private life.

If you want to move house (or even move to a different town or country) the eclipse will help you. Now is a good time to heal a family rift.


CAPRICORN: This eclipse also suggests the end of a cycle in your sex life. If it’s been lacklustre of late, spice things up!

Dec 22 - Jan 20

Full Moon eclipse: There are financial changes afoot for you now as the eclipse straddles both money zones in your horoscope. Move on from the past and you can prosper financially.

This eclipse also suggests the end of a cycle in your sex life. If it’s been lacklustre of late, spice things up!

New Moon eclipse: Expect a busy six months with plenty of places to go and people to see.

If you feel certain people haven’t been hearing you, this eclipse will help you get your message across more clearly. A new start is possible with a sibling or neighbour.


AQUARIUS: If you’re single, it’s time to draw a line under the past and leave yourself open to new love

Jan 21 - Feb 19

Full Moon eclipse: There is a rare chance for change in your most important relationships. If things have been difficult lately, commit to starting a new cycle.

If you’re single, it’s time to draw a line under the past and leave yourself open to new love.

New Moon eclipse: This eclipse is taking place in your cash zone. It’s a big opportunity — to do with cash, property and possessions.

The more you believe in yourself, the more money you are likely to attract. Try to avoid financial dependency.


PISCES: Hibernate a bit if you need to, but attend to your responsibilities and keep yourself in good physical shape

Feb 20 - March 20

Full Moon eclipse: Taking time out for the good of your soul is always a good idea, but you still have so much you have to stay on top of.

Hibernate a bit if you need to, but attend to your responsibilities and keep yourself in good physical shape.

New Moon eclipse: A big change in the next six months is possible. Make it happen! It could be a new job, house move, new romance, a trip — something memorable for all the right reasons.

Also, now is the time to give yourself, your home or your office a proper makeover.

Yasmin Boland is the author of Moonology (Hay House, £9.89).

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