'Should we call your Uber?' Chrissy Teigen reacts to Trump's 'we need to keep evil out of our country' tweet

She's never been shy about sharing her thoughts - especially when it comes to politics.

And quick-witted Chrissy Teigen hit out at Donald Trump with yet another zinger on Sunday.

After the President tweeted: 'We need to keep "evil" out of our country,' she hit back with: 'What time should we call your Uber?'

'Should we call your Uber?' Chrissy Teigen reacts to Trump's 'we need to keep evil out of the country' tweet

Chrissy's tweet was met with delight and fury, depending on the political leanings of the person responding.

'Great way to teach your young daughter...to disrepect..not only her elders but her appointed leaders..,' wrote one Twitter user.

Chrissy replied by mocking the liberal use of ellipsis in the tweet.

'Are you taking breaths here do you need an oxygen mask?' she wrote.

Outspoken: Quick-witted Chrissy hit out at Donald Trump with yet another zinger on Sunday; she is pictured on Saturday night at a Super Bowl party in Houston

The model has been outspoken in her distaste for the President, and has used social media to attack his actions since he took office.

Never short on sarcasm, after Trump took office last month she tweeted to hear nearly 4million followers: 'Can u guys feel it? america is great again all of a sudden it's so weird. he was right!'

Teigen was particularly upset by Trump's ban on refugees from seven Muslim-majority countries.

President Trump: The model has been outspoken in her distaste for the President, and has used social media to attack his actions since he took office

The mother-of-one who, like Trump himself, is the daughter of an immigrant, used her huge online following to express her dismay.

Last week she successfully engaged with a Twitter troll who told her to invite an immigrant into her home.

'You have such a hard on for these people that instead of money to the ACLU you should let them into your home,' wrote a user named Jerry Russell.

'I do,' replied Chrissy. 'She lives with me. She's my mom'.


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