How we make decisions: Scientists identify the two brain mechanisms that control speed and accuracy

  • One increases amount of information needed when making accurate decisions
  • Other will lower the threshold, allowing us to make a quick decision
  • Study also found the pre-frontal cortex region contributes to decision making

Scientists have identified two distinct mechanisms in the human brain that control the balance between speed and accuracy when making decisions.

One network increases the amount of information needed to make accurate choices, while the other tends to lower this threshold for quick decision making.

The team believes these findings hold the key to developing better treatments for neurological disorders such as Parkinson's disease.

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Scientists identified two distinct mechanism in the brain that control the balance between speed and accuracy when making decisions. One increases the amount of information needed to make accurate choices, while the other lowers this threshold for quick decision making


Researchers gave 18 healthy subjects the moving-dots test. 

They had to decide if the cloud of moving dots was traveling left or right.

The researchers observed that it was easier for the healthy subjects to make a quick decision when the task was easier – when the dots were moving in one direction. 

And it was easy for them to choose an option when they were prompted to make a quick decision.

It was also found that more errors were made when the participants spent more time thinking about their decision after being instructed to emphasize accuracy.

The computational model showed that the brain took longer in the more difficult tests to gather the necessary information to a critical threshold and make a decision.

When the participants were asked to focus on speed, this threshold was significantly lower than when they focused on accuracy.

The discovery, made by Experimental Neurology at the University of Oxford, sheds new light on the networks that determine who quickly we choose an option, and how much information we need to make that choice.

For centuries, scientists have been investigating the correlation between speed and accuracy in decision making.

And numerous studies have shown that the subthalamic nucleus region of the brain plays a key role.

'Previous behavioral studies of decision making do not tell us about the actual events or networks that are responsible for making speed-accuracy adjustments,' said senior author Peter Brown, Professor of Experimental Neurology at the University of Oxford.

'We wanted to address this by measuring the exact location and timing of electrical activity in the subthalamic nucleus and comparing the results with behavioral data collected while a decision-making task is being performed.'

Brown and his colleagues recruited a total of 29 participants.

Approximately 11 of them were suffering with Parkinson's disease and the team studied there reaction time.

The other group, who were healthy, were asked to perform a moving-dot test – they had to decide if the cloud of moving dots was traveling left or right.

But to make the test more difficult, researchers would change the number of dots moving in one direction.

And participants also received random alternating instructions to perform the task with either speed or accuracy.

The researchers observed that it was easier for the healthy subjects to make a quick decision when the task was easier – when the dots were moving in one direction.

The findings add to the increasing evidence that the pre-frontal cortex region of the brain contributes to decision making and opens up further interesting avenues to explore


Humans are more likely to make risky decisions when we are sexually aroused, according to recent research.

Researchers in Canada showed that people who watched an explicit video were impulsive and exhibited a 'greater willingness to make risky plays' in a subsequent game of blackjack.

They found the effects are the same in both men and women.

It suggests that when faced with an important decision, humans need to make it when they are not aroused to help ensure they do not regret it later.

And it was easy for them to choose an option when they were prompted to make a quick decision.

It was also found that more errors were made when the participants spent more time thinking about their decision after being instructed to emphasize accuracy.

The computational model showed that the brain took longer in the more difficult tests to gather the necessary information to a critical threshold and make a decision.

When the participants were asked to focus on speed, this threshold was significantly lower than when they focused on accuracy.

'The next step was to determine the activated networks in the brain that control these behavioral modifications and the trade-off between fast and accurate decisions,' explains first author and postdoctoral fellow Damian Herz.

'We measured the electrical activity of groups of nerve cells within the subthalamic nucleus in patients with Parkinson's disease, who had recently been treated with deep brain stimulation.'

'We found two distinct neural networks that differ in the way they are ordered and the way they respond to tasks.

'One network increases the amount of information required before executing a decision and is therefore more likely to be activated when accuracy is important, while the second network tends to lower this threshold, especially when the choice needs to be made quickly.'

The findings add to the increasing evidence that the pre-frontal cortex region of the brain contributes to decision making and opens up further interesting avenues to explore.


Parkinson's disease may start in the gut, groundbreaking new research suggests.

The California Institute of Technology have found the first ever conclusive link between gut microbes and the development of Parkinson's-like movement disorders in mice.

They managed to alleviate the symptoms using antibiotic treatment.

The discovery, published today in the journal Cell, could overhaul medical research and treatment of Parkinson's.

It suggests that probiotic or prebiotic therapies have the potential to alleviate the symptoms of the second most common neuro-degenerative disease in the United States.

The researchers raised genetically modified mice with a Parkinson's-like disease either in normal, non-sterile cages or in a germ-free environment.

Mice raised in the germ-free cages displayed fewer motor deficits and reduced accumulation of misfolded protein aggregates in brain regions involved in controlling movement.

In fact, these mice showed almost normal performance on tasks such as traversing a beam, removing an adhesive from their nose, and climbing down a pole.

Antibiotic treatment had a similar effect as the germ-free environment on ameliorating motor symptoms in mice predisposed to Parkinson's-like disorders.

By contrast, mice raised in the germ-free cages showed worse motor symptoms when they either were treated with microbial metabolites called short-chain fatty acids or received fecal transplants of gut microbes from patients with Parkinson's disease. 

'We know that changes in activity of one of the sites we identified is also related to movement control,' adds Brown.

'Close relationships between these neural networks could mean that a common signal is responsible for adjustments in both the speed of decision and of the resulting movement.

'A better understanding of these mechanisms might make it possible to focus therapeutic interventions on specific neural circuits to improve treatment of neurological disorders in the future.' 

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