Rise of the Tomb Raider Interview: Lead designer Mike Brinker reveals importance of diversity and making Lara Croft a 'multi faceted character'

  • Lara Croft returns in sequel to critically acclaimed series reboot
  • Latest outing see's her searching for the Lost City of Kitezh
  • Crystal Dynamics 'double down' on epic-scale tombs after fan feedback
  • New crafting system allows Lara to craft items on the go

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Lara Croft is arguably one of the most iconic video game protagonists in history. 

Since her first appearance in the original Tomb Raider on the PlayStation in 1996, there have been two movies, 10+ games, multiple continuities and a plethora of actors who have taken up the Tomb Raiding mantle.

In 2013 Crystal Dynamics rebooted the series and re-established Lara's origin story in the critically acclaimed Tomb Raider, with British actress Camilla Luddington (of Grey's Anatomy/True Blood fame) taking on the role of the archaeologist and part time relic hunter.

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After criticism about a lack of tombs in the last game, Crystal Dynamics are 'doubling down' on tombs in Rise

After criticism about a lack of tombs in the last game, Crystal Dynamics are 'doubling down' on tombs in Rise

After surviving the intense events on the island of Yamatai in the last game, Lara now finds herself actively seeking out danger in the pursuit of truth and discovery in her latest outing, Rise of the Tomb Raider.

Crystal Dynamics did a fantastic job of grounding Lara in reality in Tomb Raider, so there are big expectations for Rise.

From what we've seen so far and from our hands on with the first tomb in Rise of the Tomb Raider at the EB Expo in Sydney, expect plenty of beautiful and hostile environments, 30-40 hours of content and more tombs to explore than you can shake an icepick at.

Dailymail.com sat down with Lead Designer Mike Brinker to get the lowdown on Lara's latest adventure.


  • 1996 - Tomb Raider
  • 1997 - Tomb Raider II
  • 1998 - Tomb Raider III
  • 1999 - Tomb Raider: The Last Revelation
  • 2000 - Tomb Raider
  • 2000 - Tomb Raider Chronicles
  • 2001 - Tomb Raider: Curse of the Sword
  • 2002 - Tomb Raider: The Prophecy
  • 2003 - Tomb Raider: The Angel of Darkness
  • 2006 - Tomb Raider: Legend
  • 2007 - Tomb Raider: Anniversary
  • 2008 - Tomb Raider: Underworld
  • 2010 - Lara Croft and the Guardian of Light 
  • 2013 - Tomb Raider
  • 2014 - Lara Croft and the Temple of Osiris
  • 2015 - Rise of the Tomb Raider

Lara had some pretty intense and traumatic experiences on Yamatai island in the last outing and in the teaser trailer released last year we saw that she was working with a therapist, how important is Lara’s character development and growth as a person to her journey?

Huge. Lara’s adventure and her story is super paramount and super important to not only this game but the franchise. 

If you look at what we’re trying to do with Rise and what the big focus is, you have to look at the end of the last game and you see that she starts to get a hint for some of these truths and mysteries that are actually out there. 

That is really more of the through line for what Rise of the Tomb Raider is all about. 

She knows these things exist and she has to – and feels the need to – uncover these truths and risk life and limb to solve these mysteries… 

I think what makes an interesting character and what makes something so special about Rise is that Lara is now driven and she knows those risks and she’s prepared – she’s not just a survivor like last time.

One of the great things about Crystal Dynamics is that you guys haven’t shied away from showing how Lara’s past experiences have sculpted her both physically and emotionally, has it always been important to present Lara as not just a two-dimensional ice pick wielding badass but also a person experiencing very real human emotion?

Absolutely. There’s a sequence with Jonah that is really important because it talks about things that are universal to all of us. 

Those are truths and sacrifices we all have to make in our daily lives. 

The universal look and take on that is something that grabs everybody. 

That’s true for not only good characterisation and good story telling but also for our layers of history and narrative that are grounded in things we know people understand and that are real… 

For example, our game director Brian Horton went to Turkey and took photo reference, studied the architecture and went into some actual tombs and crypts and got reference material that was used to build some of the Syrian tomb. 

It’s that grounding in both our fiction, our characterisation and our world that makes Tomb Raider really shine.

The iconic icepick makes a return, with players now able to wield dual icepicks for twice the destruction

The iconic icepick makes a return, with players now able to wield dual icepicks for twice the destruction

The Lara we saw on Yamatai is obviously very different to the Lara we are seeing now. On Yamatai she was thrust into the wild and forced to survive, forced to fight and forced to kill. In Rise we see a hardened and focus Lara with very different motivations. Will the skills and abilities she’s picked up previously influence how she approaches problem-solving in Rise?

Yes there is a mix of both. 

There are some core elements that we know we did right on the last game that we are bringing forward… like her bow and her axe. 

Those are very iconic imagery from our reboot that people know and love now, and what we are doing now is bringing some of those common elements back but then expanding upon them. 

So now it’s not just an axe, it’s dual axes. It’s not just one bow, it’s multiple bows that you can switch between throughout the game and upgrade based on how you want to play. 

We take a little bit of what people know, we thrust it into this game but then we expand, broaden and then deepen.

Were you surprised the ice pick became so iconic?

No but I’m glad that it did! People tend to latch on and pick things out that they really like. 

One of my favourite articles that someone wrote was about our bow and that we were ‘Bow of the Year’ back when it first came out and there were games with bows all over the place.

 They were like ‘Tomb Raider’s bow was so awesome!’ and I was like ‘YES!’. That’s one of my favourite things ever.

How has Lara’s arsenal changed since Rise?

She has some new traversal items and some new weapons but she also has a deepened RPG element which is not just having a new set of skills… but also having the crafting system that involves not just making new weapons and gear but also crafting portables. 

For example, she can be in a situation where she finds a tin can and she can use it as a distraction object, or if she has the right resources she can craft it into a smoke bomb. 

It’s about being smart and resourceful as a character because she’s going into these things knowing there’s going to be danger and using those elements to her advantage… Those are the things that play into what make this game sing.

Rise will feature 30-40 hours of content with core tombs, challenge tombs, crypts, caves and side quests

Rise will feature 30-40 hours of content with core tombs, challenge tombs, crypts, caves and side quests

In the last game Lara was able to loot animals and collect salvage from crates and other sources. Will this be returning in Rise?

Yes animals are a big part of our eco-system and they do yield different resources this time… Salvage makes a diversion in our game now, it’s not just one thing, it’s multiple that can be broken down into different resources that you can use to spend on different things. 

So you’ll still have one element like springs that you can use to craft other stuff, so we break salvage out into a little finer detail.

Can you tell us about the currency system in Rise?

If you look at what we’re doing with depth, the translation system’s important for her as an archaeologist… 

But it’s not just about that. Once she learns those languages she can then translate monoliths which are these giant markers which are really kind of neat… They unlock these coin caches. 

Those coin caches then go feed into this economy of ‘hey I’m going to go and purchase this piece of gear that I couldn’t get earlier’. Those are the kinds of things I think that make not only our game broader but deeper, and that people will really start to appreciate. When you go and raid tombs, the rewards you earn for that are super special and really play into the rest of the game so it’s not just a ‘oh I found it and it’s done’.

One of the main criticisms of the last game was the lack of puzzles. How important was it to bring this quintessential Tomb Raider element back into the franchise?

I love that word that you just used – quintessential – because that’s exactly what I think of it as and what I was very responsible for this time around… You have to look at the 20 year history, you have to look at what that first iconic imagery was and how people felt when they came into this epic, giant, ancient space. 

That sort of discovery and that feeling of discovery is super important to the franchise. When people say ‘there weren’t that many puzzles in the last game’, really it was more about that feeling. So not only are we doubling down and making more, we are also making those tombs sing so you have that sense of discovery, you have those ancient, epic spaces that are awe-inspiring.

But then they have other elements too that are really important, there’s a layer of history and narrative that plays not only for each of those tombs but also for circling back and delving into our main storyline… 

The other couple of things that are important about tombs this time around are that we have that deadly element which is not just traps but the deadly guardians… 

And then we have this new formula for how we are building our puzzles. In the last games it felt like there were less puzzles and it felt like there were not enough puzzles, but it’s really about those puzzles being singular chambers.

Now we know that having a much bigger space means we’re going to pull those apart into multi-chambers and we call that our ‘nested formula’, so those play back into the centralised puzzle. 

Your brain does a little thing where you walk into a centralised space and you’re like ‘okay I get what the main problem is but how am I going to solve it?’ and as you walk into another spot things sort of switch and it becomes a difficult problem to solve ‘cause you’re having to layer these things together.

Our nested formula is really helping to push not only just a little bit more of the difficulty but also that epic feel. 

I’m really excited that players are going to get a chance to not only be challenged by those things but also get that sense of ‘I’m back in the tombs!’

Crystal Dynamics to try and replicate 'that feeling of discovery' for epic tombs in Rise of the Tomb Raider

Crystal Dynamics will try and replicate 'that feeling of discovery' for epic tombs in Rise of the Tomb Raider

In games like Tomb Raider it can be challenging to balance puzzle difficulty. How have you approached balancing the difficulty of the puzzles this time around?

We always look at difficulty on everything – not just puzzles – but puzzles themselves are tricky. Everyone has a different aptitude and a different level of skill when it comes to mentally putting pieces together. There’s a couple of things that we try and do when we’re working on that. Obviously a lot of user testing, constantly, even at the stages where we’re just paper designing. We get a lot of people to play it and we get an average of users who are getting through it and those who don’t... 

Our survival instinct system is back and it’s better than ever. We’ve got the ability for players to make that opt-in choice of using survival instincts but then it starts to layer in these hints of not just glowing things in the world but Lara’s VO… Which really helps those who are absolutely stuck and frustrated. 

We really don’t want people going to the internet y’know, there’s a system in the game to help you if you can’t figure it out. It’s there, but you don’t have to use it, in fact we even have an option in the main menu to turn off survival instinct – and I don’t recommend that – but it is there for those who really want a challenge.

One of the most important elements in an action-adventure game is the balance between narrative and action. Considering the story driven nature of the reboot, how important has this balance been for Rise?

Options are important and choice is important – that’s one of the main things we always focus on. Do we want to craft a wonderful linear story that people can experience? Sure, because people want to do that - but you don’t have to. 

There’s a lot of options to deviate from that main path. Our hub spaces are three times bigger than the last game so that means we have to fill it with a lot of more content, but that doesn’t necessarily mean that people are going to have to do it. 

They can make those loops through like that Metroidvania style that people really like and they will experience the same space several different times that will feel different each time ‘cause you have new gear.

Can you tell us about what it’s been like working with next generation hardware for Rise?

Working on the Xbox One platform has been fantastic for us and the reason why is that it lets us focus in on some of the things we couldn’t do. Look at some of the tech… I was at Pax this year and people who weren’t even playing were walking by and their eyes were popping out of their heads because it looked so amazing, and that’s really due to our lighting engine.

We have a new global lighting solution which is physical based rendering, so what that allows us to do is have a single light source that casts off shadows which ensures nice reflectance for all of our layering of textures. 

And then all of the skin – the sub surface scattering on Lara’s skin – and some of the animation stuff that we do with the characters. 

We have a lot more blend shapes and morph targets in their faces, so if you look closely at some of those cutscenes you’re going to get a lot more emotion out of Camilla and all the good motion capture data because we’ve been able to add a lot more to the characters. 

All of that really comes together and builds an experience that is the crème de la crème of Tomb Raider and that we’ve never really done before because this has been built from the ground up on Xbox. 

I’m super excited with what we’ve done with our tools, super excited for what the tech has given us and what allows us to present the quintessential tomb raiding experience to our fans.

Rise features a global lighting solution and performance captured cut-scenes by actress Camilla Luddington

Rise features a global lighting solution and performance captured cut-scenes by actress Camilla Luddington

Will Rise be running in 1080p/60fps?

We’ve targeted 1080p at 30fps and that’s highly due to the fact that we are really pushing the visuals… and once you start to get immersed in that the whole frames-per-second argument is going to go out of the window.

Do you feel any pressure developing an iconic and powerful female protagonist such as Lara when she has become such a feminist icon?

I look at the story and I look at the character and I look at what appeals to everyone. 

Universal truths are what to speak to all of us and I think that if you’re going to tell a good story and you’re going to tell a story about a character that is so iconic, you have to have universal truths… In order for people to get it and grasp that on a wide scale those universal truths are things about sacrifice, that we all want to know the truth and expose it and we want everyone to know what the core of the matter is. Those two things play into a lot of what everyone is going to get out of Rise.

Over the years Lara’s sex appeal has been the focus of many criticisms, was it important for Crystal Dynamics to move away from this and shift the focus on her being a hyper-intelligent, strong independent woman?

If you look at what people are going to grasp and what’s long term for a lasting and iconic character it is much more multi-faceted. 

You’re never going to get a one-sided element out of it anymore and we would be fools to think otherwise. 

You have to have a multi-dimensional person at the helm of something so great because it’s not going to last otherwise. 

I can tell you that as a character and what we’ve done with the series I’m super excited about that because there’s so many more directions you can take it. 

There’s so many different things that Lara can experience that everyone can grasp and understand based on that diversity. 

That comes from not only having a team of diverse writers but a team of different people working with you… 

It’s really important to me that we had diversity at Crystal.

Rise will feature a new 'nested formula' for tombs that sees puzzles taking place across multiple chambers in epic and ancient spaces

Rise will feature a new 'nested formula' for tombs that sees puzzles taking place across multiple chambers in epic and ancient spaces

Lara will find herself in a variety of hostile environments with an animal eco-system that yields different resources

Lara will find herself in a variety of hostile environments with an animal eco-system that yields different resources

Rise of the Tomb Raider will be running in 1080p at 30fps, with Crystal Dynamics pushing the visuals

Rise of the Tomb Raider will be running in 1080p at 30fps, with Crystal Dynamics pushing the visuals

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