Putin a ring on it! Patriots owner wants the 2004 Super Bowl jewels he says Putin STOLE and offers to buy the Russian president a replacement

  • New England Patriots owner Robert Kraft still misses the ring he says the Russian president took when he was just showing it to him in 2005
  • Kraft hopes President Trump can find a way to get the ring back to him 
  • He offered to get Vladimir Putin a replacement ring if he returns the original

Robert Kraft misses the Super Bowl ring he says Putin took from him in 2005

New England Patriots owner Robert Kraft says he would like the $25,000 Super Bowl ring back he says Vladimir Putin pocketed. 

Kraft claims he was simply showing off his 2004 championship ring to Putin while in St Petersburg when the Russian President snagged it as his own.

The Pats owner still misses his bauble more than a decade later. He told Fox News Sunday: 'I do have an emotional attachment to that ring.'

He even said he would be willing to get Putin a duplicate with a monogram upgrade if he sends him the original back.

He said: 'I was willing to have one made with his name on it.' 

'Maybe we will have the new president bring it to him when he connects with him.'

Robert Kraft hopes that President Trump will be able to help him get back his ring (pictured with wives Melania Trump and Myra Kraft in 2011)

Now, Kraft and Putin have a mutual friend in President Donald Trump.

Kraft told the New York Times: 'Loyalty is important to me, and [Trump] has been a wonderful friend.' 

The Pats owner also said Trump would check in on him when he was going through rough patches. 

President Trump even gave the Patriots and Kraft a shout out during a speech at a GOP dinner the night before the inauguration. 

Kraft recounted the awkward story of the Kremlin Kleptomaniac at Carnegie Hall’s Medal of Excellence gala at the Waldorf-Astoria in 2013.

According to Page Six in 2013, Kraft said: 'I took out the ring and showed it to [Putin], and he put it on and he goes, ‘I can kill someone with this ring."'

'I put my hand out and he put it in his pocket, and three KGB guys got around him and walked out.'

After the bizarre theft, Kraft received a call from President George W. Bush saying it would be the best thing for the two countries if he let Putin keep the ring and say it was a gift.  

Kremlin Kleptomania? Kraft said President George W. Bush told him at the time to let President Putin keep the ring for the sake of the countries' relationship

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