The Australian military says it’s doing all it can to identify veterans at risk of suicide as they enter and leave the ADF.
The level of abuse in the Australian Catholic Church has been exposed by the Royal Commission into Institutional Responses to Child Sexual Abuse.
One mother's anguish over fears her 16-year-old daughter Sumaya Bhuiyan will be deported has been dragged out after Sumaya's visa was extended until the end of...

AFP officer shot in Melbourne

Australian Federal Police has confirmed one of its members has been shot in an firearms incident at its Melbourne's headquarters.
Rescuers are battling to reach survivors of avalanches in Afghanistan's remote, mountainous north, as the death toll topped 100 and fears are growing for dozens...
Police detained one person Monday in connection with a fire at a foot massage parlour in China that killed at least 18 people and injured another 18, media said.
As Strike Force Rhodium continues to investigate the Eels salary cap scandal detectives say they intend to speak to "several other people".

More news

More news and analysis from Australia and the world.

A report has found an overhaul of educational tactics is necessary to maintain concentration and prevent disruptions.
Cory Bernardi is reportedly set to leave the Liberal Party, with the ABC reporting the conservative senator's defection may happen in the next 48 hours.
Waitangi Day commemorates treaty and Maori ownership of land - and the New Zealand national holiday has put the spotlight on Australia and the likelihood of a...
Treasurer Scott Morrison has news for foreign investors who have illegally acquired property in Australia.
HOUSTON (Reuters) - The New England Patriots pulled off the greatest comeback in Super Bowl history with a stunning overtime victory over the Atlanta Falcons on...
Roughly 4,500 migrants have been saved since Wednesday.
Romania's government scrapped a contentious corruption decree Sunday in a climbdown after the biggest mass demonstrations since the fall of communism, but...

In focus: US Politics

The latest news on American politics.

At least 2,000 people marched Saturday near President Donald Trump's Florida golf club, voicing outrage at his executive order to bar refugees and travellers from...
The Freestyle World Cup, one of the sport's most prestigious events, is scheduled for Feb. 16-17 and USA Wrestling had previously said it would send a team to the...
Should Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull have campaigned more for Australian dual citizens initially affected by US President Donald Trump's temporary travel ban,...
Arnold Schwarzenegger wants Donald Trump to return to reality TV so "people can finally sleep comfortably again".
Executive orders have the power to be socially transformative in US politics.
President Donald Trump, who is strongly backed by evangelical Christian voters, on Thursday promised to "totally destroy" a 1954 U.S. law barring churches and...
'This is the worst deal ever,' President Donald Trump reportedly said of the refugee deal with Australia, according to the Washington Post.

Editor's Choice

Our pick of the best content from SBS News & Current Affairs and our content partners.

For the first time, a group of Muslim women wearing Australian designed 'burkinis' have competed in an open water race at a swimming competition in Sydney's south west...
While her school friends sleep in and spend their free time relaxing, Jade Vella-Wright trains a grueling 30-hours-a-week schedule as she attempts to become the...
A photo of Sweden's Deputy Prime Minister Isabella Lövin is being compared to Donald Trump.
Alec Baldwin, playing Donald Trump on Saturday Night Live, tells a Malcolm Turnbull character "Australia sucks. Your reef is failing. Prepare to go to war".
Trump has an affinity for speaking mistruths with little consideration for their factual accuracy, writes Lauren Griffin.
Adam Richards and his son Ned have walked from Adelaide to Canberra with a signed petition against Australia's offshore detention policy.
Labor's system of levying MPs for at least 4 per cent of their taxpayer-funded salaries raises more money every year than the $1.75 million donated to the Liberal...

In focus: Australia's First People

Racism mars the healthcare system for Indigenous people, who are accused of faking pain, have their Aboriginality denied, and die while in state care.

Indigenous Languages at risk

Australia's Indigenous languages could be completely wiped out by 2050 according to experts. The number of traditional languages has dropped from 250 to 120 over the last two hundred years.And the ...

"I had a hard life growing up as a Sistagirl but that was a journey that I had to take to be who I am now."
For many Australians, January 26 is a massive booze-fest. But at a time when alcohol is linked to so many social ills, our national sport of drinking must stop, writes Jill Stark.

Indigenous Languages at Risk

Australia's Indigenous languages could be completely wiped out by 2050 according to experts.

Chief White House photographer Pete Souza has released his final series of images, offering a glimpse inside the Obama administration in its final year.
The year 2016 gave political cartoonists more material than you could poke a pencil at. Eighty of the best cartoons went on display in the Behind the Lines exhibition at the Museum of Australian Democracy in Canberra.
Donald Trump supporters were jubilant while Hillary Clinton supporters were shocked and silent - it is the tale of two camps as the US starts to come to terms with Trump's shock victory.
More than 50,000 Iraqi soldiers, Kurdish Peshmerga fighters, Sunni Arab tribesmen and Shia militiamen are engaged in a bloody battle to re-take control of Mosul from IS.

Finetta's life at home

A 6.2-magnitude hit central Italy on Wednesday, leaving more than 150 dead and reducing towns across the region to rubble.
Louisiana has faced epic flooding, with at least seven people killed and thousands evacuated to emergency shelters after waterways in the southern part of the state overflowed their banks.

Who's Who in the Hip Op Crew?

Meet Mi$$y Ro Yo, Kara Bang Bang, Big Deal and the rest of the world's oldest hip-hop crew.