This Is England '86

This Is England '86

1 season
Series Duration
MA 15Strong themes, Violence, Sex scenes, Frequent coarse language
  • Available in HD

This is England '86 picks up the lives of Shaun, Woody and Lol in 1986. They are back and looking for love, a laugh, a job and something that resembles a future.

4 episodesHD
  1. S1 E1Episode 1
    Episode 1Season 1Episode 145 min

    It's the day of Woody and Lol's wedding and all is not honey and cream. The thing is, well, the thing is Woody is not sure that marriage as a thing is such a good thing. Matters are not helped when Meggy has a heart attack on a toilet bowl.

    MA 15 Strong themes, Violence, Sex scenes, Frequent coarse language
  2. S1 E2Episode 2
    Episode 2Season 1Episode 247 min

    The dawn chorus has nothing on a bunch of pissed-up monkeys serenading an old pal. Shaun is brought back into the fold. The trouble is that this gang now has holes in it a few miles wide.

    MA 15 Strong themes, Violence, Sex scenes, Frequent coarse language
  3. S1 E3Episode 3
    Episode 3Season 1Episode 349 min

    Shaun, having rejected his Mum, is living rough. But everyone else is living rougher. What do you get a girl who has nothing? Less. Lol's world is falling apart and she's doing everything she can to fall apart with it.

    MA 15 Strong themes, Violence, Sex scenes, Frequent coarse language
  4. S1 E4Episode 4
    Episode 4Season 1Episode 448 min

    It's not fireworks night but there is gunpowder in the air. Woody and Lol have a coming together that leads to Woody thinking he's now ready for marriage. Combo and Shaun have a coming together that leads Combo to do something truly heroic.

    MA 15 Strong themes, Violence, Sex scenes, Frequent coarse language