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Small things you can do to improve your home’s appeal

Domain Explains: Feng shui
Feng shui is yang and the yin, the placement of buildings and the flow of chi within.

Ever walked into a house and felt that the energy just wasn’t quite “right”? Sometimes the reasons for a home’s bad vibes are obvious, such as peeling paint and dingy furniture, other times they might be due to something slightly more intangible.

Liz Higgins, owner of Feng Shui Living, is a Sydney-based feng shui expert and real estate agent who swears by the ancient Chinese system for organising one’s surroundings.

“Feng shui is the relationship between people and their environment,” Higgins explains.

One of the philosophy’s central concepts is that of “qi” (pronounced “chi”), an energy that flows through everything – kind of like the “force” in Star Wars, but you don’t have to be a Jedi to sense it.

“Everyone can feel the energy of different homes, and the aim of feng shui is to create an environment that supports the occupants in their health, wealth and relationships,” says Higgins.

For those keen to embrace feng shui wholeheartedly, Higgins advises that knowing the age of the property, its compass direction and having a floor plan to scale is key. Nevertheless, there are still a few general principles for giving any home a qi boost.

Clear out clutter

It turns out that feng shui has an anti-clutter philosophy that predates the current minimalism craze by several thousand years. Higgins tells her clients to remove all items that haven’t been used in 12 months, as well as all rubbish and broken objects, as these things “lead to blockages”.

Jane Langof, the founder of Sydney and Melbourne-based consultants Feng Shui Concepts, concurs.

“Excessive clutter ties you down, creates obstacles, and obstructs the flow of energy, which is detrimental to feng shui,” Langof says.

“Having broken objects and things you don’t like around the house creates negative energy when you come across them.”

Clear out clutter to stop energy blockages.

Clear out clutter to stop energy blockages. Photo: Stocksy

Make an inviting entrance

Like the rest of the house, the entrance should be free of clutter, and appropriate storage for bags and shoes is a must.

“Place something attractive at your entrance that draws the eye into the home, like a console table with flowers,” Langof suggests.

“Also avoid having mirrors directly opposite the front door as this reflects energy and opportunities out of the home.”

Higgins suggests placing an appealing image directly opposite the main door to the home, “to encourage positive energy and opportunities into your life”.

Make sure the entrance is free of clutter with appropriate storage for bags and shoes.

Make sure the entrance is free of clutter with appropriate storage for bags and shoes. Photo: Stocksy

Choose colours wisely

Double check before you paint that bright feature wall. In feng shui, each colour is associated with one of the four elements (earth, wind, fire and water) and can invite particular energies.

“The colour you need to be really careful of using is red,” warns Higgins. The fiery shade is especially powerful and should be avoided in the kitchen (that room already has enough fire in it) and bedrooms (it doesn’t support restful sleep).

Both our experts advise readers to stick to neutral colours that have accents in harmony with the home. For bedrooms, stick to peaceful and relaxing shades.


Be mindful of furniture placement. Large items such as beds and couches should be placed along solid walls, as this provides energetic support. If there are multiple sofas in the same room, it’s best to organise them in an L-shape configuration; this is more harmonious than having them oppose each other.

“Create a lounge area with a large rug and furniture arrangement that defines the space so it is contained but open enough to allow people to move around comfortably,” says Langof.

“And avoid overcrowding living spaces with furniture that is too large.”

If there are multiple sofas in the same room, it's best to organise them in an L-shape configuration.

If there are multiple sofas in the same room, it’s best to organise them in an L-shape configuration. Photo: Stocksy

Art, plants and decor

Ever seen a painting in a gallery and thought, “interesting, but I wouldn’t hang it in my house”? That’s exactly the approach you should take when home decorating.

“Choose artwork that looks beautiful and you feel positive about,” says Langof.

“Generally speaking, avoid artwork that creates negative feelings in visitors and occupants. Violent or sad scenes can bring negative energy into a home.”

Indoor plants are great in a study or living area as they’re associated with yang (active) qi and generate negative ions, but should be left out of the bedroom due to its yin (restful) connotations.

In feng shui, flowers are used as symbols of good fortune and fresh ones are encouraged.

“Certain flowers such as the chrysanthemum, lotus, orchid, peony, rose and carnation have different meanings and are seen to be auspicious,” Langof explains.

“For example, the peony encourages wealth and good fortune, the orchid is good for romance and fertility, and roses are good for money and romance.”

Artificial flowers and plants are fine if kept clean and free of dust, but dried and dead ones should be removed, as their qi is stale.

Having fresh flowers in the home is encouraged.

Having fresh flowers in the home is encouraged. Photo: Stocksy

Chinese New Year

The newly started Year of the Fire Rooster brings with it a few home improvement guidelines. The Tai Sui, or Grand Duke, is a Chinese deity whose energy shifts depending on the astrological calendar. In 2017, the Grand Duke sits in the west, meaning renovations and landscaping should be avoided in that part of a property.

“Do not physically face west this year,” Higgins warns.

“Move your desk or sit in a different position at your dining table if you must. It is fine to sit with your back against the west as this indicates you have the Grand Duke behind you and on your side.”

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