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Battle Cry
"Am I therefore become your enemy, because I tell you the truth?" Gal. 4:16

If Jesus Lied, Can He be God?
Issue Date: November/December 2009

Did you know that no less than 20 modern Bibles leave out a word that casts Jesus in the role of a liar? To check your Bible, read the discussion that Jesus had with his half brothers in John 7. The occasion was the Feast of Tabernacles. All Jewish males were required to attend this feast at Jerusalem.

Jesus' half brothers were all packed and were taunting Jesus because He was not ready to go with them. His answer has left the translators of modern Bibles very confused. One version, the New American Standard (NASB) quotes Jesus this way: "I do not go up to this feast..." The New International Version (NIV) reads: "I am not yet[a] going up to this Feast."

But the Today's New International Version (TNIV), supposedly based on the NIV, puts it this way: "I am not [b] going up to this Festival." (The [a] and [b] footnotes explain: Some "early manuscripts" omit the word for yet.) Where does that leave the reader of these Bibles, if these great "Bible scholars" doing the translation can't make up their minds?

So, what are we to believe? Was He not going? Or was He just not going yet? If He said to them that He was not going, then He flat out lied to them because He later went in secret. And since He did go, it makes perfect sense that the "yet" belongs in the verse.

The implications of this little word are huge. If He didn't attend the feast, He would violate the very law that He (as God) gave to Moses. If He said He wasn't going, but went anyway, His brothers would quickly pick up on the lie. They didn't believe He was the Messiah, so they would be looking for any fault. They knew that God didn't lie, so here they would have proof that He was not God.

Yea, hath God said…?

What happens to the reader is the same thing that happened to Eve in the garden when Satan smirked: "Yea, hath God said…?" Doubt was introduced into Adam's perfect world. And when we look at the missing words in these modern Bibles, Satan is right there on our shoulder whispering, "Yea, hath God said…?"

Linguist David W. Daniels, in his new book, Look What's Missing, points out that this is only one of over 250 places in 40 different modern Bibles where words, phrases and even whole verses are missing.

Another place where it appears that Jesus lied is in His statement in Matt. 24:35: "Heaven and earth shall pass away, but my words shall not pass away." Here it seems that Jesus is assuring us that His words will appear somewhere even if heaven and earth disappears. Just for emphasis, this statement is repeated in Mark 13:31 and Luke 21:33.

Because of the doubt and confusion caused by the modern Bibles, many churches have declared in their statements of faith that we do not have a Bible we can trust. They say, in one way or another that the "original autographs" (first copies) are the only ones that were perfect. Since we no longer have them, Jesus' actual words that we can trust, they must have "passed away." Did Jesus really lie about this one, too?

Daniels, in his books, Look What's Missing, Did the Catholic Church Give Us The Bible, and Answers to Your Bible Version Questions, shows why Jesus told the truth and we do have a Bible we can trust, that Jesus preserved as He promised —the King James Version.


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