VR hack creates true 'mixed reality': Developers design app that combines HTC Vive and HoloLens to draw objects mid-air

  • Built 3D painting app similar to Tilt Brush for this project
  • Connected HoloLens and HTC Vive headset to the same app
  • HoloLens was calibrated to track the Vive controller to create one experience
  • Multiple players can share and create in the same virtual world 

Virtual reality is a magical and immersive experience, but it does not have the same impact for those watching from the outside.

Now, a developer has designed a method that uses a HTC Vive headset and a Microsoft HoloLens headset to create a true 'mixed reality'.

Drew Gottlieb designed an app that lets combines the augmented reality and virtual reality worlds and lets the players participate in the experience together.

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Virtual reality is a magical and immersive experience, but it does not have the same impact for those watching from the real world. Now, a developer has designed a method that uses a HTC Vive headset and a Microsoft HoloLens headset to create a true 'mixed reality


A developer has designed a method that uses a HTC Vive headset and a Microsoft HoloLens headset to create a true 'mixed reality'.

Drew Gottlieb designed a new app called HoloViveObserver that lets multiple people see the same virtual world while wearing the headsets.

Gottlieb built an app similar to Tilt Brush.

After the HoloLens was setup to track the Vive controller, the two worlds became one.

Players also have the ability to collaborate using the same app, allowing them to build objects that hover in the air together.

Gottlieb, who is studying at the Rochester Institute of Technology, set out to solve the problem that only the person wearing the virtual reality headset could see the experience – leaving everyone else viewing 'a distorted preview of the player's perspective on a computer monitor'.

'A friend was recently painting a 3D submarine in Tilt Brush. 'Look at this periscope!' she said. I told her to look closer at it, and I leaned into my computer monitor to get a glimpse of what she made,' Gottlieb shared in a recent blog post.

'We can do better than this.'

'Why do I have to get up off the couch to see what my friend is creating?'

'Why can't I just lean back and see the art floating in the middle of the room?'

He also believed the feat was impossible until Microsoft released new kits of their mixed-reality HoloLens glasses.

Gottlieb began working on a proof of concept by designing his own 3D painting app, which is similar to Tilt Brush, called HoloViveObserver.

This app uses the Unity’s built-in networking and matchmaking service to connect the HoloLens to the virtual reality session.

Once the two headsets were connected, Gottlieb calibrated the HoloLens controller to track the Vive controller - merging the two worlds into one.

'When the HoloLens app connects to the VR app, the game enters 'alignment mode',' explained Gottlieb.

'The HoloLens speaks, prompting the wearer to pick up one of the Vive controllers and intersect it with a floating 'ghost' controller.'

Video courtesy of Drew Gottlieb 


The headset is designed with multiple environment understanding sensors and powered by a custom-built Microsoft Holographic Processing Unit (HPU) and an Intel 32-bit architecture.

The device weighs just a little over one pound and consists of a 64GB of Flash memory and 2GB of RAM.

The battery lasts for about two to three hours, with up to two weeks of standby time, says Microsoft.

 HoloLens has 'see-through holographic lens' that use an optical projection system to create multi-dimensional full-colour holograms.

According to Microsoft, 'the key to a great holographic experience is holograms that are light point rich, they have a high holographic density and are pinned, or anchored, to the world around you.

In order to achieve this, the device has an optimal holographic density of 2.5k radiants. 

'Once the real and holographic controllers are aligned, the wearer pulls the trigger and the voice proudly announces, 'You are now aligned'.'

Gottlieb noted that there is no limit to how many people you can share the experience with.

Gottlieb began working on a proof of concept by designing his own 3D painting app, which is similar to Tilt Brush, called HoloViveObserver 

Players also have the ability to collaborate using the same app, allowing them to build objects that hover in the air together.

'I have no doubt this kind of mixed space will be a big part of the future, especially for creative industries,' said Gottlieb.

'As virtual and mixed reality become stronger platforms for content creation, it's only inevitable that they'll be able to be interact on a whim.' 

 A developer designed a method that uses a HTC Vive headset (left) and a Microsoft HoloLens headset (right) to create a true 'mixed reality'

Drew Gottlieb designed a new app called HoloViveObserver that lets multiple people see the same virtual world while wearing the headsets. The app displays both players on a screen, as they are sharing the same VR experience

HTC claims the Vive is ‘the first complete VR solution’ as it includes two wireless controllers, room scale movement sensors, the headset – complete with a built-in camera and phone – as well as two VR titles to play on it.

Vive uses Kinect-style lasers to track even the smallest of body movements, letting players become fully immersed in their games.

Kinect is a system designed by Microsoft for use with its Xbox games consoles.

The technology can read up to six skeletons at once and its 'small object detection' is said to be two-and-a-half times better than previous models.

This means it can identify small movements of the hand on a controller, for example. 

Gottlieb began working on a proof of concept by designing his own 3D painting app, which is similar to Tilt Brush. Once it was finished, he connected both the Vive and the HoloLens (pictured) using the Unity's networking and matching service

And after the HoloLens was setup to track the Vive (pictured) controller, the two worlds became one. Gottlieb noted that there is no limited to how many people you can share the experience with

Microsoft released its HoloLens last year, which it believes will ‘break the walls between humans and technology’.

The headset is designed with numerous environment understanding sensors and powered by a custom-built Microsoft Holographic Processing Unit (HPU) and an Intel 32-bit architecture.

The device weighs just a little over one pound and consists of a 64GB of Flash memory and 2GB of RAM.

Players also have the ability to collaborate using the same app, allowing them to build objects that hover in the air together

The battery lasts for about two to three hours, with up to two weeks of standby time, says Microsoft.

HoloLens has 'see-through holographic lens' that use an optical projection system to create multi-dimensional full-color holograms.

According to Microsoft, 'the key to a great holographic experience is holograms that are light point rich, they have a high holographic density and are pinned, or anchored, to the world around you. 


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