Online design start-up Canva raises $19.8 million

Canva chief executive Melanie Perkins has closed another funding round for the company, giving it the resources to ...
Canva chief executive Melanie Perkins has closed another funding round for the company, giving it the resources to quadruple down on plans. Sahlan Hayes

Online graphic design start-up Canva has closed another $19.8 million capital raise and doubled its valuation in the past 12 months to almost $500 million.

The latest capital raise, which was first reported by Street Talk and has again been led by Australian firm Blackbird Ventures and Silicon Valley's Felicis Ventures, brings Canva's total funding to more than $55.6 million.

Chief executive Melanie Perkins told The Australian Financial Review that despite raising again, the start-up had not spent a cent of its previous $US15 million ($20 million) round from this time last year.

"We have investors who are very eager to invest in Canva," Ms Perkins said. "We work with people who completely understand what we're trying to do, so they're helping set Canva up for long-term success.

"We have so much left to do as a company, so it's great to be able to have the resources to quadruple down on all of our plans."

As well as growing its valuation to $458 million, the firm has increased its user base from 1.5 million to 10 million people in 179 countries, and more than 100 million designs have been captured on the platform.

Hollywood backing

The start-up, which is considered likely to be one of the country's next tech unicorns ($1 billion-plus tech companies), has also previously received backing from Hollywood celebrities Owen Wilson and Woody Harrelson.

​Ms Perkins credits the company's growth to the development of the Canva community, with 17,000 video tutorials posted and thousands of tweets and Facebook posts from its users. 

She says the company will be investing in the platform, building out its graphic design tools and Canva for Work platform.

"Our goal is to be the platform that powers the modern workforce," she said.

"Dominant platforms in the past were created before the days of the internet ... they have tools that aren't catering to the modern workforce." 

Blackbird Ventures has invested in Canva from its first seed round and co-founder Rick Baker said its team was "world class", as was its significant growth.

"What's great is that Canva is proving you can have one of the top, fastest-growing Silicon Valley-type companies here in Australia," he said.

"It's attacking a problem in the market which is just snowballing and gathering momentum, which is the visual representation of things. Graphic design is becoming more important by the day."

Organic growth

Mr Baker, who is also a regular user of Canva's graphic design tools, said one of the company's strengths was that it had achieved a strong valuation, without burning through cash like many of its Silicon Valley counterparts.

"It has organic, word-of-mouth, and content marketing-led growth, and that's meant they haven't had to raise the huge rounds we've seen in Silicon Valley, but they're getting fast growth," he said.

"This round is like a Series A out of Y Combinator, if a big one. Canva does not need to raise money to survive like a lot of Silicon Valley 'unicorns', but it wants to drive growth and it has a tremendous opportunity over the next few years."

Ms Perkins credits her time running bootstrapped online yearbook design company, Fusion Yearbooks, with her lean spending.

"We learnt to be frugal with money and create something that people wanted to pay for and let us develop it in a cost-effective way," she said.

Canva, which was co-founded by Ms Perkins, Cliff Obrecht and Cameron Adams in 2012, launched its business-targeted division, Canva for Work, in August last year and it now has more than 50,000 teams using it.

The platform comes in 11 languages and its iPhone app has been downloaded 500,000 times in its first month.

Ripe for disruption

Canva investor Felicis Ventures has also backed Australian start-up, Culture Amp, and managing director Wesley Chan said it's always looking for investment opportunities in the local community.

"The [Australian] ecosystem continues to develop and grow quickly. Our two investments there, including Canva, are good examples of two very successful, fast-growth companies, going after global markets with high Silicon Valley growth characteristics. We're very excited about the future potential of both," he said.

"We believe in investing in any markets that are ripe for disruption ... We are especially excited about teams that exhibit global ambition coupled with humility."