ZALIPIE - The Painted Village - Most Beautiful Village in Poland (4K)
Zalipie: The Painted Village - Poland
Zalipie is a small secluded Małopolska village some 35km north of Tarnów, is definitely one of the country’s top tourist attractions. Not because it has five-stars hotels or massive glass buildings, but on the contrary, due to its small wooden cottages, which are painted in the most vibrant colors. This lovely tradition started with more than a century ago, when every single female resident in Zalipie begun to paint her home with floral motives, as she wanted to cover up some particular faults. And since the women didn’t have professionally made equipment, they manufactured the brushes themselves, using hair from the tails of their cows. As or the paint itself, women used fat from the dumplings they made. Very important is that each year, all the wom...
published: 29 Jun 2021
Eva zu Beck: From Krakow to Zalipie | Discover One of Poland’s Colorful Sites
Follow travel vlogger @evazubeck to one of Poland’s most beautiful villages – or at least the most colorful! For over 120 years, the women of Zalipie have been painting their houses with fantastic, bright, floral motifs. Before introducing you to the village and its traditions, Eva takes a detour to Krakow – the country's second-largest city.
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DW Travel is showing you the captivating world of travel. Come along with us to regions and cities in Germany, throughout Europe and to far-away...
published: 07 Jul 2021
Malowane Zalipie - najpiękniejsza wieś w Polsce?
Uważana za jedną z piękniejszych wsi w Polsce, tradycja malowania domów sięgająca tu XIX wieku. Odwiedzając to miejsce spotkaliśmy wielu nowożeńców fotografujących się na tle ślicznie ozdobionych ludowych chat.
Łowickie Kapele Ludowe - OBEREK ŁOWICKI
published: 12 Dec 2020
The Most Colorful Village in Poland - Zalipie, Poland 🇵🇱
Welcome to Zalipie - the most colorful village in Poland you probably never heard of!
This beautiful village is located 1,5h drive from Krakow which makes it a perfect day trip. The small village has a handful of colorful homes for visitors to explore and learn about the art of these colorful designs - no home is the same!
The tradition started in the late nineteenth century as women in the village used paint to cover the smoke coming from the fire pits inside their homes. The tradition grew over the years as women started to draw different flower designs out of their imaginations. Felicja Curyło was the most recognizable painter in the village, having won multiple accolades for her house paintings. Today you can go in and explore a museum dedicated to her work and learn the history of Z...
published: 25 Oct 2022
Ola amigos, tive que excluir o primeiro vídeo e reedita-lo de novo, porque a guia que nos acompanhou durante a visita ao museu de Zalipie, não quiz aparecer de forma nenhuma nas filmagens .
Zalipie a única aldeia da Polônia onde as casas são todas pintadas à mão . Os motivos decorativos são sempre flores 🌷 É considerada a mais linda, e a mais colorida aldeia em toda a Polônia 🇵🇱 quizá em toda Europa
Eu sou a Maria, sou angolana, casada com um polonês Marcin Wożniak e residente aqui na Polônia. Vim morar na Polônia em 2014. Criei esse canal em Março de 2019. E o objetivo principal deste canal é levar até vocês todos os lugares onde a vida me levar, de uma forma que os conteúdos desses lugares possam trazer alegria e sorrisos para todos vocês
Instagram @sorrindoparao...
published: 15 Aug 2019
ZALIPIE - The Painted Village - Most Beautiful Village in Poland (4K)
Zalipie: The Painted Village - Poland
Zalipie is a small secluded Małopolska village some 35km north of Tarnów, is definitely one of the country’s top tourist...
Zalipie: The Painted Village - Poland
Zalipie is a small secluded Małopolska village some 35km north of Tarnów, is definitely one of the country’s top tourist attractions. Not because it has five-stars hotels or massive glass buildings, but on the contrary, due to its small wooden cottages, which are painted in the most vibrant colors. This lovely tradition started with more than a century ago, when every single female resident in Zalipie begun to paint her home with floral motives, as she wanted to cover up some particular faults. And since the women didn’t have professionally made equipment, they manufactured the brushes themselves, using hair from the tails of their cows. As or the paint itself, women used fat from the dumplings they made. Very important is that each year, all the women had to repaint their charming drawings. And they did so, after the Feast of Corpus Christi, when they weren’t so busy with their farm work #zalipie #zalipiepaintedvillage #polandattractions #travelpoland #polandtouristattractions #polskaatrakcjeturystyczne @dnbtravels #zalipiepoland
Wieś jest znana ze zwyczaju malowania chat. Zwyczaj ozdabiania wiejskich izb kwiecistymi malunkami wywodzi się z końca XIX wieku, kiedy to mieszkanki wsi zaczęły dekorować wnętrza chałup kwiatami wykonanymi z bibułki, wycinankami i pająkami ze słomy wiszącymi u powały oraz malowanymi na ścianach kwiatami. Malowidła wykonywano także na zewnętrznych ścianach budynków, studniach i płotach. W Zalipiu znajduje się obecnie około dwadzieścia malowanych domów.
Zdobnictwo tego rodzaju występowało także w innych wsiach Powiśla Dąbrowskiego na terenie mieszczącym się w widłach Wisły i Dunajca po prawej jego stronie.
Prace zalipiańskich artystek znajdują się m.in. w Zagrodzie Felicji Curyłowej, która jest filią tarnowskiego Muzeum Etnograficznego oraz w Gminnym Ośrodku Kultury „Dom Malarek” w Zalipiu, powstałym w 1978. Z inicjatywy Muzeum Okręgowego w Tarnowie, corocznie organizowany jest konkurs „Malowana Chata” organizowany w weekend po święcie Bożego Ciała, którego zasadniczym celem jest utrzymanie i rozwój tradycji zdobienia domów i budynków gospodarczych, charakterystycznymi motywami kwiatowymi
Zalipie: The Painted Village - Poland
Zalipie is a small secluded Małopolska village some 35km north of Tarnów, is definitely one of the country’s top tourist attractions. Not because it has five-stars hotels or massive glass buildings, but on the contrary, due to its small wooden cottages, which are painted in the most vibrant colors. This lovely tradition started with more than a century ago, when every single female resident in Zalipie begun to paint her home with floral motives, as she wanted to cover up some particular faults. And since the women didn’t have professionally made equipment, they manufactured the brushes themselves, using hair from the tails of their cows. As or the paint itself, women used fat from the dumplings they made. Very important is that each year, all the women had to repaint their charming drawings. And they did so, after the Feast of Corpus Christi, when they weren’t so busy with their farm work #zalipie #zalipiepaintedvillage #polandattractions #travelpoland #polandtouristattractions #polskaatrakcjeturystyczne @dnbtravels #zalipiepoland
Wieś jest znana ze zwyczaju malowania chat. Zwyczaj ozdabiania wiejskich izb kwiecistymi malunkami wywodzi się z końca XIX wieku, kiedy to mieszkanki wsi zaczęły dekorować wnętrza chałup kwiatami wykonanymi z bibułki, wycinankami i pająkami ze słomy wiszącymi u powały oraz malowanymi na ścianach kwiatami. Malowidła wykonywano także na zewnętrznych ścianach budynków, studniach i płotach. W Zalipiu znajduje się obecnie około dwadzieścia malowanych domów.
Zdobnictwo tego rodzaju występowało także w innych wsiach Powiśla Dąbrowskiego na terenie mieszczącym się w widłach Wisły i Dunajca po prawej jego stronie.
Prace zalipiańskich artystek znajdują się m.in. w Zagrodzie Felicji Curyłowej, która jest filią tarnowskiego Muzeum Etnograficznego oraz w Gminnym Ośrodku Kultury „Dom Malarek” w Zalipiu, powstałym w 1978. Z inicjatywy Muzeum Okręgowego w Tarnowie, corocznie organizowany jest konkurs „Malowana Chata” organizowany w weekend po święcie Bożego Ciała, którego zasadniczym celem jest utrzymanie i rozwój tradycji zdobienia domów i budynków gospodarczych, charakterystycznymi motywami kwiatowymi
- published: 29 Jun 2021
- views: 2752
Eva zu Beck: From Krakow to Zalipie | Discover One of Poland’s Colorful Sites
Follow travel vlogger @evazubeck to one of Poland’s most beautiful villages – or at least the most colorful! For over 120 years, the women of Zalipie have been ...
Follow travel vlogger @evazubeck to one of Poland’s most beautiful villages – or at least the most colorful! For over 120 years, the women of Zalipie have been painting their houses with fantastic, bright, floral motifs. Before introducing you to the village and its traditions, Eva takes a detour to Krakow – the country's second-largest city.
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DW Travel is showing you the captivating world of travel. Come along with us to regions and cities in Germany, throughout Europe and to far-away destinations.
#evazubeck #poland #traveltips
Follow travel vlogger @evazubeck to one of Poland’s most beautiful villages – or at least the most colorful! For over 120 years, the women of Zalipie have been painting their houses with fantastic, bright, floral motifs. Before introducing you to the village and its traditions, Eva takes a detour to Krakow – the country's second-largest city.
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DW Travel is showing you the captivating world of travel. Come along with us to regions and cities in Germany, throughout Europe and to far-away destinations.
#evazubeck #poland #traveltips
- published: 07 Jul 2021
- views: 283984
Malowane Zalipie - najpiękniejsza wieś w Polsce?
Uważana za jedną z piękniejszych wsi w Polsce, tradycja malowania domów sięgająca tu XIX wieku. Odwiedzając to miejsce spotkaliśmy wielu nowożeńców fotografują...
Uważana za jedną z piękniejszych wsi w Polsce, tradycja malowania domów sięgająca tu XIX wieku. Odwiedzając to miejsce spotkaliśmy wielu nowożeńców fotografujących się na tle ślicznie ozdobionych ludowych chat.
Łowickie Kapele Ludowe - OBEREK ŁOWICKI
Uważana za jedną z piękniejszych wsi w Polsce, tradycja malowania domów sięgająca tu XIX wieku. Odwiedzając to miejsce spotkaliśmy wielu nowożeńców fotografujących się na tle ślicznie ozdobionych ludowych chat.
Łowickie Kapele Ludowe - OBEREK ŁOWICKI
- published: 12 Dec 2020
- views: 8443
The Most Colorful Village in Poland - Zalipie, Poland 🇵🇱
Welcome to Zalipie - the most colorful village in Poland you probably never heard of!
This beautiful village is located 1,5h drive from Krakow which makes it a...
Welcome to Zalipie - the most colorful village in Poland you probably never heard of!
This beautiful village is located 1,5h drive from Krakow which makes it a perfect day trip. The small village has a handful of colorful homes for visitors to explore and learn about the art of these colorful designs - no home is the same!
The tradition started in the late nineteenth century as women in the village used paint to cover the smoke coming from the fire pits inside their homes. The tradition grew over the years as women started to draw different flower designs out of their imaginations. Felicja Curyło was the most recognizable painter in the village, having won multiple accolades for her house paintings. Today you can go in and explore a museum dedicated to her work and learn the history of Zalipie.
Polish 🇵🇱:
Witajcie w najpiękniejszej wsi w Polsce, a mianowicie witam was w Zalipiu!
Położona około 30km od Tarnowa wioska Zalipie, jest znana na całej Polsce poprzez urocze malowidła jakie można spotkać na domach!
Dziś zabiorę was ze sobą by obejrzeć te kolorowe chaty i opowiedzieć wam o najsławniejszej malarce tej wioski - Felicji Curyło. Ten perełki nie warto przeoczyć, zapraszam do oglądania!
Let's connect on Social Media!
📸 Follow me on Instagram and say Hi! I love meeting people from around the world!
🎶 Did you like the music in this video? Check out Epidemic sound to download these songs and use them in your next project:
#Zalipie #tarnów #polandtravel #paintedvillage #małopolska
Welcome to Zalipie - the most colorful village in Poland you probably never heard of!
This beautiful village is located 1,5h drive from Krakow which makes it a perfect day trip. The small village has a handful of colorful homes for visitors to explore and learn about the art of these colorful designs - no home is the same!
The tradition started in the late nineteenth century as women in the village used paint to cover the smoke coming from the fire pits inside their homes. The tradition grew over the years as women started to draw different flower designs out of their imaginations. Felicja Curyło was the most recognizable painter in the village, having won multiple accolades for her house paintings. Today you can go in and explore a museum dedicated to her work and learn the history of Zalipie.
Polish 🇵🇱:
Witajcie w najpiękniejszej wsi w Polsce, a mianowicie witam was w Zalipiu!
Położona około 30km od Tarnowa wioska Zalipie, jest znana na całej Polsce poprzez urocze malowidła jakie można spotkać na domach!
Dziś zabiorę was ze sobą by obejrzeć te kolorowe chaty i opowiedzieć wam o najsławniejszej malarce tej wioski - Felicji Curyło. Ten perełki nie warto przeoczyć, zapraszam do oglądania!
Let's connect on Social Media!
📸 Follow me on Instagram and say Hi! I love meeting people from around the world!
🎶 Did you like the music in this video? Check out Epidemic sound to download these songs and use them in your next project:
#Zalipie #tarnów #polandtravel #paintedvillage #małopolska
- published: 25 Oct 2022
- views: 1103
Ola amigos, tive que excluir o primeiro vídeo e reedita-lo de novo, porque a guia que nos acompanhou durante a visita ao museu de Zalipie, não quiz aparecer de...
Ola amigos, tive que excluir o primeiro vídeo e reedita-lo de novo, porque a guia que nos acompanhou durante a visita ao museu de Zalipie, não quiz aparecer de forma nenhuma nas filmagens .
Zalipie a única aldeia da Polônia onde as casas são todas pintadas à mão . Os motivos decorativos são sempre flores 🌷 É considerada a mais linda, e a mais colorida aldeia em toda a Polônia 🇵🇱 quizá em toda Europa
Eu sou a Maria, sou angolana, casada com um polonês Marcin Wożniak e residente aqui na Polônia. Vim morar na Polônia em 2014. Criei esse canal em Março de 2019. E o objetivo principal deste canal é levar até vocês todos os lugares onde a vida me levar, de uma forma que os conteúdos desses lugares possam trazer alegria e sorrisos para todos vocês
Instagram @sorrindoparaomundo
Facebook @sorrindoparaomundo
Ola amigos, tive que excluir o primeiro vídeo e reedita-lo de novo, porque a guia que nos acompanhou durante a visita ao museu de Zalipie, não quiz aparecer de forma nenhuma nas filmagens .
Zalipie a única aldeia da Polônia onde as casas são todas pintadas à mão . Os motivos decorativos são sempre flores 🌷 É considerada a mais linda, e a mais colorida aldeia em toda a Polônia 🇵🇱 quizá em toda Europa
Eu sou a Maria, sou angolana, casada com um polonês Marcin Wożniak e residente aqui na Polônia. Vim morar na Polônia em 2014. Criei esse canal em Março de 2019. E o objetivo principal deste canal é levar até vocês todos os lugares onde a vida me levar, de uma forma que os conteúdos desses lugares possam trazer alegria e sorrisos para todos vocês
Instagram @sorrindoparaomundo
Facebook @sorrindoparaomundo
- published: 15 Aug 2019
- views: 1532