Shoes can make or break your travel wardrobe, says Net-A-Porter's Lupe Puerta

Lupe Puerta has an irreplaceable collection of vintage jewellery found on her travels.
Lupe Puerta has an irreplaceable collection of vintage jewellery found on her travels. The Telegraph

Lupe Puerta, global head of VIP client relations at Net-A-Porter and Mr Porter plans her travel wardrobe from her feet up. She answers our Traveller Q&A.;

Most frequented destinations?

New York and Los Angeles, but I also spend a lot of time in Hong Kong and London, touching base with my global team.

Favourite airports?

The best thing about travelling is having a global family, says Lupe Puerta.
The best thing about travelling is having a global family, says Lupe Puerta. The Telegraph

Hong Kong and Singapore.

If I ran my own airline I would…

... ensure the food is excellent and that each passenger receives a pair of cashmere or silk socks and an eye mask.

Where would you go with a million air miles?

I would take a round-the-world trip. My first stop would be South America. I would spend a great deal of time exploring each city. It has been at the top of my bucket list for some time. My next destination would be Africa. I've always wanted to see the baobab trees in Madagascar. I would end my trip in Asia, where the culture is fascinating.

Worst place you've been lost?

This isn't the worst place, but I was stranded at Bangkok International Airport on a very important birthday. Thankfully, my negotiation skills got me on the next flight out and I could spend the day with family and friends.

Best trip ever?

To Rio de Janeiro – I loved the vibe of the city. Everything fell into place and I experienced Rio with many close friends.

Most memorable overseas dining?

This year, I was invited by a friend to have a typical kaiseki dinner at Kikunoi in Kyoto, Japan. The chef organised a set menu of the most delicious Japanese dishes, which he prepared in front of us. The food, the host and the location made this dinner a night to remember. I can't wait to go back.

In the suitcase?

I always pack my SLIP mask and pillowcase; it feels like home and barely takes up space in my suitcase. When packing, I plan specific outfits in advance, starting with shoes. You can have the perfect outfit, but if you don't have the right shoes, you're stuck. Travelling light feels good these days. There is nothing chic about hauling around a bag that weighs more than you do.

First thing you do in a new city?

I'm usually jetlagged when I arrive, so I'm always up quite early. I like to use this time to explore the city by walking the streets and finding a great place for breakfast. It's a peaceful time to spend by myself before I start a day of appointments.

How do you make the most of a spare afternoon in a strange city?

I love to take in the atmosphere – through the people on the streets and the landmarks. I also love art, so I will try to make time to see the latest exhibitions.

Cure for jetlag?

Find a quiet moment to take a nap. There was a time when I thought I always had to be alert. But it's important to take time to recharge, so you have the energy to switch on and ensure you are offering the best of yourself to your colleagues and clients.

Other travel tips?

Put down your phone or other devices and look out the window when you're in transit. Take those few hours of quiet time when you can't be reached. I also recommend asking locals for the best places to eat. Don't get obsessed with Michelin stars; discover the amazing local cuisines.

What technology do you use?

iPad, iPhone, laptop and a small portable B&O; Play speaker to listen to music in my hotel room.

Best overseas purchase?

When I travel, I look for vintage stores, so my collection of vintage jewellery and one-off pieces of clothing are my best and most irreplaceable purchases.

Best thing about travelling?

Having a global family. It's amazing to connect with people and develop friendships around the world. It makes me feel at home wherever I go. Also, experiencing local customs helps you understand different markets and cultures.

Top travel gripe?

Delayed flights.