Celebrity worship syndrome: The girls who chase down Justin Bieber

Sometimes, teenager Karla Del Rosario gets just three hours of sleep for fear of missing the moment a celebrity is on the move. She even admits to "car chases" across the city in search of her favourite.

"I've only done it for Justin [Bieber], and yes it was dangerous, but so much fun," the 19-year-old said. "The adrenalin rush is crazy."

With celebrities regularly accessible across all social media platforms, fans are finding it easier than ever to find them, usually through pictures and tweets.

"It's actually much easier than most people think. All you have to know is the celebrity and how they use their social media," said Miss Del Rosario, who has been following celebrities – beyond the internet – since 2015. "You can find hotels and such from looking at the details in the background, listening to what's happening, and the signs."

In most cases, celebrities will stay in a particular hotel chain and fly with the same airline, which makes it easier for fans to find them. This is one of the ways fans across the state will find Justin Bieber when he lands in Sydney for his Purpose World Tour in March.

"We will always find him, which is so scary," Miss Del Rosario said. "But that's what happens when you're Justin Bieber."


Miss Del Rosario and friend Katie Stopher, 20, met through their interest in Justin Bieber on Twitter and have since used the platform to talk with "internet friends".

"I have a few close Twitter friends, so we always exchange information if we see or hear anything from that person," Miss Stopher said.

For most young women, hobbies are not nearly as extreme. Miss Del Rosario and Miss Stopher have been following celebrities often enough that it has become just another pastime. This has included The Vamps, Nick Jonas, and Little Mix, as well as Justin Bieber. 

"Everyone has their obsessions, right? It just so happens that ours is with celebrities," Miss Del Rosario said.

The hobby has also provided a community over Twitter. Although at times they may not be lucky with celebrities, Miss Del Rosario says the friends she has made through social media make the experience "fun".

Dr Toni Eagar, lecturer in marketing and celebrity at the Australian National University, said: "People who are lone-wolf fans are more likely to be obsessive, or extremely obsessive, than those who cluster together."

Researchers and experts attribute similar behaviour to celebrity worship syndrome, the obsessive tendency to know about and interact with  celebrities.

"In a society that is considered abnormal, but within these groups it's considered particularly normal and it's a badge of pride to have those kinds of behaviours," Dr Eagar said.

Unlike most fans, whose methods are often dangerous, Miss Del Rosario and friends know where to draw the line when it comes to harassing celebrities.

"If he says 'Stop, I don't want you here' we will 100 per cent leave," she said.

In most cases, however, this does not happen. Pressure mounts and it ends in public dispute and headlines.

"Once you stalk you can totally see why it gets to celebrities," Miss Stopher said. "It would be so annoying to have to deal with people watching everything you do."