Litbits February 4 2017

Litbits February 4 2017

February 5: Diana Thompson will discuss her romance novel Unbridled Passion at Muse Canberra at 3pm. Tickets $10 includes a drink.

February 7: Dr Norman Swan (ABC Health Report) Dr Richard Dennis, Prof Alastair Woodward and others will discuss the late Tony McMichael's new book Climate Change and the Health of Nations at The Australian Centre on China in the World, ANU at 5pm. Admission is free.

Historian Geoffrey Blainey.

Historian Geoffrey Blainey.Credit:Pat Scala

February 7: In the free Fellowship Presentation Pinafores, Prodigies & Precocities, Dr Gillian Arrighi explores the era of the child performer during the days of the British Empire, 1880–1914. Conference Room, Level 4, 5.30pm, National Library of Australia. Bookings:

February 8: Historian Geoffrey Blainey's The Story of Australia's People: The Rise and Rise of a New Australia traces the country's history from the gold rush to the present day. Foyer Theatre, ground floor, National Library of Australia, 6pm. $15 includes book signing and refreshments. Bookings:


February 8: The next Poetry at the House reading in the Drawing Room of University House features readings from Chloe Wilson from Melbourne and and Keith Harrison and P.S. Cottier (from Canberra). Admission: $10 waged, $5 unwaged. Meals available in the Fellows Bar and Cafe from 6pm. Readings at 7.30pm.Bookings to Geoff Page:

February 9: Join the Friends of the National Library for Revolution Francaise!, a white-gloves viewing of some of the library's collection of original French Revolution pamphlets and other related items. Conference Room, Friends Lounge, Level 4, National Library of Australia, 6pm. $15 Friends, $20 others. Light refreshments will be served after the collection viewing. Bookings essential.

February 12: Join author Tania McCartney for a free interactive reading of her children's book This is Banjo Paterson, about one of Australia's best-known poets at the National Library of Australia Bookshop at 11am. Children must be accompanied by an adult. Bookings:

February 12: National Gallery of Australia Director Gerard Vaughan comes to Muse Canberra to talk about the saucy life of the French court so you can appreciate the exhibition Versailles: Treasures from the Palace.Tickets $10 includes a drink.

February 15: Fairfax columnist Clementine Ford's new book, Fight Like a Girl, is a manifesto for feminists new, old and soon-to-be, and exposes just how unequal the world continues to be for women. Foyer Theatre, ground floor, National Library of Australia, 6pm. $15 includes book signing and refreshments. Bookings:

February 17: The Australian Comic Arts Festival is on at the Conference Room, Level 4, National Library of Australia from 1 to 5pm. Discover the Library's own comic collection, and explore comics as literature, collectables and objects for academic study.

February 20: Hosted by the ANU and the National Library of Australia, award-winning writer Kate Grenville discusses her latest book The Case Against Fragrance with former Canberra Times literary editor Gia Metherell at the National Library of Australia Theatre, Lower Ground `1, at 6pm. $15 includes book signing and refreshments. Bookings:

February 21: State of Hope - Griffith Review, exploring the economic, social, environmental and cultural challenges facing South Australia with Dennis Atkins, Angela Woollacott, Peter Stanley and Chris Wallace, will be on at .the Theatre, Lower Ground 1, National Library of Australia at 6pm. Free admission. Bookings:

February 22: In NGA Book Club at 10.30am, join Claudia Hyles for a discussion exploring literary themes around the visual arts.This season's book is Peacock and vine: Fortuny and Morris in life and at work by AS Byatt. Meet at the National Gallery of Australia information desk. $18, $15 NGA members. Bookings:

February 22: Captain James Cook: Claiming the Great Southern Land by John Molony will be launched by the author Professor Iain McCalman at the National Library of Australia Bookshop at 6pm. Free admission, Bookings:

February 23: Tony Kevin will be signing copies of his book Return to Moscow at Paperchain Bookstore, Manuka on February 23 at 6pm. The book will be launched by former chief minister Jon Stanhope. RSVP

February 28: Canadian author Madeleine Thien will discuss her whose recent book, Do Not Say We Have Nothing, which was shortlisted for the 2016 Man Booker Prize for Literature. The novel is about the far-reaching effects of China's revolutionary history, told through the stories of two interlinked musical families, from the 1940s to the present day. National Library of Australia Theatre, Lower Ground 1, 6pm. $18 includes book signing and refreshments. Bookings:

* Contributions to Litbits are welcome. Please email by COB on the Monday prior to publication. Publication is not guaranteed.