
Tom Switzer

Tom Switzer is a senior fellow at the University of Sydney's United States Studies Centre and a host at the ABC's Radio National.

Malcolm Turnbull needs to stand for something people can be confidently for or against. Otherwise, he will continue to ...

Why Turnbull will be lucky to last the year

The parliamentary year resumes this week and, unless Malcolm Turnbull is lucky, it will be his final one as Prime Minister. There are regrets, doubts and, worst of all, dark forebodings. Having sacked a PM only two years into the job, the Liberal Party now finds itself in political trouble.

John Howard received an honorary doctorate from the University of Sydney on Friday.

Howard is demonised beyond rational understanding

The University of Sydney's decision to award John Howard an honorary doctorate – and the campus backlash it has provoked – is an occasion to reflect on our nation's second-longest serving prime minister.