
Anthony Mundine v Danny Green: 'It's moments like this that ruin the sport,' says The Man

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Anthony Mundine is adamant he was "robbed" in his controversial points decision loss to Danny Green on Friday night, claiming the size of the ring was doctored to favour his arch-rival.

Green has officially avenged his first loss to Mundine in a keenly anticipated rematch that was more than a decade in the making. However, most pundits were stunned by the result, believing the former footballer had done enough to earn the points decision. The most bewildering aspect of the encounter was the scorecard of judge Hubert Minn, who judged it 98-90 in Green's favour.

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Danny Green beats Anthony Mundine

Cheap shots were thrown and it was a tight fight, yet Green won via a split points decision at Adelaide Oval, exacting belated revenge for his 2006 loss to Mundine.

Speaking to Fairfax Media on Saturday, Mundine was still struggling to come to terms with the decision.

"At the end of the day, I know I won," Mundine said.

"It's moments like this that ruin the sport, ruin the integrity of the sport.

"Fighters know. I felt I was in control of the fight, I thought I won it seven rounds to three – at worst six rounds to four. I won the fight.


"30,000 people [at Adelaide Oval] and most of the country tuned into that fight. Danny Green knows, in his heart of hearts, that he wasn't the victorious one. 30,000 people watching that fight, if they have any intelligence in boxing, know Mundine won that fight. That's something he has to live with.

"We all know I'm the better fighter, it's 2-0. We all know it's 2-0.

"That's what he has to live with."

Asked about Minn's appraisal of the fight, Mundine said: "He should definitely be examined. He should get an MRI, that's my thoughts on that.

"I don't know what fight he's watching. That is incompetence at its best. How can the boxing world, a world-class official, officiate that poorly."

Green was heavily favoured coming into the rematch, as Mundine had to come up four weight divisions from super welterweight. However, "The Green Machine" struggled to take advantage, missing with the majority of his shots.

"Everything was in Danny's favour, from the rounds [scoring] to the ring," Mundine said.

"It [the ring] was small, it was a small ring. When I saw the ring at the weigh in and checked it out, they pulled a swifty on us.

"We wanted a 24-foot ring and if we couldn't do that then at least a 20-foot ring. A 20-foot ring I can deal with, but that was about 18 [foot], maybe less inside the ropes.

"I said, 'you want to play that game, I'll beat you at your own game'. I tried to fight him on the inside but he would never let me fight him on the inside.

"He would hold me and grab me and rabbit punch on the back of the head. When he started doing that I started rabbit punching and doing stuff for him."

Mundine buckled Green in the opening round after connecting with a shot after the referees tried to separate them. It appeared the fight could have ended just after it begun, although the pair were allowed to proceed after Mundine was deducted a point.

"The referee, I don't think he gave me a warning for that shot that hurt him in round one, I got deducted a point from it," he said.

"And then Green is allowed to hold and hit, hold, hold, hold. He gets warned a dozen times and doesn't get a point deduction until after a dozen times.

"It's like I ran into an ambush, man."

The former Broncos and Dragons pivot said he was unable to train in the three days before the fight because of the strain of putting on the additional weight required.

"I can live with what's in my heart," Mundine said. "If I truly believe I didn't win the fight, I would say it.

"I'd be honest, I'd say he was the better man on the night and maybe we would have a third one, maybe not. I truly believe and know in my heart of hearts that I'm the winner. It's 2-0, I beat him again.

"I beat him up. Look at his face, he was beaten. I think he busted his nose, he had secondary concussion after the fight.

"I was happy with how it went. I'm just very disappointed with the officiating and the way it was scored.

"It was ludicrous scoring, one of the guys [recording it] 98-90. Where do they get these dudes from?"


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