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Do you need to buy a drone?

Drone-mounted cameras make it easier to capture images in difficult locations.

The days of TV journalists and photographers using helicopters to get a bird's eye view are fast fading. Drones, big and small, are increasingly being used to get stunning aerial images most of us thought were out of reach.

Markets Live: ASX treads water


Shares lose their early momentum and struggle to remain in the black, as losses in miners offset gains in banks.

Banks forced to repay customers $41 million

NAB overcharged 220,000 corporate superannuation accounts a combined $34.7 million, ASIC said.

National Australia Bank has been forced to pay $36.5 million in compensation after the regulator revealed it had ripped off hundreds of thousands of superannuation members and knocked back insurance claims to seriously ill customers.

Pauline Hanson praises 'killer' Vladimir Putin

The growing appeal of Pauline Hanson's One Nation has left the Queensland LNP with a dilemma

One Nation leader Pauline Hanson has echoed Donald Trump's praise for Russian president Vladimir Putin, calling him "a strong leader" and entertaining the prospect she could become prime minister of Australia.  

Republican senators lambast Trump over defence of Putin

Donald Trump, then Republican presidential candidate, is interviewed by Bill O'Reilly in a file picture.

A trio of Republican senators have reacted sharply to President Donald Trump's latest apparent defence of Russian President Vladimir Putin, rejecting Trump's suggestion in an interview that America cannot claim moral superiority to Putin's Russia.

Hands on review: Zencastr podcast maker

Zencastr makes it much easier to edit together professional-sounding audio even if you're talking to someone on the ...

If you need to make a bunch of people sound like they're in the same room, even though they're spread far and wide, then Zencastr might be the service you're looking for.