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Markets Live: ASX treads water

Shares lose their early momentum and struggle to remain in the black, as losses in miners offset gains in banks.

NAB overcharged 220,000 corporate superannuation accounts a combined $34.7 million, ASIC said.

Banks forced to repay customers $41 million

National Australia Bank has been forced to pay $36.5 million in compensation after the regulator revealed it had ripped off hundreds of thousands of superannuation members and knocked back insurance claims to seriously ill customers.

The ASX rally looks set to extend to a fifth day.

8@eight: Banks set for a boost

It will be an interesting trading week for all parts of the globe, but especially in Australia, where we face the dynamic of a central bank who can aggregate all the madness occurring in the world and equate that to how it affects their policy settings.

A spokesman for Consolidated Press Holdings, Packer's investment vehicle, said: "Mr Packer has no association or ...

James Packer sues over online ad

James Packer's lawyers are taking steps to halt the distribution of a dodgy online ad that claims he endorses a risky trading strategy.

Bullion was fetching $US1214.50 an ounce on Friday.

Gold bulls stampede

Gold has been one of the quiet winners of the past month, up 7 per cent since December.

All eyes are on Wall Street after the S&P500 surged 0.7 per cent in response to US President Donald Trump ordering a ...

Eyes turn to RBA as US cuts bank regulation

The week ahead will see investors keep one eye on the Reserve Bank of Australia and another on Wall Street, where US President Donald Trump appears to be moving ahead with plans to cut financial regulation.

Law firm Slater & Gordon has been hit with a discrimination claim by one of its former employees.

Slater & Gordon sued for unfair dismissal

A former senior accountant at Slater & Gordon is suing the social justice law firm claiming she was discriminated against after she returned from maternity leave and later unfairly made redundant.

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