
How the Political Persona Project works

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The Political Persona Project involved a number of steps to settle on the seven personas you see today.

First off, we surveyed 3000 people who volunteered to be contacted as part of the Your Vote political interactive that ran on Fairfax websites during last year's Australian election campaign.

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What kind of Australian are you?

We asked thousands of people across Australia hundreds of questions, and used the answers to look for patterns. It turns out we are a divided bunch.

Overall, we asked this group more than 100 questions. Data experts from Kieskompas then examined the responses to see where clusters of attitudes and beliefs formed among Australian voters.

Once we had identified the different clusters, we saw which issues those groups agreed and disagreed upon, and developed working persona names with those attributes.

We also whittled down our list of questions before the Australian National University's Social Research Centre surveyed 2600 Australians from all walks of life.

This survey, conducted in December, was then weighted to ensure it accurately reflected the wider population.


We did similar analysis of clusters, finding a lot of similarities with the first survey, but also some subtle differences. A number of the personas were refined as a result.

The views of each persona on each issue were mapped, and as you fill out the interactive you are given a score for how much you agree - and disagree - with each persona.

The final result is your total score.

It's important to note that almost no one is likely to be an exact match for one of these theoretical personas. But by defining them, we can then compare you - and see which ones you are most like and most different from.

You can read the full methodology of the project here.