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With Parkville 'uninhabitable', government confirms site for $288m juvenile jail

A new $288 million, high-security juvenile prison will be built in Melbourne's west to ease the pressure on Victoria's embattled youth justice system.

The centre will include 224 beds for sentenced and remanded inmates and will be built, as revealed by Fairfax Media last week, in Werribee South.

Premier Daniel Andrews Andrews said the prison would be designed with many of the recommendations put forward by former police chief commissioner Neil Comrie, who was charged with reviewing the Parkville centre following a series of riots last year.

Mr Comrie's report found that the Parkville centre, badly damaged in those riots was no longer fit for purpose and was now "uninhabitable" and that a new fit-for-purpose centre should be built.

The facility will be built in the safe Labor seat of Werribee, held by Treasurer Tim Pallas.

Mr Pallas said site was chosen as it was "the best location", but conceded some locals might be angered by the decision.

"I understand my community will have some concerns, and we will work through those with them," Mr Pallas said. 

"We will listen to the community, we are going to work with them in order that they get the benefit this facility can provide to the community." 

An artist's impression of the new youth justice centre Photo: Supplied

The announcement was immediately slammed by Wyndham council, with mayor Henry Barlow saying the decision was "disappointing to say the least".

"It appears an arbitrary decision has been made without any consultation with our community," Cr Barlow said.

Some of the damage by inmates at the Parkville detention centre Photo: Supplied

Mr Andrews, who has been under increasing political pressure over his government's handling of young offenders, will also move the youth justice portfolio from the Department of Health and Human Services into the Department of Justice.

Corrections staff will run the new centre on a permanent basis.

An artist impression of the inside of the new youth prison to be built in Werribee South Photo: Supplied

Youth Affairs Minister Jenny Mikakos will remain in charge of the portfolio. Mr Andrews said the changes were made to create a better balance.

"A balance that says the first order consideration has got to be the safety of the Victorian community, we make no apology for that," Mr Andrews said.

"These reforms are what's needed to help keep the community safe and ensure the security of our youth justice facilities."

A six-metre reinforced concrete fence will ring the prison, which will have a 12-bed mental health unit and an intensive supervision unit of at least eight beds.

Mr Comrie's report into the Parkville centre found that recent injections of cash have  not been able to fix the "inherent fundamental design and construction weaknesses in the accommodation units that were initially built for residential purposes and not for high security containment". 

"These fundamental flaws have become more exposed and evident in recent years and are now being exploited by a cohort of young violent offenders who are intent on breaking through insecure barriers and causing purposeless, wanton criminal damage to the precinct facilities."

Mr Comrie's other findings and concerns included:

  • The physical size of some young offenders
  • Concerns about the over-representation of indigenous Australians, South Sudanese, Maori and Pacific Islander inmates.
  • The exponential increase in the number of young offenders on remand

His report also touched on the need to isolate any young offenders in the system who were charged with terror offences, to "ensure they do not radicalise other impressionable clients".

The Premier said there were currently no inmates in youth justice on terror charges.

In 2010 government was warned in an ombudsman report in 2010 that the Parkville site was no longer fit for purpose and a new facility should be planned.

The Premier said there would be efforts to ensure that inmates at the Werribee centre were rehabilitated – it will have a school, skills training and other rehabilitation programs.

"If a facility is not secure, then no rehabilitation, no effective programs can be run in that facility," Mr Andrews said.

The prison will be built on 31 hectares of government-owned land on Hoppers Lane, which is big enough for future expansion if needed and has a "buffer" from homes.

High-risk prisoners will be able to be segregated from other inmates under the planned design.

Building work is set to start early in 2018 and be finished by 2021, with up to 3000 jobs to be created during work.

During constriction at Werribee, Parkville, the Malmsbury youth justice centre and the Grevillea unit at Barwon prison will continue to be used, with new fortification works at Parkville to be finished mid-year.