[ The Sydney Morning Herald ]

Married At First Sight 2017: Episode 4 reveals Lauren is the first runaway bride

Date: February 5 2017

Aja Styles

Channel Nine's Married at First Sight has been teasing the idea of a runaway bride throughout the series, and with plenty of jittery brides marrying an absolute stranger the odds have certainly been high.

But it has taken four seasons and six couples alone this year, for 33-year-old single mother Lauren, from Cronulla, to finally make the dash. Only it came after the wedding at Wylie's Bath ceremony in Coogee, Sydney.

As viewers began to doubt the promo-promised #RunawayBride, the episode ended with her forlorn husband, Andrew, sitting in a hotel room, with only a mobile phone as company.

Did anyone see that coming? 👰👟👟 #RunawayBride #9Married pic.twitter.com/2CRbconDL4

— MarriedAtFirstSight (@MarriedAU) February 5, 2017

He explained that everything had seemed alright but they had gone out to a nearby bar and Lauren disappeared.

"I turned around and Lauren had vanished; she was gone didn't say goodbye, didn't say whether she was going and that was literally the last that I spoke to her."

Next episode promises a "hunt for Lauren".

"I haven't heard from Lauren at all... there's no excuse for what she did," says the 38-year-old Perth firefighter.

Earlier in the episode, Lauren said she realised that marrying a stranger "wasn't normal" and her jitters continued throughout the ceremony.

When Lauren first stood at the end of the aisle with Andrew, who in her words "wasn't tall enough", she was heard to say: "Can I turn back now? Oh dear."

Andrew has since told The Fix that he probably was not her "ideal look" and that may have played a role in her decision to split.

"She does like tall guys. I go between 5-foot-11-and-three-quarters and 6-foot. In heels, she would tower over me," he said.

But as the evening progressed and she got to know Andrew, as well as drink more wine, things seemed to heat up between the pair.

Even her big reveal about having an 11-year-old son Dylan, who was absent from the wedding, did little to "ring alarm bells" for Andrew despite his wanting to have children with someone for the first time.

Lauren's "handsome" ex-teacher turned firefighter penned and sang her a song at the reception and his charisma was deemed "sexy" enough to warrant a private kiss in the dark on the balcony.

"I don't feel like I did anything wrong on the night," he told The Fix. "We both had a really good time."

Presumably this is not the end of things, but it certainly has delivered Nine a first when ratings could do with an extra boost.