Now Donald Trump says he's going to set up a commission headed by Mike Pence to deal with voter fraud issue 

  • President Donald Trump maintains his voter fraud claim and told Fox News Channel's Bill O'Reilly he was going to task his VP with heading a commission
  • 'Well, many people have come out and said I am right,' he said to O'Reilly, suggesting he maintains his initial claims of several million voting illegally 
  • When O'Reilly said there was no data to back them up, Trump said 'forget that' about the high number - and said registrations were the real problem 

President Donald Trump suggested he found a new avenue to investigate voter fraud, as he's claimed that between 3 million and 5 million people voted in the presidential election illegally. 

'I’m going to set up a commission to be headed by Vice President Mike Pence and we’re going to look at it very, very carefully,' Trump revealed, speaking to Fox News Channel's Bill O'Reilly in an interview airing before the Super Bowl. 

On several occasions, Trump claimed there was widespread voter fraud – which would explain Hillary Clinton's large lead in the popular vote – but never produced any evidence to back it.

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President Donald Trump revealed a new pathway to deal with the voter fraud issue - he told Bill O'Reilly he's going to task his vice president to lead a commission 

President Donald Trump (left) told Fox News' Bill O'Reilly (right) that 'people have come out and said I am right' on the claims he's made on widespread voter fraud. There's no evidence that millions voted in the election illegally 

Shortly after taking office, Trump was supposed to sign an executive order that would green light a probe, but that, reported the Associated Press, has been 'quietly stalled.' 

The delay comes after several advisers told him to step away from the issue – and he hadn't spoken of it in recent days. 

O'Reilly, however, brought it up, asking Trump if it was 'irresponsible' to make such statements without proper evidence. 

Sitting down with the prominent Fox News host, Trump suggested there was widespread support for his claims. 

'Well many people have come out and said I am right, you know that,' Trump said. 

O'Reilly first responded with an 'I know,' but then pointed out, 'but you have to data to back that up.'  

Trump then explained the voter rolls were the problem.

'Let me just tell you, and that is [it] doesn't have to do with the vote, although the end result. It has to do with registration,' Trump said. 

'And when you look at the registration and you see dead people that have voted,' he continued.  

'When you see people that are registered in two states, that have voted in two states, when you see other things, when you see illegal’s, people that are not citizens, and they are on the registration roles,' Trump suggested. 

A number of members of his own inner circle, including son-in-law Jared Kushner, Chief Strategist Steve Bannon and daughter Tiffany Trump are registered to vote in two states

The practice is not illegal and is quite common when people move, but Trump promised that any investigation into voter fraud would look into voters having dual registration. 

'Look, Bill, we can be babies, but you take a look at the registration, you have illegals, you have dead people you have this, it’s really a bad situation, it’s really bad,' Trump said. 

Asked if he'd be 'proven correct,' Trump suggested the evidence was already there.

'Well, I think I already have, a lot of people have come out and  said that I am,' the president said. 

When O'Reilly brought up the 3 million number again, Trump brushed it off.  

'Forget that, forget all that,' he said. 

 'Just take a look at the registration and we’re going to do it,' he said before announcing the Pence-led commission. 

Trump then repeated that people have come out and told him he is right.  

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