Strangers of different sexes, ages, and races embrace and cuddle each other while TOPLESS in fascinating video to find out if skin-to-skin contact makes people more trusting

  • Men and women stripped down and cuddled with total strangers to see if it would help them open up more
  • The partners talked about everything from their childhoods to their fears 
  • Although it was awkward at first, it appeared that the partners were really able to forget about being topless and get to know each other  

A group of people pushed aside their inhibitions and shed their clothes to see if embracing a stranger while topless would make it easier for them to open up to each other.

For's latest video, men and women of all ages stripped down and cuddled with their partners to see if the skin-to-skin contact made them more trusting.

And while it is unclear how they really feel about taking off their tops in front of a stranger, each pair is able to hold a meaningful conversation with each other about everything from their childhoods to their fears. 

Novel idea: Men and women of all ages stripped down and cuddled with their partners to see if the skin-to-skin contact made them more trusting

Testing it out: The experiment was inspired by scientific studies that have shown that human touch reduces stress and makes people more trusting towards others.

According to the clip, the experiment was inspired by scientific studies that have shown that human touch reduces stress and makes people more trusting towards others.

At the start of the video, one woman asks if it is okay for her to clutch her breasts, and she is told she can do whatever she wants to stay comfortable. 

'I am nervous, but I didn't even wear a bra today because I already knew it would have been pointless. So, I am ready,' she says with a laugh. 

Someone from behind the camera prompts each set of partners to remove their tops, and many seem surprised about how suddenly it is happening. 

Hold on! Each set of partners was asked to take of their tops and embrace each other 

Chilly embrace: This man was worried that his hand were too cold for his partner Jim (left) 

'That was surprisingly quick,' one woman notes as she unzips her jacket. 

For the first part of the experiment, each person is asked to embrace the other and hold that pose.

Although there are a few awkward giggles at first, they eventually begin to relax into each other's arms.

One woman instinctively rests her head on her male partner's chest, and she deduces it is a 'comfort zone' — and also 'the advantage of being 5'3".' 

'Comfort zone': One woman instinctively rests her head on her male partner's chest

Back to back: The pairs were then asked to stand in 'prom pose' while they got to know each other 

Next, they are all asked to get in 'prom pose', although a few of them aren't quite familiar with the phrase.

The term signifies one person standing behind the other and putting his or her hands on the other's hips, as if they were a couple posing for pictures at a school dance. 

One woman steps behind her male partner, and he admits it feels 'awkward' for him to be in front, and they switch places. 

Another woman also steps behind her male partner, but he is fine with it. They happily chat about how they are supposed to get snow that day, and they both think that is good news. 

'I am just self-conscious about being too cold for poor Jim here,' one man admits; however, his partner says his hands are fine. 

Getting comfortable: When a couch was brought over, this man didn't hesitate to put his head right on his partner's lap 

Opening up: This woman showed her partner the scar on her back from a past surgery 

'They are a little cold, but it doesn't bother me,' he responds. 

For the final part of the experiment, the partners are asked to cuddle on a couch together, and one man wastes no time and puts his head right on his female partner's lap. 

One pair open up about their fears, while another person talks to his partner about being transgender. 

Another woman recalls how she grew up in a born again, Christian evangelical home but still managed to sneak David Bowie and Prince albums by her mother. 

The strangers also end up sharing plenty of laughs with each other, and after they put their clothes back on, they are asked to weigh in on whether they thought being topless and cuddling had helped them open up. 

Really personal: This woman admitted that the experiment was 'very intimate' eve though it wasn't supposed to be

Feeling comfortable: Jim wanted to go the extra mile, and at the end of the clip he asks if he could caress his partner's face and hair 

'From an outsider, you would feel it would be a lot more awkward, but I feel like the presence of oxytocin due to the skin-to-skin contact induces a higher state of trust thus making it easier to converse than if we were just sitting on opposite sides of the couch,' one person responds.

Another person says it was a 'nice experience', and one woman admits that it was 'very intimate' even though it wasn't supposed to be. 

However, not everyone is completely satisfied, and at the end of the clip, a man named Jim says he thought they would be stroking faces and doing more than hugging. 

The team asks Jim and his partner if they would be willing to take their shirts off again to try that out, and they both agree. 

'It's a nice physical sensation. It's not how I usually spend my Sunday mornings,' the man jokes while Jim caresses his hair and face.

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