Three-year-old girl is forced to leave the parents who adopted her at three weeks old so she can be looked after by her convict biological father who has just been released from prison

  • Three-year-old Braelynn has lived with Tammy and Edward Dalsing since she was three weeks old, when they began fostering her before adoption in 2015
  • Court documents say the child's biological mother gave up her parental rights while her father was incarcerated and his rights were also terminated
  • The girl's biological father claims that should have never happened and a judge agreed with him last month and vacated the couple's adoption order
  • The couple has requested a re-hearing in the case with the state court of appeals
  • The little girl is still living with them, as she has never met her biological father

A couple in South Carolina is fighting to keep a three-year-old girl they legally adopted at three weeks old after losing a court ruling to her biological father who was just released from prison and wants to raise her.

Three-year-old Braelynn has lived with Tammy and Edward Dalsing since she was a newborn in Rock Hill, WBTV reported. 

Despite legally adopting the toddler in 2015, a court recently ruled that she belongs with her biological father after he appealed the adoption order. 

'I'm just blown away. I just don't understand how you can do this to a child,' Edward told the television station.

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The Dalsings are fighting to keep Braelynn (above), a three-year-old girl they legally adopted at three weeks old

Three-year-old Braelynn has lived with Tammy and Edward Dalsing (above) since she was a newborn in Rock Hill. Despite legally adopting her in 2015, a court recently ruled that she belongs with her biological father after he appealed the adoption order

The child's biological mother gave up her parental rights while her father was incarcerated and due to that, his rights were also terminated, according to court documents. 

The three-year-old's biological father claims that should have never happened and a judge agreed with him last month and vacated the couple's adoption order.  

'It would be the equivalent of having both of your parents die. Well, your whole family, her sisters, her brothers,' Tammy said, who has fostered the little girl with her husband since she was three weeks old. 

'The judge was so clear on why she chose us and why she did not choose the biological father or his family members. She was very clear.'

Edward said he was 'stunned' when the court sided with her biological father in their case. 

Braelynn's (above) biological mother gave up her parental rights while her father was incarcerated and due to that, his rights were also terminated, according to court documents

The three-year-old's (above) biological father claims that should have never happened and a judge agreed with him last month and vacated the couple's adoption order

'I was just stunned when we got the word from... when we got the word from the appellate court,' Edward said. 

The couple has requested a re-hearing in the case with the state court of appeals. The little girl is still living with them, as she has never met her biological father.  

'All of a sudden I'm going to look at her and say, I'm sorry baby girl but I can't be your mommy anymore and daddy can't be your daddy anymore,' Tammy said. 

'And you can't live here anymore. She is not going to understand that.' 

Her biological father disagrees with the couple, as his attorney sent the following statement to WBTV on his behalf:   

'Mr. Myers is very pleased with the outcome in the Court of Appeals,' it reads. 

'He has tried to remain positive throughout this ordeal. In defeat, he quietly persevered through the appellate process. 

Edward (above) said: 'I was just stunned when we got the word from... when we got the word from the appellate court. Biology does not make a mother and a father, love does. And she is very much loved where she's at. That's where she needs to be'

'In victory, he patiently awaits the next step. It is extremely unfortunate that a case that should have been kept so private to protect this young child has become so public at no fault of Mr. Myers or this young child. 

'The social media footprint that has been created by the defeated party in this case will forever haunt this child and be available for all to see for years and years to come. It is extremely selfish and will never be in the best interest of any child.'

But the couple counters and says they are fighting for her best interest.   

'Biology does not make a mother and a father, love does. And she is very much loved where she's at. That's where she needs to be,' Edward said.

South Carolina Department of Social Services has no comment on the situation. 


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