Top dogs no more! Sunny and Bo get used to their new neighborhood with a dog walker... and it's a long way from the sprawling grounds of the White House

  • The former first family's pups were seen going on a stroll with new dog walker 
  • Barack and Michelle Obama have arrived back at their $4.3m new D.C. home 
  • The Obamas have only been seen one day since landing in the Caribbean 
  • On Thursday night, they returned to their home in a plush DC neighborhood 
  • Bo is one of their Portuguese water dogs, which was promised to Sasha and Malia if their father won the election

As the Obamas settle into normal life in their new $4.3million home, pups Sunny and Bo were spotted adjusting to their new dog walker.

The two former first dogs were seen being taken for a stroll on Sunday in Washington D.C.

The former first family has only been seen once since they flew out to Richard Branson's private island in the Carribean on last Monday, but the couple returned from their relaxing vacation on Thursday.

Former first dogs uSunny and Bo were spotted adjusting to their new dog walker as they were taken for a stroll on Sunday in Washington D.C.

The two furry pets were spotted in their new neighborhood of Kalorama this morning

The two furry pets were spotted in their new neighborhood of Kalorama this morning. 

The nine-bedroom home is just two blocks from Ivanka Trump and Jared Kushner's new $5.5million pad.

Barack and Michelle holidayed in the Caribbean without their daughters Sasha and Malia, who had joined them their first weekend after leaving office for a few days in Palm Springs, California.

Sasha is believed to be back in D.C. where the former first couple will live as she finishes high school, and Malia is in New York on her first week of an internship working for Harvey Weinstein.

Movers bringing some of the Obamas' possessions over to the new house, pictured above on in January. The new nine-bedroom home is just two blocks from Ivanka Trump and Jared Kushner's new $5.5million pad 

Morning stroll: Sunny and  Bo take a walk in their new neighborhood 

Normal life: The Obamas returned to their new home on Thursday, but the two pups were out and about on Sunday morning 

 Sunny and Bo have been two of the most prominent pets to live in the White House since Obama's presidency. 

One of the Portuguese water dogs, Bo, was raised in the federal office since 2009 after he was promised to first daughters Malia and Sasha if their father won the election. 

The family bought the younger pup, Sunny, from a breeder in the Great Lakes area in August 2013.

In a video posted to her Twitter account on last month, Michelle Obama took one her last strolls through the White House with the family dogs, taking in every last detail of the historic building where she raised her two daughters with the pets for the past eight years. 

First Family photo: The Obama's pose with their two furry pets outside the White House 

Happy pups: Bo (left) and Sunny (right) on the South Lawn on the day the youngest dog arrived to the White House in 2013 

Greener pastures: A White House staffer walks Bo and Sunny, the Obama family dogs, on the South Lawn of the White House in 2013 

Relaxed: The couple kept it casual and relaxed, as they both sported shorts, sandals, hats and sunglasses during their outing in Richard Branson's private island on Tuesday 

The pair arrived back at their new home just blocks away from Ivanka Trump and Jared Kushner's property 

While Bo has been an upstanding First Dog, his four-year-old female companion has been known have a mischievous side. 

Sunny made headlines in January, after Malia's friend was bitten on the cheek by the dog. Three years ago, the pup knocked over a two-year-old girl at the White House, who was attending a Christmas party for military families. 

White House Press Secretary Josh Earnest told reporters after the biting incident, 'Both Bo and Sunny have been genuine ambassadors to the American people.' 

In an interview with People magazine, the president and first lady revealed that Sunny has a penchant for defecating near the Lincoln Bedroom.   


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