- published: 02 Sep 2012
- views: 73780
Year 981 (CMLXXXI) was a common year starting on Saturday (link will display the full calendar) of the Julian calendar.
Tram 11 is a Croatian rap group from Zagreb that was one of the first successful rap acts in Croatia.
The group formed in 1996 by Nenad Šimun "Target" and Srđan Ćuk "General Woo". They are named after a tram line number 11, that connects the western part of Zagreb from where Target is, with eastern part where General Woo lived. At that time Croatia had no recognized rappers until Tram 11 emerged in the "Blackout Project", a radio show started at "Radio 101" in 1993 to promote hip-hop and rap in Croatia.
The band's song "Hrvatski velikani" was the first rap song to hit #1 on Croatian music top-lists.
Their album Čovječe ne ljuti se was released in 1999.
Their song "Kužiš Spiku" was subsequently included on the compilation The Best of International Hip-Hop.
They disbanded in 2003, because they got in a feud. Soon Target got schizophrenia and started recording solo. He dropped out "MC (album)" that did not have success, same as "The Album... Nastavak". General Woo dropped out his album with Nered, "Baš je lijep ovaj svijet".
Baal Veer is an Indian children's television series on SAB TV, which began on 8 October 2012 and airs Monday through Friday evenings. The series has starred Dev Joshi as Baal Veer in stories about a supernatural boy's adventures in both the fairy and human world.
The show is about Baal Veer (Dev Joshi) a supernatural boy. The initial stories showed (Rukhsar Rehman) as Maa Pari has enthroned Bahuroopi Pari (Karishma Tanna /Shruti Seth) making her the Rani Pari. Baalveer confrontations with the evil fairy Bhayankar Pari (Shama Sikander) who wishes to become the queen. Bhayankar Pari, tries to become Rani Pari but is defeated by Baal Veer.Baal Veer lives undercover as the human boy Ballu who is close friends are the human children . Manav (Rudra Soni) and Meher (Anushka Sen) are often troubled by Montu . but Baal Veer comes to their rescue.
(Sudeepa Singh) A New Rani Pari come in pari lok and New Bhayankar Pari (Shweta Kawatra) came but Bhayankar pari was killed by Daityani. (Reshmi Ghosh) Dathyani was killed by Mahavinashani.
Tram 11 - Tajna Crne Kutije: The Best Of (2003)
Today’s episode continues with Montu submitting his history project on time. Everyone gets a shock; as it is possibly the best project of the class. However, Manish thought that there is something wrong with his project. But, when he checked it, he came to know that he has simply purchased an Eiffel tower showpiece and presented it in the class. Moreover, on the other, the Gurudev of Rani Pari in order to take his revenge from the Pari’s has become very furious. Want to know more? Then stay tuned in and find out here! Dear Subscriber, If you are trying to view this video from a location outside India, do note this video will be made available in your territory 48 hours after its upload time Click to watch all the episodes of Baalveer - https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL6Rtnh6YJK7Y...
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Driving a 2015 Porsche 981 Boxster GTS • Point of View • Porsche Sport Exhaust Sound • Start Up, Test Drive, Exhaust, Acceleration, Revvs, Sport Exhaust Sound (Klappenauspuffanlage). Pure Emotions & Crazy Sports Exhaust Sound. Ein kleiner Sound-Test vom neuen Porsche Boxster GTS 2015 - und wieso sich der Sound vom 781 unterscheidet ;)
数あるスポーツカーの中でも、ドライバーズカーとして人気の高い3代目のポルシェ ボクスター(981)で山道・高速道路を試乗してきました。4代目ボクスターが4気筒ターボとなり、性能面ではパワーアップしましたが、水平対向6気筒NAの高回転まで回したときの気持ちよさとエキゾースト音は捨てがたいものがあります。試乗車は素のボクスターでしたが、強靭なボディ、強力なグリップ感、重厚なハンドリングやブレーキタッチなど、まるで鉄の塊を操作しているかのようなクルマでした。一方でアクセルを踏み込むと、0-96.6 km/hで5.5秒の力強い加速を体感できます。 今回は仕事の都合上、かなりのハードスケジュールでしたが、無事に乗り切れてよかったです (^ ^) 今回は神戸市のネクスト・ワン(グレーのモデル)とオーラッシュ(白のモデル)のそれぞれでレンタルしたときの動画をまとめました。レンタル料金は、ネクスト・ワンが22,500円(当日返却)、オーラッシュが17,685円(当日返却)です。 【ブログ記事】 ◎ ポルシェ ボクスター(718,981等)の評判&試乗レビューhttp://hobby-review-blog.com/archives/10977 本動画が参考になりましたら、イイねのボタンを押していただけると嬉しいです。 -- BGM provided by MusMus and etc.
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