Chinese ed-tech firm ReTech seeks $112 million ASX IPO

ReTech co-chair Calvin Cheng will tap Australian investors through an ASX IPO, which is set for March.
ReTech co-chair Calvin Cheng will tap Australian investors through an ASX IPO, which is set for March.

A Chinese builder of corporate training systems is seeking to raise $22.5 million for an ASX listing in March, with plans to license course material from Australian vocational colleges with some of the proceeds.

Shanghai-based ReTech Technology digitises training content for use by organisations operating in China, including state-owned enterprises like Ping An Insurance and Bank Of China, and multinationals including McDonald's, Mercedes Benz and Sephora.

The $22.5 million raising would represent 20 per cent of the shares in ReTech, which made $4.9 million net profit after tax in 2015-16 off revenue of $14.2 million. The company is carrying $17 million in cash.

Most of ReTech's revenue to date has come from transforming clients' offline training materials into a usable digital format.

ReTech's sytems help train the workers at China's 2200 McDonald's outlets.
ReTech's sytems help train the workers at China's 2200 McDonald's outlets.

"We can gamify it, build quizzes around it or even make it teachable through a virtual reality headset," ReTech co-chair Calvin Cheng told The Australian Financial Review.

"It's very expensive sending trainers to address large workforces all over China. We can build a cartoon character to deliver the syllabus online and replace them all."

However Mr Cheng said he intends ReTech's "growth engine" to be the licensing of original course material, which its 300 staff can then digitise and sell to clients in China as an add-on to building their learning management systems.

The company has signed a memorandum of understanding with Queensland TAFE, which upon ReTech's successful listing will see it transform the TAFE's courses in food handling safety and mining safety for Chinese workers.

"One of the reasons we're listing in Australia is it's great reputation for education and training. We intend to do more collaborations with content producers here," Mr Cheng said.

Why ASX?

There are other reasons for listing in Australia. As a "Sinophone" company with 30 per cent of existing shareholders based outside China, the company was forbidden from seeking a mainland Chinese listing.

"We're a tad small for Hong Kong, so the best option outside that in terms of liquidity and P/E ratios turned out to be the ASX," said Mr Cheng, whose friend and Catcha Group founder Patrick Grove made the initial suggestion to consider an ASX listing, given his own success on that bourse.

Chinese companies typically face costs far higher than their Australian counterparts to list on the ASX, and ReTech is no exception. Its prospectus discloses a total offer cost of $3.6 million, assuming the maximum $22.5 million subscription is reached, including a capital raising fee of $1.35 million payable to RM Capital in Perth.

An international due diligence process does not come cheap, but the reputability attached to an ASX listing makes it worthwhile, according to HLB Mann Judd partner Jude Lau, who has advised several Chinese bookbuilds here.

"These guys aren't usually big enough for the main board in Hong Kong, they'll get offered the [Growth Enterprise Market] board, or they go to the US and all they can get is the NASDAQ over-the-counter market," Mr Lau explained.

"But the ASX is a main board. In China, to get the prestige and the contracts, that's what you need."

Most of the steady stream of Chinese companies listing on the ASX since 2007 have lost investors money. However Mr Lau said many of the problems associated with those floats had been addressed by regulation over the last 18 months.

"In fact the rumour goes that the ASX's tighter listing rules from December were prompted by the high number of Chinese companies wanting to list," Mr Lau said.