Digital Transformation Office head Paul Shetler's mission to make government a delight to deal with

DTO chief Paul Shetler is bringing a start-up culture to the challenge of guiding government departments into the age of internet service delivery.

Paul Shetler heads the federal government's Digital Transformation Office.
Paul Shetler heads the federal government's Digital Transformation Office. Christopher Pearce
by Verona Burgess

When Paul Shetler, the inaugural chief executive of the Digital Transformation Office rocked up to a recent Canberra meeting of senior public servants dressed casually in jeans, sneakers, leather jacket and t-shirt there were a few raised eyebrows among the assembled senior public servants.

His laid-back style of dress served only to highlight the big challenges he will face navigating the power networks and institutional culture of the public service. Shetler arrived from Britain in mid-July to revolutionise Australian government digital service delivery. “Simpler, clearer, faster, more humane public services” is the catchcry of the DTO.

Ruffled feathers

Originally from Ohio, with an easy smile and relaxed manner, Shetler has had a long career in digital delivery across private and public sectors in Europe and the United States, before being head-hunted to run the new executive office in then-Communications Minister – now Prime Minister – Malcolm Turnbull’s portfolio.

Shetler spent the past 13 and a half years in Britain, most recently reworking digital services for the difficult Ministry of Justice (MOJ), which runs prisons, courts, tribunals, legal aid and more.

The group charged with digitally transforming federal government functions was shifted out of the Department of Finance (which retains responsibility for ICT procurement), which initially ruffled a few feathers in the entrenched Canberra bureaucracy. But the DTO had the imprimatur of the powerful secretary of the Department of the Prime Minister and Cabinet Michael Thawley, who told The Australian Financial Review in April he saw it as key to getting government “off the back of the citizen”.

Very supportive

Shetler says the various groups of secretaries and deputy secretaries, particularly in the service-delivery agencies such as health and social services, have been very supportive, and thousands of public servants have tuned into the DTO’s livestream webcasts to hear the latest developments.

He wants to reassure senior public services that he isn’t here to amass power, insisting that he has no intention of allowing the DTO to adopt a silo culture or to hog any limelight. Instead, he sees the office as a co-ordinating unit operating largely behind the scenes with a helpful and approachable culture, adding successes will belong to the departments who produce the policy and run delivery.

“The departments will be at the front,” he says. “If it is successful it won’t be about the DTO. I see the DTO as permeable. We will provide good examples, support departments, challenge them and help build their capability, some internal and some using outside companies.”

He has been quick off the starting blocks. He and his fledgling team of about 40 staff and contractors – including a new chief strategic adviser, Dan Searle, fresh from the MOJ – have developed and are testing a new digital service standard, design guide and assessment framework. They are sizing up their new work program, planning what Shetler hopes will be a few “quick, brilliant and convincing deliverables” to point the way.

He’s also aggressively recruiting digital experts from Australian government, corporate and start-up sectors – not to mention “ethical hackers” – and is happily pillaging digital transformation knowledge from other countries and anywhere else they can find it.

The office, funded at $120 million over five years, is located in Canberra and also at the University of Technology, Sydney (in the new “crumpled cardboard box” Frank Gehry-designed Dr Chau Chak Wing Building), to infuse the working environment with the vibrant digital start-up culture of bright tech-heads and SME operators.

Shetler believes in having teams working closely together in physical hubs so they can operate collaboratively to spark off each other and solve problems.

Open flow of communication

In addition, 98 digital transformation co-ordinators have been appointed in government agencies, although the DTO, which wants an open flow of communication with agency digital teams, has made it plain the co-ordinators are not to become choke points.

This tallies with the DTO’s original remit that its small team of developers, designers, researchers and content specialists would work across government to develop and co-ordinate the delivery of digital services, operating more like a start-up than a traditional government agency and focusing on end-user needs.

The head of Deloitte’s federal government digital practice, Dan Newman, says setting up a hub almost like a Skunk Works (the original Lockheed Martin innovation lab that created revolutionary aircraft) will be a critical factor for its success.

“It needs to be more than standards and frameworks – it can’t be dictatorial. It is a different model of agency engagement. Getting agencies to collaborate and own the outcome and not be dictated to from the centre is really key. It comes with challenges but from what we see there is a real appetite within agencies to adopt the model.”

Shetler, an American who is familiar with federal government, does not like to use the term “customers” when it comes to government services.

He prefers “users” because, he says, people have no choice other than to use public services, they often do so at crisis points, they should not need a degree in constitutional law to navigate jurisdictions, they don’t care whether the service belongs to a federal, state or local administration, and they expect their digital experience to be as easy as using Amazon or Google.

Private sector no panacea

Nor does he see the private sector as the panacea to government’s problems. Unlike governments, companies can and do go out of business.

“It is just as hard in the private sector as the public sector,” he says. “Every single business is struggling [with digital delivery].”

Then there are ageing systems, such as the Department of Human Services’ Centrelink payments system, which the National Commission of Audit said in 2014 needed to be replaced, at a cost of about $1.3 billion.

In the 2015 budget the government provided the first $60.5 billion over four years for the first tranche of what is called the Welfare Payment Infrastructure Transformation program.

But Shetler says governments across the world are struggling with old legacy systems and they are not the only ones.

It has been a similar story for the banks.

He does not believe in a “big bang” approach of ripping out and replacing systems all at once because it is so easy to get it wrong.

“It’s important to focus on the entry point across all channels, to verify data so as not to have errors percolating downwards,” he says. “I’m a fan of thinking incrementally and knowing where to go first, second and third.”

Cutting to the chase

Shetler is no stranger to bureaucratic scepticism but he believes in cutting to the chase, which means delivering – and delivering quickly.

“I like to have tight timeframes, because it forces people to make decisions and produces quick feedback loops. It’s an internal constraint and I think it’s a better way of working and delivering.”

He also sees it as a good way to counteract the natural tendency of bureaucracies to drag.

But he sees government as a great opportunity to do good things. “It’s a great reason to get out of bed in the morning.”

He has already started to talk to state governments and some councils about creating a seamless user-experience across all tiers of government.

The DTO will also help departmental policymakers visualise what their policy will look and feel like at user level and to steal service-design skills for application in policymaking.

“If digital is at the very end of the sausage factory our scope is limited,” he says.

Instead, the best data and digital design must be integrated into policymaking.

“Otherwise service delivery can be constrained by unforeseen circumstances.”

How will Shetler know when the office has succeeded?

“We’ll have happy users.”

Being watched closely

The progress of the DTO is being watched closely by the private sector. Deloitte Access Economics, in a report on digital government transformation launched by Turnbull in July, estimated that in return for spending $6.1 billion in new ICT and transitional costs, savings could be made across federal and state governments of $17.6 billion over 10 years by halving the 40 per cent of transactions that are still completed via traditional channels.

The report also estimated a further saving of $8.7 billion in citizens’ costs.

Little wonder, then, that the head of technology practice for the Deloitte public sector group in Canberra, Ellen Derrick, says: “From our perspective, we absolutely cheered the establishment of the DTO as critical in demonstrating that the government is truly committed to improving service delivery and driving efficiencies.”

The appointment of Shetler also sent a strong signal that government was serious and committed to change, she says.

Turnbull had shown in discussions that he was very committed to digital transformation. “Now, as Prime Minister, really strong support from him and the cabinet will be critical to its success,” she says.

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