New Internationalist

Environmental Policy


New Internationalist (NI) is an independent trust, working as a not-for-profit co-operative publishing organisation, operating from offices in Oxford. Our principal activity is the production of a monthly magazine, books and other publications. We also produce a gift catalogue for Amnesty International UK.

NI recognises that its operations have an effect on the local, regional and global environment. We aim to reduce the environmental impact of our business and to operate in a responsible manner. We are committed to continuous improvements in environmental performance and the prevention of pollution using regulations, laws and codes of practice which are regarded as setting the minimum standards of environmental performance. As part of our continuing drive for improvement we have developed an Environmental Policy and an Environmental Action Plan, which will enable us to set the targets by which our efforts towards sustainable environmental improvement can be measured and monitored on a regular basis. We also recognise that many of the initiatives we have put in place make sound business sense and are cost-effective.


This Environmental Policy applies to our operations in Oxford including management, office services, production and procurement. A Space and Environment Group (SpEG) has been set up to be responsible for ensuring that the policy is implemented. However, all co-operative members agree that they have a responsibility in their area to ensure that the aims and objectives of the policy are met. SpEG is committed to ensuring every member of the co-op understands and implements the relevant aspects of this policy in their day-to-day work through regular communication of objectives and achievements at co-op meetings and via e-mail.


NI will ensure that resources are available to enable SpEG to achieve the objectives and targets of the Environmental Policy. A financial commitment has been made for an ongoing programme of environmental improvements to the building.


NI recognises that as a publisher we use a large quantity of paper. We aim to reduce the environmental impact by both reducing the volume of paper used and by printing our magazine and publications on recycled paper. We strive to maximise the post-consumer content of recycled paper used, wherever possible. The New Internationalist magazine, the No Nonsense Guides series and Trigger Issues series are all printed on 100% post-consumer recycled paper. Where printing on 100% post-consumer recycled paper is not possible because of quality issues, we use paper which is comprised of a mixture of post-consumer recycled pulp and virgin pulp sourced from sustainable forests.

We print only with printing companies that hold an environmental management system certified to the internationally recognised ISO14001 standard.

We recognise that we can reduce the volume of paper used is in marketing as traditional marketing involves the heavy use of catalogues, direct mail and leaflets. We aim to switch from these methods and move to methods such as meeting customers face-to-face and using telephone and electronic marketing.

Energy Use

We have in place a contract for electricity supply using only renewable sources (Good Energy). We have reduced energy consumption by agreeing and implementing various energy saving practices. (See Environmental Action Plan)


NI has a contract with a waste collection and re-cycling company who collect waste paper and cardboard every week and paper collection boxes are available throughout the building. We have reduced paper consumption by agreeing and implementing various paper saving practices. (See Environmental Action Plan)

NI is committed to using recycled office consumables wherever available e.g. files, pens, notepads. 100% recycled paper and envelopes are used throughout the offices. Consumables are supplied by a local firm who have an established reputation for ian environmental approach to customer service. Their delivery vans are LPG and goods are delivered in reclaimed packaging. The Office Manager is responsible for researching suppliers and re-ordering.


Water is mains-supplied and use is for domestic (staff) purposes only. All toilets are fitted with a system to reduce water needed for flushing. Staff are encouraged to reduce water consumption by agreeing and implementing various water saving practices (see Environmental Action Plan). A drinking water fountain using plastic bottles of water has been replaced by a plumbed-in system which filters out impurities via a recyclable filter cartridge. This negates the need for consumable (although refillable) plastic refill bottles and cuts down on transport miles necessary for regular water deliveries. A water butt has been installed for collecting rainwater for watering outdoor and indoor plants

Organic Waste

NI has improved the outside area of the premises by building raised beds and developing the garden area. The waste generated from the garden is composted and the resulting material is re-applied to the garden area. Any organic waste, e.g. fruit, vegetables, tea bags and coffee grounds, are collected in a designated lidded bin in the kitchen area and the contents then added to the outdoor compost bin.

Reducing Landfill

We are committed to reducing our landfill contribution and have taken steps to enable staff to take part in specific waste management initiatives. These initiatives have enabled us to reduce the size of the waste container for general waste. (See Environmental Action Plan.)

Cleaning consumables

All products used to clean the New Internationalist office are bio-degradable, contain no petrochemical-based ingredients and have not been tested on animals. All paper products are 100% recycled. We have in place a contract for collection of sanitary waste. The waste is treated with bio-degradable germicidal products.


NI does not provide any vehicles for business or private use and co-op members are encouraged to use public transport wherever possible. If several people are going to the same meeting that is not easily accessible by public transport, car hire or car sharing is encouraged.

Due to the nature of the business, there are occasions when it is necessary for employees to travel overseas. It is agreed that air travel will be kept to a minimum and that all flights will be agreed by the co-operative. It is acknowledged that this may result in journeys taking longer and, in some cases, be more expensive but resources will be made available to enable people to take this option whenever possible.

Electronic transfer of documents is used whenever possible. If this is not possible then items are either sent via Royal Mail or by courier. These trips are kept to a minimum and, where possible, items are combined and collected on one “run”.

Fire Safety After inspection by a representative of the Oxfordshire Fire & Rescue Service it was found that NI complied with the recommendations of the Fire Precautions Act 1971 and a Fire Certificate (number 1335/55) has been issued to that effect. Fire Safety Equipment training has been provided for staff. All fire safety equipment is regularly maintained and updated.

Health & Safety

The co-operative is committed to health and safety in the work place, ensuring that at all times the work environment is clean, tidy and safe. Risk assessments of the building and display screen assessments are regularly carried out. The findings are submitted to Oxford City Council Environmental Health Department for approval. Free eyesight tests and financial assistance with treatment for RSI are provided. Training on First Aid and guidelines for Health & Safety at Work is made available to staff.