People shining lasers at pilots and drivers could face jail and huge fines under tough new laws following a spate of life-threatening incidents 

  • More than 1,500 planes have been targeted in laser attacks in the last year 
  • Transport Secretary Chris Grayling has unveiled new more powerful legislation 

People shining laser pens at pilots, train and bus drivers could face jail or heavy fines under new legislation.

Announcing the new powers to protect the public, Transport Secretary Chris Grayling said: 'This kind of dangerous behaviour risks lives and must be stopped.'

More than 1,500 planes a year are targeted in laser attacks, putting passengers and crew at risk of disastrous consequences. 

An average of four planes a day are targeted in laser attacks at British airports

It is currently an offence to shine lasers at pilots and can be punished with a fine of up to £2,500. 

But under the new bolstered plans the police will only have to prove a laser has been shined in the vicinity of a plane, rather than having to prove an aircraft was endangered. 

The law is also designed to protect train, bus and even car drivers. 

Mr Grayling said: 'Shining a laser pointer at pilots or drivers is incredibly dangerous and could have fatal consequences.

'Whilst we know laser pens can be fun and many users have good intentions, some are not aware of the risks of dazzling drivers or pilots putting public safety at risk.

He said: 'That's why we want to take the common sense approach to strengthen our laws to protect the public from those who are unaware of the dangers or even worse, intentionally want to cause harm.'

Astronomers at Kielder Observatory use laser pens to indicate some of the stars that are visible. But some people use laser pens to just cause mischief STOCK PHOTO

'There are around 1,500 laser attacks on aircraft every year in the UK and we know there have been similar attacks on trains and buses. What I am announcing today are plans to give the police effective powers to investigate and bring those who misuse lasers to justice,' said Mr Grayling.

British Airline Pilots Association flight safety specialist Steve Landells said: 'Any move to give the police and authorities more powers to tackle this real and growing threat to flight safety is a good thing, and we are pleased that the Government has included action on lasers in this bill.'

Last year the British Journal of Ophthalmology warned that laser pens could have 'devastating' consequences if a laser is pointed at the cockpit of a plane or helicopter and the pilots are blinded.

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The experts said lasers can 'dazzle' pilots who 'almost certainly will be distracted'.

If pilots are distracted at a critical time, such as during landing or take-off, the result could be disastrous.

There has only been one case of alleged retinal damage in a pilot as a result of laser targeting of aircraft, they said, but the 'suspect' case is questionable because of the distances involved.

Between half and one million laser pointers, pens, and key rings are thought to have been in circulation over the past decade. 

The sale of laser pens themselves is not illegal

Eye experts warn of the 'devastating' consequences possible if lasers are aimed at aircraft cockpits


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