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Federal Politics

Donald Trump tweets he will study 'dumb' refugee deal with Australia

President Donald Trump has thrown the America-Australia refugee deal into grave doubt, embarrassing the Turnbull government just hours after US diplomats confirmed it would honour the agreement.

Mr Trump tweeted around 3pm Australian time: "Do you believe it? The Obama Administration agreed to take thousands of illegal immigrants from Australia. Why? I will study this dumb deal!"

It was issued less than two hours after the United States embassy in Australia issued a statement that said Mr Trump's decision to "honour the refugee agreement has not changed" and that pledge was re-confirmed to the State Department from the White House.

A bombshell report published Thursday revealed Mr Trump described the arrangement as the "worst deal ever" and hung up on Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull after just 25 minutes on the phone.

Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull refuses to disclose details of his phone conversation with Donald Trump. Photo: Alex Ellinghausen

Mr Spicer had said on Wednesday that the President would "honour what had been agreed upon" but that the asylum seekers would be subjected to "extreme vetting".

As fall-out from the report in the Washington Post about the tense call between the two leaders begins, Opposition Leader Bill Shorten demanded Mr Turnbull "talk straight to the Australian people. Tell us what's going on".

According to the report, Mr Trump blasted the Australian Prime Minister, boasted about his mandate and the size of his inauguration crowd and said that "this was the worst call by far" of all his calls with world leaders.

The Prime Minister on Thursday refused to disclose details of his phone call with Mr Trump, though he insisted he stood up for Australia in every forum.

"You can surely understand the reasons for that. I appreciate your interest, but it's better that these things - these conversations are conducted candidly, frankly, privately. If you see reports of them, I'm not going to add to them."

"You may wish to speculate about policies and politics in Washington, that's not my role. My job is today and every day to stand up for Australia and that's what I do."

One cabinet minister told Fairfax Media that the reported details of the fiery phone call - which the White House had initially claimed concentrated on the "enduring strength and closeness of the US-Australia relationship" in a bland official statement - were broadly accurate.

"Malcolm has stood up for Australia, he actually had a row with the President of the United States and he hasn't crowed about it, he has since gotten on with the job," the cabinet minister said, speaking on condition of anonymity.

"We are offended but as long as these people [refugees] get off Manus and Nauru, that's the main thing. I'm confident the deal will be honoured, this is part of the process. Trump is trying to get the message out that he hates the deal but can't do anything about it."

Under the terms of the refugee deal, it is possible that the United States could honour the agreement with Australia but not actually take any of the 1250 refugees as they could be rejected during the vetting process.

The deal - to take asylum seekers currently on Manus Island and Nauru - was struck between Australia and the Obama administration and announced by Mr Turnbull in mid-November.

In the days after the phone call, Mr Turnbull said Mr Trump had agreed to honour the deal, but Washington subsequently sent mixed messages and indicated the President was still considering whether to honour it.

Mr Shorten - who had initially criticised Mr Turnbull for not standing up to the US President - demanded details about the phone call.

Labor wanted to the refugee deal to go ahead, Mr Shorten said, "but clearly President Trump and his people are saying one thing happened in this conversation, which is completely at odds with what Prime Minister Turnbull has told the Australian people".

"They both can't be right and I think it's in the interests of the Australian people for Mr Turnbull just to be straight with the people and tell us what's really going on," he said.

"If I was Prime Minister, I would want the United States to be our ally, and I'm sure that the Americans want Australia to be their ally, but if I was Prime Minister I would never just be a satellite of the United States, and it is important that Australia speaks its mind."

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