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Feb 05 2017

Moonbat Shoves Bloody Maxi Pad Into Pro-Life Protester’s Mouth

This is what we are up against:

According to the local police, an organized protest was held outside Planned Parenthood in Ashland, Oregon on January 27. During the protest, a woman, who was identified as 21-year-old Valerie Starushok, approached a protester and “struck him in the face with a wet sanitary napkin.”

Actually, the victim says she “shoved her bloody maxi pad into my mouth.” She also explained the finer points of her ideology by yelling profanities.

Starushok later turned herself in and was charged with harassment.

Calmly explaining that it is not nice to kill inconvenient babies will produce limited results with these people.

Valerie Starushok
Starushok makes the anti-life case.

On tips from Rob E and Everyday President.

Feb 05 2017

Vehicle-Mounted Active Denial System for Dispersing Moonbats

For once taxpayers would get their money’s worth if U.C. Berkeley would invest in one of these. Next time anti–free speech moonbats riot and attack police with fireworks, it could be put to excellent use:

Machine guns or napalm might provide more emotional satisfaction, but the V-MADS will do unless the moonbattery situation gets even further out of hand.

On a tip from 762×51.

Feb 05 2017

Greg Abbott Holds the Line Against Sanctuary City Sedition

The seditious “sanctuary city” nonsense has gone far enough. This is a nation of laws. Those who don’t like the laws can work to change them. Jurisdictions that declare that they will not honor the law are in a state of revolt and should be treated accordingly. No matter how many moonbats choke Austin, Texas Governor Greg Abbott will not let this crap fly in Travis County:

On a tip from TrojanMan.

Feb 05 2017

Even Whoopi Goldberg Appalled by Berkeley

You know the Left is going over the edge at lightning speed when it leaves even Whoopi Goldberg behind. In contrast, her colleague Joy Behar is up to date with her radicalism, implicitly siding with anti–free speech rioters in Berkeley.

Enduring 4 minutes of listening to these harpies screech may or may not be worth it for the laughs when Joyless proclaims that the deafeningly gay Milo Yiannopoulos must be silenced for being a “homophobe.”:

On tips from KirklesWorth and Torcer. Hat tip: Right Wing News.

Feb 04 2017

Open Thread


Via Sandraن.

Feb 04 2017

Dr Evil Brought Up on Charges

Dr Evil plies his trade.

Unless you’re a demon in a Hellraiser movie, going into a place called Dr Evil’s Body Modification Emporium probably isn’t such a bright idea:

The owner of ‘Dr Evils Body Modification Emporium’ has appeared in court [Friday] accused of mutilating his clients.

Brendan McCarthy or self proclaimed ‘Mac ‘Dr Evil’ McCarthy’ faces three counts of causing serious injury relating to consensual piercing and body modifying at his shop in Wolverhampton, West Midlands.

The charges relate to the removal of a client’s ear, removal of a client’s nipple and tongue splitting procedures. …

The 47-year-old , whose salon is also known as ‘Punctured Body Piercing & Modification’ ,faces three counts of causing grievous bodily harm with intent and three alternative counts of wounding without intent.

A better idea for a business would be one that removes tattoos and restores freakified earlobes; eventually many trendoids will mature and want their bodies back.

Satisfied customers.

On a tip from Bodhisattva.

Feb 04 2017

Robert Reich Jumps Shark, Raves That Berkeley Rioting Was False Flag Operation Staged by Breitbart

Hysterically desperate? Or is the moonbat munchkin Robert Reich clinically insane? All we know for sure is that CNN is grossly irresponsible for treating him like anything more than a laughable crank. Watch in amazement as this goofy garden gnome tries to convince us that the black bloc anarchists rioting at Berkeley to prevent Breitbart’s Milo Yiannopoulos from being heard were “right-wingers” deployed by Breitbart:

If the Left has been reduced to rioting to silence their opponents, and then floating preposterous conspiracy theories to blame those same opponents for the riots, Obama has left it in even worse shape than we knew.

On tips from Torcer, TCS III, J, and Jester. Hat tip: Hot Air.

Feb 04 2017

Anti-Muslim Hate Hoax at Beloit College

If you are looking for hate hoaxes, start at liberal arts colleges like Wisconsin’s Beloit College:

Beloit Police say they have solved a report of a ‘hate crime’ on campus, which they now say was fraudulent.

Twenty-year-old Michael Kee was arrested and charged with Obstructing, Disorderly Conduct, and Criminal Damage, for allegedly spray painting an anti-Muslim threat and symbol on his door and a wall near his dorm. Police say he then reported it as a threat against his religion and ethnicity.

Kee has confessed. Police say he did it for the sympathetic attention.

A promising career with CAIR awaits him. Kee should be sure to include on his résumé that he made the list.

Kee must be more ethnic than he looks.

On tips from Dave F and KirklesWorth.

Feb 04 2017

Zombie Documents Berkeley Anti–Free Speech Riot

U.C. Berkeley’s Sproul Plaza was where the Free Speech Movement was born in 1964, and where the concept of free speech on college campuses officially died last Wednesday. Zombie was on the scene to document this historic event with both photos and video. A few samples:

Communist executioner Che Guevara continues to inspire.

Police passively endure fireworks artillery barrage.

Moonbat savages attack.

See civilization start to burn through Berkeley’s iconic Sather Gate.

Click through for more.

Feb 04 2017

Why Is George Stephanopoulos Not in Australia?

A news item from last November 5 requires some follow-up:

The wife of ABC News anchor George Stephanopoulos declared that if Donald Trump wins, the couple is moving to Australia. That’s according to the Hollywood Reporter in a piece from Tuesday on how celebrities will react to the election. Ali Wentworth is an actress, notable for appearing on Seinfeld and marrying Stephanopoulos.

She declared, “If Trump wins, we’ll start looking at real estate in Sydney, Australia. No crime, no guns.”

No guns in the hands of law-abiding citizens, anyway. That could be why gun crimes have been spiking.

By now the family should be well underway with their arrangements to move Down Under. I wish Australians all the best, but if we are going to take about 1,250 unwanted Islamic welfare colonists off their hands, they ought to take Snuffleupagus to make it fair. Considering how much money this moonbat propagandist secretly donated to the Clinton Foundation, corrupt left-wing politicians would be happy to have him.

George Stephanopoulos
Do the right thing, Australia. Take him off our hands.

On a tip from Andrew in Australia.

Feb 03 2017

Open Thread


Via Joanne B. K.

Feb 03 2017

Pelosi to André Carson: “Tell Them You’re a Muslim”

Among Democrats and their supporters, aligning yourself with a barbaric cult fundamentally opposed to every value Americans hold dear is actually a selling point to be exploited:

A hot microphone picked up House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi instructing a Democratic congressman to tell a crowd of anti-Trump protesters that he is a Muslim.

That congresscritter is André Carson (D, IN), an ultra-left moonbat representing Indianapolis who is in both the Congressional Black Caucus and the Congressional Progressive Caucus.

Pelosi’s slip-up took place in front of a group of protesters demonstrating outside the Supreme Court against Donald Trump’s executive orders on immigration.

The executive order was of course intended to shield the USA from Muslim terrorists.

The terror war against America didn’t end on 9/11. It is still very much underway. Imagine Congressional representatives bragging about being Japanese imperialists in the 1940s.

Democrats couldn’t make their hostility to this country more obvious if they tried.

On a tip from Torcer.

Feb 03 2017

Teenage Girl Sues Former School for Not Pretending She Is a Boy

Because they do so much to advance the liberal social engineering agenda, transgender children are near the top of Britain’s politically correct caste system. A benefit of this exalted position is that they can sue pretty much anyone they choose to accuse of not embracing their unwholesome antics with sufficient enthusiasm. For example:

A transgender teenager is suing [her] former school for discrimination after they refused to let [her] wear a boy’s uniform.

The 16-year-old, who was born female, said that staff at Hereford Cathedral School told [her] it was a ‘phase’ and [she] was ‘attention seeking’.

The young girl and her parents are apparently seeking more than just attention.

Hold on for some jarring irony:

[Her] mother told the BBC: “They made my child out to be a freak and someone who would contaminate other students.”

If anyone makes gender dysphoric children into freaks, it is most likely their parents, who bear responsibility for acquainting their offspring with fundamental facts, such as, if you are a girl, you are girl, whatever the militant moonbats who run the media say.

But nurturing the delusions of confused children does have its upside — provided cash damages are awarded.

TransGender Symbol
Under this sign, the greedy shall conquer.

On a tip from Bodhisattva.

Feb 03 2017

Gavin McInnes Attempts to Speak at NYU, Is Pepper-Sprayed, Shouted Down by Mob

It isn’t just Berkeley. Academia is degenerating to the point where it is not possible for a right-of-center voice to be heard. Any attempted dissent from leftism will be met with violence. At New York University:

Gavin McInnes spoke for only three minutes without interruption until the jeers started. He exited the Rosenthal Pavilion in the Kimmel Center for University Life 20 minutes after he took to the podium and was escorted from a mixed room of fans and sneering students — once he was in the back, McInnes decided to leave the premises immediately.

NYPD and NYU Public Safety Officers secured both the interior and exterior of the building, and even before he entered, McInnes was attacked with pepper spray. He was treated immediately by EMT while security and university officials waited outside the Kimmel bathroom door.

When he showed the toughness to start his speech anyway, he was drowned out with the classic fascist “Whose streets? Our streets!” rallying cry.

Police allowed only those with NYU IDs inside the Kimmel Center. Five arrests were made.

Senior Vice President of Student Affairs Marc Wais, who tried to calm down the mob, described this appalling event and the recent one at Berkeley as “a new normal.”

Here’s video of the circus outside (LANGUAGE ALERT; skip to 10:20 for an astonishing meltdown by a moonbat who is reportedly an NYU professor):

If that’s how professors behave in public now, we can only imagine what they are like in the classroom.

On tips from KirklesWorth and TCS III. Hat tip: Hot Air.

Feb 03 2017

Moira Jayne Walsh Demonstrates Why You Don’t Want to Hire a Moonbat

Good thing Moira Jayne Walsh can fall back on her work as a Rhode Island State Representative, because she has been fired from her waitress job at the Classic Cafe in Providence:

The reason, Walsh said on Facebook, which prompted a frenzy of posts supporting her was: “See, since becoming a mouthpiece for those who are the voiceless, I’ve made a lot of enemies. I had a stranger write my first one star yelp review based not on my service, but on my political beliefs. I was fired …”

Walsh got into the habit of inflicting these wacky political beliefs upon customers rather than attending to her duties. Now she presents herself as the put-upon victim, denied her right of free speech because she dared speak up on behalf of favored special interest groups that are supposedly downtrodden.

Barks Walsh,

“I won’t be quiet. I’m a one-woman riot.”

Owner Raymond Burns pleads his case:

“Walsh would often get into vocal political discussions with customers during her shifts, often sitting down with the diners in their booths. We sometimes had to ask her to return to her duties and advised her to continue her discussions when she was off the clock. These disciplinary instances were never about politics or free speech, but simply reminder of her job and responsibility to all customers.”

Burns notes that Walsh was “taking advantage of a captive audience to promote their own political views,” and laments,

“For newly elected public servant to whip the media and her supporters into a frenzy with unfounded accusations, demanding a boycott and portraying our family in such a negative light is profoundly upsetting and potentially damaging to my family’s livelihood.”

Walsh’s views range from far left to even farther left. Plus, she’s a single mother. In New England, her future in politics is bright, even if she currently makes only $15,429 per year (plus benefits) as a General Assembly member. Just don’t hire someone like this to do constructive work, like waitressing.

Moira Jayne Walsh, oppressed single mom.

On a tip from Mr. Freemarket.

Feb 03 2017

Militant Moonbats: At War With Normalcy

Why is it that militant moonbattery features so many extreme perverts, like the child-molesting homosexual Micah Rhodes of Portland’s “Resistance,” the sick masochist apparently responsible for sucker-punching Richard Spencer, #DisruptJ20 pedophile Luke Kuhn, Black Lives Matter sex-trafficker and pimp for under-aged girls Charles Wade, and homicidal homosexual-sodomizing feminist activist Donna Hylton? Gavin McInnes has a theory:

They purport to be about equality, but I just had an epiphany and realized they’re actually mentally ill perverts who are at war with normalcy because it exposes them for the freaks they truly are. … “Normal” is the worst thing imaginable. If you recognize it as a concept, you’re a Nazi.

Obviously not all moonbats are sexual deviants…

However, the driving force behind their movement has been unduly influenced by degenerates and, yes, pedophiles. There is a very disturbing pattern going on where it looks like, once again, the most depraved creeps have hijacked the decadence of the left and turned it into a justification of their nauseating fetishes.

The theory has enough merit to warrant reading the whole piece.

Micah Rhodes
Rhodes: At home on the Left.

On a tip from JusttheTipHQ.

Feb 03 2017

The Circus Dead, Animal Rights Kooks Target Rodeo

After 146 years of providing entertainment, Ringling Bros. and Barnum & Bailey is closing down, in part because of relentless pressure from animal rights fanatics. Are these militant moonbats content with their victory? Of course not. Progressivism is like a forest fire; the more it destroys, the hungrier it grows for more destruction. Now they are coming after rodeos:

An animal rights group is calling for a boycott of rodeos after two horses died during bronc riding competitions in Fort Worth.

“It was very sad,” said LeeAnn Nalls, a life-long rodeo and show participant.

Video shows each horse coming out of the gate and veering off to the right as it bucks. Both horses hit the wall head first, snapping their spines.

Freak accidents will happen. They don’t happen very often.

“I’ve been going to rodeos since I was five” Nalls said. “And I turned 50 this year and I’ve only seen one horse die in an arena.”

But any pretext will do when it comes to erasing a little more of America to make way for the coming moonbat utopia.

PETA screamed in a statement:

“It’s 2017—a time when animal circuses are shutting down and SeaWorld is on the skids. Rodeos are way out of step with public opinion, and it’s time for them to be relegated to the pages of history books. PETA encourages everyone to stay away from rodeos and to support legislation that protects animals from this abuse.”

No doubt a major legal/propaganda campaign will escalate from here, as we have seen before.

Don’t let the rodeo share the fate of the circus. Do your part to keep to this great American tradition alive by attending a rodeo. You can’t beat it for family entertainment that keeps us in touch with our heritage, especially in the West.

Prescott, Arizona has an excellent rodeo.

On tips from Stormfax and Bodhisattva. Photo compliments of Varla.

Feb 03 2017

Major Parenting Fails

Islamists and moonbats have a great deal in common — sometimes including their approach to parenting:



Growing up to be something other than a sociopath isn’t always easy.

Via Bare Naked Islam, Doey Schmoe. Tip from Ol’ Uncle Lar.

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