Deborah Snow

Deborah Snow is a senior writer with The Sydney Morning Herald and a former federal political reporter for the Australian Financial Review. She has also served as foreign correspondent for ABC-TV in Moscow and London, and as a reporter on Four Corners.

NSW Police Commissioner Andrew Scipione arrives at the Lindt cafe Siege inquest on Wednesday.

Scipione stands ground on police handling of Lindt siege

"We will never know." After hours of questioning at the Lindt cafe inquest on Wednesday, this was the essence of Commissioner Andrew Scipione's many (and at times convoluted) answers to one of the key questions which has hung over this inquiry since its inception.

Anthony Albanese stepped up attacks on the government over tax policy.

Albanese to recontest Grayndler

Anthony Albanese has decided to run again for the seat he has represented for nearly 20 years, Grayndler, despite radically redrawn electoral boundaries but has harsh words for the Greens who will be a key danger in the seat.

The proposal for the Australian Habitat and Taronga Wildlife Retreatl.

Taronga Zoo's $44 million eco-resort plans

Sydney's Taronga Zoo has quietly lodged plans to build a $44 million dollar "eco-resort" inside the zoo in a bid to attract well-heeled international visitors as part of a bid to "revitalise" the harbourside attraction.