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Sandy B
If a man loses pace with his companions, perhaps it is because he hears a different drummer. Let him step to the music which he hears, howev
If a man loses pace with his companions, perhaps it is because he hears a different drummer. Let him step to the music which he hears, howev

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Lined chiton (Tonicella lineata)
The lined chiton is a species of chiton from the North Pacific. It has been recorded from intertidal and subtidal waters to a depth of 30 to 90 m. T. lineata often occurs on rocks that are encrusted by coralline algae; presumably this is what their coloration is intended to camouflage against. If knocked from its substrate, T. lineata will contract into a ball in order to protect its vulnerable ventral side, similar to many isopods. Coralline algae are also the major food item of T. lineata.

Photo via Wikipedia Commons

#coolcritters   #linedchiton   #marinelife   #biodiversity  

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Study shows signs of hope for endangered sea turtles - Bones from dead turtles washed up on Mexican beaches indicate that Baja California is critical to the survival of endangered North Pacific loggerhead sea turtles, which travel some 7,500 miles from their nesting sites in Japan to their feeding grounds off the coast of Mexico.

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Ruby Seadragon!

Researchers from Scripps Institute of Oceanography have discovered, described, and filmed a third species of seadragon. This one is a ruby seadragon. The two previously known seadragons are the leafy seadragon and the weedy seadragon. These are beautiful fish adapted to resemble seaweed. They are closely related to seahorses.

An article and video from Newsweek (it defaults to the European one for me so apologies if it doesn't work for you in another region)

Here's the open access scientific paper: +Jess Romaine +Kate Stone 

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This photograph of jellyfish and brittlestars is just stunning.

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#secretsanta #santagift

Thank you so much to my Secret Santa! I've been a bit down this week so I really appreciate it. These are the nicest socks I've ever had and I can't wait to play Exploding Kittens! I'm not sure who T-7 is, but please let me know so I can say thanks. 🙂
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How a researcher discovered a completely undocumented whale

One evening in November 2013, the noted whale researcher Salvatore Cerchio sat down to dinner with his team of scientists on Nosy Iranja, a small island known for its white sands and turquoise waters that's located off the northwest coast of Madagascar. As he took his seat, Cerchio could barely contain his excitement. He'd spent the better part a decade working in the general region of Madagascar, heading up research into the local population of dolphins and whales with the Wildlife Conservation Society, and he was pretty sure that, earlier in the day, he and his team had encountered six Bryde's whales, an exceedingly rare cousin of the humpback.

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Salvatore Cerchio, A85, and his research team were the first to spot Omura’s whales in 2013 off the coast of Madagascar. Credit: Sal Cerchio

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You needed to know this. You're welcome. 
If anyone ever tells you the ocean is boring, remind them that Melibe sea slugs smell like watermelon. Mic-drop
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