
Fight over super's objective heats up

Should compulsory superannuation aim to give Australians a retirement that is "comfortable," "adequate" or "dignified"? Or should it have the more modest goal of providing retirement income to substitute or top up the age pension?

The $2.1 trillion super sector is making a last-ditch plea for some version of the former, as the government looks to enshrine the objective of superannuation in law.

Following a recommendation from the financial system inquiry, the government last year introduced legislation describing super's purpose as "to provide income in retirement to substitute or supplement the age pension," and this is being reviewed by a Senate inquiry.

The debate about legal wording has sparked a broader stoush over how much Australians have saved up outside the super system, which was established in the early 1990s.

New analysis from the Association of Superannuation Funds of Australia, one of several groups appearing before the Senate inquiry on Monday, argues most people have little in the way of non-super savings to help them in retirement.

The figures, based on Australian Bureau of Statistics data, show 80 per cent of households have super, compared with a quarter who have shares and 19 per cent who own a property outside the family home. Even lower numbers of people have a family trust or private business.


"The dominant feature of the landscape of saving outside super is that the majority of people do not have shares, the majority of people don't have an investment property," AFSA chief executive Martin Fahy said.

"So if you're developing public policy, what you're looking at is those people who are impacted most, which is the typical Australian." 

Dr Fahy argued the government's objective was not "aspirational enough," and risked not taking into account the growing costs to the budget of longevity, health care inflation, and aged care.

In contrast, the Grattan Institute – which backs the government's objective for super – has emphasised figures showing a significant share of households, including middle income earners, do have substantial wealth outside super and their houses. It says more than half of all households hold more than half of their non-home wealth outside super.

Grattan chief executive John Daley said: "Our point is simply, if you're to set super policy, then you need to take into account all of peoples' savings."

The debate about the importance of non-super savings is important because the government is mindful of the $33 billion annual cost of super tax breaks, as it enshrines the objective of super in law.

AFSA is lobbying for a super objective that includes some notion of adequacy. It defines as "comfortable" a post-retirement income of $59,619 for a couple, which would require a super balance of about $640,000.

Yet so far, the super industry's calls have not been picked up by government.

Treasurer Scott Morrison said in his second reading speech for the bill that after "careful consideration," the government would opt for the objective put forward by the financial system inquiry's chair, David Murray.

Mr Morrison quoted Mr Murray in saying that referring to "comfort" or "adequacy" in the legislation would open the door to "constant political interference" in the sector.

Consumer group Choice also says these terms are subjective and could be used to justify policies to expand super tax breaks, and argues for a broader focus on retirement incomes more generally.