Life at 260 weeks pregnant! Satirical PSA follows woman waiting to give birth when her child is six - since the US is the only developed country without paid family leave

  • The video was created for the National Partnership for Women & Families and follows the story of Lauren, who has been pregnant for five years
  • The clip comments on how many women struggle to afford to take time off to have babies 

A spoof PSA shows a woman who is 260 weeks pregnant to comment on the issue of paid family leave.

The new video, titled A Long Five Years, follows the story of Lauren, a paralegal at a small law firm in Denver, who doesn't have paid maternity leave so decided to stay pregnant until her baby turns six years old.

Created for the National Partnership for Women & Families, the clip shows Lauren ambling through the halls of her office with a massive belly as narrator Sophia Bush explains how neither she nor her husband could afford the time off work to have their baby.

Day-to-day: A new spoof PSA tells the story of Lauren, a woman living in Denver who doesn't have paid maternity leave, so decides to stay pregnant

'He used his vacation days caring for his elderly mother, so she's stockpiling her vacation and sick days so she can give birth when her baby is six years old,' she explains.

Lauren is seen in the video being helped out of her chair by a pair of men, swallowing handfuls of Tums and struggling up flights of stairs.

One clip shows her apparently in a meeting while her child's movements sent large ripples across her expanded belly.

Dealing with it: The video shows Lauren gobbling Tums as she continues to deal with pregnancy symptoms five years on

Heading back: The video is narrated by actress Sophia Bush, who donated her time 

The narrator reveals that Lauren and her husband thought about moving somewhere that has paid family leave, 'which is almost every country except the United States'.

However, their plans were apparently dashed because Lauren hasn't been able to fly since 2012.

The video ends with Lauren waddling out to the parking lot after a long day and a toy car falling to the ground between her legs - apparently from her womb - before picking it up and continuing her arduous journey across the lot.

Keep it up: The character is seen 'basically doing one giant kegel' to keep in the first grade-aged child in her uterus

Playtime: The end of the clip sees Lauren pick up a toy car that apparently fell out of her womb

'Using a hyperbolic scenario—a woman who has spent the last five years basically doing one giant kegel to keep a first-grader in her uterus because she can’t afford to have her baby—made sense to get our point across,' writer Eli Terry told AdWeek.

'And if a 260-week pregnant woman doesn’t move people to act, we don’t know what will.' 

Vice president of the National Partnership for Women & Families Vicki Shabo added that: '82 percent of 2016 voters — including 95 percent of Democrats, 84 percent of independents and 70 percent of Republicans — say it is important for the President and Congress to consider a national paid family and medical leave law. People must keep up the drumbeat for change.'

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