
Newspaper articles

From the Torres News

Parliamentary Debates

  • Australian Parliamentary Debates
  • Following the Apology, Members of Parliament and Senators made statements about and debated the Apology.  You can search the House of Representatives Hansard or the Senate Hansard for the following dates to read the debates on the Apology to Australia’s Indigenous Peoples.
  • House of Representatives:  Wednesday, 13 February 2008 (includes balance for Tuesday, 12 February) : Apology to Australia's Indigenous peoples -- Thursday, 14 February 2008 -- Monday, 18 February 2008 -- Tuesday 19 February 2008 -- Wednesday 20th February 2008
  • Senate: Wednesday, 13 February 2008 – 14 February 2008



  • Order an Apology DVD from Reconciliation Australia
  • From APH via
  • Greens on UTube and the Convergence on Canberra
  • It's A Long Road Back
    Director: Coral Edwards
    Released: 1981
    Duration: 12 minutes
    DVD $19.95 incl. GST, plus postage
    ISBN 978 0 85575 628 4
    Between 1883 and 1969, approximately 6,000 Aboriginal children in New South Wales were taken from their families and put into institutions run by Aborigines Welfare Board. While in the �homes’, the children were deprived of their Aboriginal identity. This film tells of the effects that such an upbringing had and the struggle of one woman to regain her Aboriginality.
  • Link-Up Diary
    Director: David MacDougall.
    Released: 1987
    Duration: 90 minutes
    Audience: secondary, tertiary
    DVD $19.95 incl. GST, plus postage
    ISBN 978 0 85575 629 1
    A film about the effects of the New South Wales government's long-term practice of forced removal of Aboriginal children. It takes the form of a personal journey by film-maker David MacDougall as he spends a week 'on the road' with three workers of Link-Up, an Aboriginal organisation devoted to reuniting Aboriginal families whose children were taken.

The Prime Ministers annual Close The Gap statements

In his Apology to Australia’s Indigenous People’s the Prime Minister, Kevin Rudd, made the following statement regarding closing the gaps in the social inequalities faced by Indigenous Australians:

This new partnership on closing the gap will set concrete targets for the future: within a decade to halve the widening gap in literacy, numeracy and employment outcomes and opportunities for Indigenous children, within a decade to halve the appalling gap in infant mortality rates between Indigenous and non-Indigenous children and, within a generation, to close the equally appalling 17-year life gap between Indigenous and non-Indigenous when it comes when it comes to overall life expectancy.

So, since 2009, the Prime Minister has given a report to the Parliament on Closing the Gap.

These are all recorded on the website of the Department of Families, Housing, Community Services and Indigenous Affairs (FAHCSIA).


Apology websites