
Download Video Download Audio Transcribe / Translate This week: 1. Asian floods 2. Ice Ice Baby 3. Hot pockets 4. Bread ban 5. Phytoplankton apocalypse 6. Intergalactic pimp 7. Under Pressure 8. If I was president Download Video Download Audio Transcribe / Translate This week: 1. Asian floods 2. Ice...

Fuck Patience

Download Video Transcribe / Translate The final piece from END:CIV is both a reality check and a call to arms. Can we really expect the power structures to change their destructive ways by asking nicely? Do we have unlimited time to stop the destruction of the planet? The answer to...

The Dharma of Radicals

Dharma: I had planned to throw a concise definition on here about the word, but really, I don’t think it can be defined very easily. It has something to do with leading a flourishing life that is of virtue, the conscience and being just (and thanks to post-modernism all of...

Sugar Water

Download Video Download Audio Transcribe / Translate This Week: 1. Butt Pluggers 2. Orwellian Decoder Ring 3. Enbridge’s giant metal cock 4. M.E.N.D. is back 5. Rioting Irish in Belfast 6. Russian forest defense 7. Lolita Lebrón R.I.P. 8. Meet me in the basement 9. G20 arrestee report Download Video...

subMedia events in August

Join this month in Vancouver and Victoria for a couple of special events. 1. Global Premier of the next motherfuckin sedition @ 12th & Clark in VanShitty Sunday August 8th @ 8pm @ 12th and Clark FREE . 2. Outlaws in the Fort: Fundraiser for G20 prisoners and Forest...

Pacifying Resistance

Download Video Transcribe / Translate Some of the most celebrated social justice victories of the 20th century are attributed to the great pacifists of our time, Mahatma Gandhi and Martin Luther King. This constitutes a historical whitewash, as these “victories” were achieved when the state weighed its options and chose...

¡Hasta la pasta compañerxs!

Some idiot somewhere once said that all good things have to come to an end. But why? Who the fuck knows, but after doing this show for 10 fuckin years, we decided to call it quits and try something new. What the new thing is, you’ll just have to wait...


Gooood morning slaves, as some of you may know, this month my fuckin show turns 10 years old.  Anywho, throughout the years slaves everywhere have had many questions for me that I’ve never had the time to answer such as: What is your favorite taco? Is Agitator your brother? What...

How To Burn An American Flag

In light of Trump’s tweet stating that flag burning should be criminalized, we give you a step by step on how to properly torch the stars and stripes. In light of Trump’s tweet stating that flag burning should be criminalized, we give you a step by step on how to...

Trump: What How What

In the wake of the election of Donald Trump, many peeps are freaking the fuck out. Well, step back, take a breath and watch our analysis. NOW MORE THAN EVER SUPPORT RADICAL ANTI-FASCIST INDEPENDENT MEDIA What can we expect? Racists attacks, Deportations, and appointments of neo-fascists and corporatists On the...

The Revolution has come!

This week we bring you a special sedition on the anniversary of one of the most bad-ass and sophisticated revolutionary organizations in the United Snakes… The Black Panther Party. If you love our reports, consider making a donation We kick things off by setting the stage in AmeriKKKa during a...

Requiem for Syria

  In this latest report, we take an in-depth look at the Syrian Revolution, in an attempt to sift through all the fear-mongering and disinformation that prevents people from giving Syrians the revolutionary solidarity they deserve.  Along the way, we take a closer look at what can sometimes be anarchists’...

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