Street Seen

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This was published 7 years ago

Street Seen

By Joanne Brookfield

I AM AT Cirque du Soleil's Kooza in Flemington
I AM a choreographer
I AM WEARING My acid wash over-size denim jacket is from Camden Market in London. I have a lot of denim jackets but this one is my favourite being so oversized. The T-shirt is a bit vintage and my ex bought this for me a few years ago. I love high-waist pants and these are from Lost and Found market in Brunswick East. I'm all about pop and colour and anything a little bit different. I'm wearing my go-to Top Shop boots, Bailey and Nelson glasses, glitter nail polish and rings from markets in Shoreditch. My choker is from Venice Beach, the boy I was with at the time said "I'll buy it for you".
MY STYLE IS I would call myself a gender illusionist. Like one day I wanna dress real boy, I'll leave the facial hair, I'll look like a young guy, then some other days I wanna look real camp and wear a bit of make-up. My style is ever changing.
I ADMIRE THE STYLE OF being a dancer, a lot of dancers I look up to and everyone influences each other.
MY FAVOURITE LABEL IS right now I'm digging W.I.A just because I'm heading back into choreographing and teaching so I'm getting some new comfy over-sized stuff that I can wear in the studio.
MY FAVOURITE PLACE TO SHOP You can't go wrong with New York.
MY BIGGEST FASHION MISTAKE WAS I'm embarrassed to admit this but way back when canvas shoes were in fashion with velcro straps across the foot.
WHEN I WAS A KID my parents were good and let me do my own thing.
I WOULD NEVER BE CAUGHT DEAD IN those canvas shoes again.

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