Good luck trying to front run Geoff Wilson and WAM Leaders

Chris Stott, chief investment officer, Wilson Asset Management says Ardent Leisure is undervalued.
Chris Stott, chief investment officer, Wilson Asset Management says Ardent Leisure is undervalued. Jessica Hromas

One of the worst kept secrets in the broking and funds management world is the game being played by those wanting to double guess the actions of well known fund manager Geoff Wilson from Wilson Asset Management (WAM).

Wilson just set an equity capital markets record for a listed investment company (LIC) by raising $394.3 million through an initial public offering. That IPO broke the LIC record set last year by the Magellan Global Equities Fund, which raised $378 million.

Wilson's new LIC, called WAM Leaders, will begin trading on the ASX on Monday.

It will invest in the top 200 stocks with a slight twist. The pitch for financial planners and retail investors was that WAM Leaders would provide good returns while avoiding the top 20 stocks, which includes stalwarts such as BHP Billiton, Rio Tinto and the big four banks.

The game being played in the market revolves around trying to work out which stocks will end up in the WAM Leaders portfolio and then buy them ahead of Wilson. In common parlance this is called front running.

Wilson reckons it is already happening judging from recent trading in Mayne Pharma, a stock that has been favoured by existing funds in the WAM group and was named in the promotional documents issued during the capital raising.

Since May 19, the stock has risen 15 per cent to a record high of $1.56.

Chris Stott, WAM's chief investment officer, says he has already identified the 27 companies that will be in the WAM Leaders portfolio. But he refuses to name them.

Wilson says WAM Leaders will disclose the name of a handful of companies in the portfolio with the release of the first net tangible asset figure at the end of May.

Stott says it will probably take three or four months before WAM Leaders is fully invested.

The LIC will keep about 30 per cent of its assets in cash.

There is an interesting back story to the launch of WAM Leaders. Wilson originally intended to restructure Century Australia Investments which involved sacking the current manager of the LIC, Perennial Value Management.

But Perennial's John Murray responded to the WAM proposal with a proposal of his own but that was not accepted by the board.

It is arguable that Murray did Wilson a favour by killing off a messy backdoor listing and encouraging a clean slate.