Rio Tinto shareholders lukewarm on share buybacks

Rio Tinto, led by CEO Jean-Sebastien Jacques, needs to work out what to do with surplus cash.
Rio Tinto, led by CEO Jean-Sebastien Jacques, needs to work out what to do with surplus cash. Daniel Munoz

Rio Tinto shareholders are split over the merit of conducting share buybacks next month, with one major Australian investor suggesting dividends would be a better use of spare cash given the company's lofty share price.

Rio's Australian shares touched a 22-month high this week, having rallied more than 61 per cent over the past year on the back of stronger than expected prices for iron ore and coal in particular.

The strong commodity prices have accelerated the decline of Rio's debt obligations, leading many analysts to speculate the company will have spare cash to deploy into share buybacks as early as next month.

Australian Foundation Investment Company (AFIC) is the seventh biggest holder of Rio's Australian shares, and managing director Ross Barker said his company was not opposed to the concept of share buybacks, but he was unsure they were the best option at this time.

"We are not convinced that Rio shares at current prices represent compelling value as a buy given that they have risen more than 50 per cent from their low a year ago," he told The Australian Financial Review.

"The logic of buying back shares should not just be for [earnings per share] accretion; ideally it should be the best return on funds that the company can achieve on the investment of those funds.

"Thus, if they do buy back shares they should do it when the price is low and they represent an attractive investment, rather than when the share price is high," Mr Barker said.

Rio's London listed shares often trade at a discount to the company's Australian listed shares, particularly since Britain voted to leave the European Union last June.

Mr Barker said that discount on the London shares meant they should be targeted if a buyback did go ahead.

"Given the imbalance in the [dual-listed company] structure between Rio PLC and Rio Ltd and that the RIO PLC shares often trade at a discount, if any shares are bought back on market then we prefer they do it in the UK through Rio PLC," he said.

"As a Rio Tinto Ltd investor our first preference is for fully franked dividends; we can pass these on readily to our shareholders."

K2 Asset Management managing director Campbell Neal said he would prefer to see Rio chase growth opportunities. "You only do a buyback if you can't see a good way to deploy your cash elsewhere," he said. "I would rather see them find opportunities out there to continue to grow.

"There are probably some bargains around the world they should be looking at instead."

But other investors were more comfortable with the notion of a buyback.

Tribeca Investment Partners global natural resources fund manager Ben Cleary pointed to Rio's failed acquisitions of Riversdale Mining and Alcan over the past decade and said it might be safer for the company to return cash rather than attempt further investments in growth.

"They will have to buy back stock and other capital management initiatives," he said.

The comments come just two months after Argo Investments chief executive Jason Beddow said he believed it was too early in the mining sector's recovery for shareholder returns to start expanding once more.

Rio shares closed 44ยข higher at $63.14 on Wednesday.