BHP Billiton's growth still hinges on oil prices

BHP Billiton executives Geoff Healy, left, and Andrew Mackenzie speak in the lobby of Trump Tower in New York.
BHP Billiton executives Geoff Healy, left, and Andrew Mackenzie speak in the lobby of Trump Tower in New York. AP

Some observers were underwhelmed when Andrew Mackenzie fronted investors in Miami last year to spruik the latent growth potential lurking within BHP Billiton's portfolio of assets.

With commodity prices at dismal levels, the market found it hard to get excited about an increased spend on exploration, and new methods to extract a few extra tonnes each year in commodities such as iron ore and coal, which were perceived to be beyond their best days.

Rio Tinto had just announced a $US5.3 billion expansion of the Oyu Tolgoi copper mine, a $US1.9 billion bauxite expansion in Queensland and a $US338 million iron ore expansion at Silvergrass in Western Australia, and the comparison to those big spending items did not flatter BHP in the eyes of investors who were keen to see counter-cyclical investment in growth.

But nine months on from that landmark speech, the pieces of Mr Mackenzie's plan to unlock "low-cost, latent growth" are starting to come together.

An extraordinary rebound in commodity prices has reminded investors of the potential value associated with incremental production gains in some divisions, and with several bigger-ticket growth items likely to win approval in 2017, BHP's growth pipeline is looking healthier.

Take the coal division for example, which was well on the way to a $US349 million annual loss before interest and tax when Mackenzie addressed investors in Miami.

In that loss-making context, the potential to eke an extra 4 million tonnes per year of coking coal out of BHP and Mitsubishi's Queensland operations was at best underwhelming, and at worst seemed to risk exacerbating an apparent over-supply of coal.

But within six months coking coal prices had quadrupled on the back of supply cuts in China and a host of small interruptions at Australian mines.

Unused capacity

By November 2016 BHP was making more than $US230 profit margin on each tonne sold, and the potential to move an extra 4 million tonnes was suddenly a much more attractive proposition.

The opportunity to grow output in the coking coal division lies in the 4 million tonnes of unused wash-plant capacity at the Caval Ridge mine in the Bowen Basin. 

BHP will decide this year whether to build an 11-kilometre conveyor from the Peak Downs mine to the Caval Ridge wash-plant to make use of the spare capacity.

The project appears highly likely be approved, but in a surprise, BHP is already seizing on that spare capacity; the company's January production report revealed that BHP had been running trucks between Peak Downs and Caval Ridge during the quarter, in an apparent attempt to produce as much coal as possible while prices were high.

"Record production at Peak Downs was achieved during the December 2016 quarter with coal opportunistically trucked to Caval Ridge in order to utilise latent wash-plant capacity," said BHP in its report.

The same report demonstrated that a two-pronged approach to lifting output from Chile's Escondida copper mine was also fast taking shape.

BHP and its partners in Escondida, Rio Tinto and a host of Japanese companies, committed to a $US3.4 billion desalination plant in 2013 that will deliver its first water within the next eight weeks.

The new plant means the lack of water in the Andes mountains will not constrain production at Escondida for the forseeable future.

Increasing output

The second prong is the $US180 million refurbishment and restart an old concentrator at Escondida known as Los Colorados. 

The concentrator was set to be demolished to allow the Escondida partners to mine a copper deposit beneath, but they decided to keep the concentrator after finding a different way to access the deposit.

The refurbishment is due to be completed within five months, meaning Escondida will be serviced by three concentrators for the first time in its history next financial year.

That should allow output to rise by almost 30 per cent to 1.2 million tonnes per year.

A further copper growth option will be assessed before Christmas, when the BHP board decides whether to spend $US2.2 billion expanding Chile's Spence copper mine into deep underground ores. 

If approved, the Spence growth option will increase production by about 200,000 tonnes per year by 2020, which is the equivalent of adding the annual copper output of the Olympic Dam mine to BHP's copper portfolio.

A new avenue for growth in BHP's iron ore division was also evident in the recent quarterly report, with the news that a campaign of maintenance on the company's pilbara railways would be completed nine months sooner than expected.

The maintenance is expected to reduce train journey times between the mine and Port Hedland by about 5 per cent, which should help the pilbara division push toward its ultimate goal of exporting 290 million tonnes before the end of the decade.

'The Achilles' heel'

"Three of the four pillars are delivering and they are making great progress in some instances like iron ore where they are running slightly ahead of where they thought they would be nine months ago," said UBS analyst Glyn Lawcock this week.

"But the Achilles' heel still remains that [petroleum] liquids business, which by its very nature is a declining business."

Therein lies the rub for BHP, which has had declining overall production for close to two years now, with most (though not all) of the blame owing to the struggles of its petroleum division. 

Only the coking coal division reported higher production year-on-year in fiscal 2016, and while production or iron ore, coking coal, nickel and copper are forecast to rise in fiscal 2017, those efforts will be overshadowed by further declines in the petroleum division.

That means total growth across the group (measured in the standardised "copper equivalent" form) is tipped to be either negative or flat this year, and possibly next year as well.

It's worth noting that the petroleum division's declining output is, to a large degree, deliberate, after the company chose to keep its US shale resource in the ground while oil and gas prices are low. But BHP's offshore oil assets are also ageing and their production is in permanent decline.

So it's no surprise that in the nine months since Mr Mackenzie's Miami speech, BHP's growth efforts have been mostly focused on the petroleum division.

The company's spend on exploring for deepwater oil deposits has been lifted from $US567 million in fiscal 2015 to $US820 million this year.

'A lot of this is about timing'

In an example of pragmatism winning over principle, BHP chose to hedge some of its US shale gas production in an effort to lock in a profitable outcome.

While only a small trial, the company's January production report revealed the hedging strategy would be expanded from one rig to two rigs, proving the potential for more profitable production to be brought online.

A more significant addition to BHP's growth pipeline was announced in December, when the company agreed to pay at least $US382.4 million, and potentially $US1.2 billion for a stake in prospective Mexican offshore acreage, which includes the Trion oil discovery.

Trion won't fix BHP's growth challenge any time soon; analysts believe the project is unlikely to be developed before 2023 and will cost north of $US10 billion to build, but it's in the pipeline.

A further effort to slow BHP's declining production rate of conventional offshore oil could be announced within weeks, with BHP highly likely to approve an expansion of the Mad Dog oil rig in the US section of the Gulf of Mexico.

The approval will cost BHP at least $US2 billion and it's not expected to be delivering oil before 2021, but it also adds to the pipeline.

So with the Mad Dog oil and Spence copper expansions likely to be approved by Christmas, Mr Lawcock says the contrast between BHP and Rio's growth profiles may soon appear less stark than it did this time last year.

"A lot of this is about timing; one year Rio was approving projects and now BHP is going to be approving projects," he said.

When comparing the two companies' growth profiles, a lot will hinge on the trajectory of oil prices.

If oil prices rise over the next few years, as BHP expects them to, then the company can quickly deploy more rigs on its best shale acreage in Texas' Eagle Ford and Permian basins, and drive up production.

But if oil prices stay lower for longer, BHP's growth profile will continue to underwhelm for the next few years.

"BHP has negative volume growth over the rest of this decade if they maintain the current rig count in the US onshore," said Mr Lawcock.

"The bulk commodities story is playing out, [Mackenzie's] base metals story is mostly playing out, but his oil and gas strategy appears to still be waiting for a bit more price."