BHP Billiton keeps on trucking in the war on costs

BHP Billiton iron ore asset president Edgar Basto says the company's culture has changed as part of its productivity push.
BHP Billiton iron ore asset president Edgar Basto says the company's culture has changed as part of its productivity push. TREVOR COLLENS

In a sector where mines can live for decades, at a company with more than 150 years of history, it might seem unusual that anyone is worried about 35 minutes.

But for Edgar Basto, the head of BHP Billiton's iconic Western Australian iron ore (WAIO) operations, every minute counts.

Previously, when one of the massive trucks at BHP's Whaleback mine came up for its 250-hour maintenance check, it would take 35 minutes for it to drive from the pit of the mine to the workshop.

But by changing the way it approaches the maintenance check, using what is known internally as a "pit stop" process, BHP has slashed the time taken from 12 hours to as little as two. And equally importantly, the check can now be done at a service point down in the mine pit, eliminating that 35-minute trek to the workshop.

How BHP Billiton is cutting the cost of truck maintenance
How BHP Billiton is cutting the cost of truck maintenance

With the iron ore price stubbornly – and happily for BHP and its peers – staying above $US80 a tonne, every minute matters. Whaleback, the world's biggest open-cut iron ore mine, is now producing more than at any time in its history, and with fewer trucks.

BHP is pushing to achieve $US2.2 billion ($2.87 billion) in productivity gains across the 2016 and 2017 financial years and in the mining sector's war on costs, trucks have become a crucial battleground.

Every part of the truck provides a chance to make gains, from the engine to the wheel ends. Across BHP Billiton's fleet of massive 793 CAT trucks, which are worth up to $US5 million each and can haul more than 200 tonnes of material, Basto and his team have managed to increase the life of some components by more than 20 per cent.

Inexpensive fix

By monitoring data such as how much fuel the truck engine burns, the number of hours before an engine is changed out has increased from 20,000 to 24,000 at two mine sites. Radiator change-outs have gone from every 20,000 hours to 30,000 hours.

Even the job of changing oil and other lubricants has been redesigned. Previously a pump on board a truck was used to flush oil out of the truck's system, but it was a time-consuming a process. The installation of faster external pumps has provided a simple and relatively inexpensive fix.

For Basto, a 27-year BHP veteran, almost as important as the ideas themselves is where they come from.

Around 15 per cent of the 9000 direct employees at WAIO has come up with initiatives; in 2016 there were about 1860 initiatives created, with 1060 related to cost, 250 each in the areas of safety and culture, and the remainder on increasing throughput. The pace has actually picked up in the last month, with 400 new ideas generated in the last 30 days as part of a renewed productivity push.

While the drive to cut costs has been forced on the mining sector by lower commodity prices, Basto insists it is part of a "significant shift in culture".

"The key point then is how do we engage different layers of our organisation, how do we listen more, how do we embrace new ways of thinking, how do we promote collaboration?"

Not surprisingly in a company the size of BHP, you do it with systems and processes.

Follow up on ideas

Each week, at each site, a team meets in a specially created "war room" to discuss news ideas and monitor the progress (BHP calls it the "cadence") of ideas already in train. An initiative starts at level zero and progresses to level four or five, depending on how it develops and is rolled out.

"We have developed a well-structured approach to follow up on ideas, because ideas per se are no good if you're not able to make sure that the value's being delivered," Basto says.

There are no monetary rewards for offered ideas, although Basto took a few teams to the footy in Perth last year to recognise their efforts. Basto says a sense of healthy competition, or "healthy tension" as he describes it, keeps the various sites on their toes.

The organisational restructure introduced by chief executive Andrew Mackenzie in early 2016 is also helping to speed up the adoption of good ideas across the wider BHP world, according to Basto.

Because all of BHP's Australian mining operations are now under the purview of the Minerals Australia division run by Mike Henry, processes and systems introduced at the company's domestic coal mines, at Olympic Dam and its Nickel West operation are flowing more easily into WAIO, and vice versa. Previously, BHP was organised around product lines, so the iron ore miners talked mainly to the other iron ore miners in the BHP world.

"I think by just removing layers in the organisation that is allowing for more contact with the different businesses," Basto says. "We have started to enable a level of replication that we have not seen before."

The results of one big productivity push at WAIO were seen in BHP's December quarter production report, released last week. The company revealed that a two-year rail track maintenance and renewal program will finish up to nine months ahead of schedule, in the June quarter.

Influence the design of mines

Basto says that it used to take as much as 10 hours to re-rail 1.5 kilometres of track, including the time that the track needed to be out of operation as the teams prepared to do the job.

But now the re-rail team can do 2 to 3 kilometres in four hours and have their sights set on "six in six" – that is, six kilometres of track in six hours.

A number of strategies are being used to reduce the time needed for the job, including changes to the way the teams prepared for the task and move materials around. One of the biggest factors in the "six in six" drive was an idea to weld rail strings together onsite (thus reducing the time the train line needed to be in "possession" of the renewal crew) and in lengths of up to 1.2 kilometres (cutting the number of welds needed).

Basto is now hunting for ways to take the productivity push further. For example, talking with truck makers about ways they would tweak their designs to extend the life of components and make maintenance tasks easier.

The flood of ideas will also influence the design of mines in the future, including the operation that could eventually replace BHP's ageing Yandi mine in the Pilbara – a project whose future has been placed under a cloud by the plan from WA Nationals leader Brendon Grylls to dramatically raise mining taxes on BHP and Rio Tinto's Pilbara operations.

"Some of the assumptions, some of the productivity numbers we are seeing, some of these ideas that are coming from the current operations will also have an impact on how we see the development of those mines in the future," Basto says.

But for now, his focus is on continuing to do more with less across WAIO.

"What I have seen with this is that if you pay attention, if you listen to the guys, you energise them so they can come up with new ideas."